"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (


Chang Xia yawned and came out of the cave.

"Nanfeng, Elder Senda—" Chang Xia looked around, Elder Pukang was sitting outside the cave eating jerky, other orcs were sitting or standing, chatting in twos and threes, but Elder Senda was nowhere to be seen. .

"Hot, hot." Nan Feng was eating roasted potatoes, listening to Chang Xia asking about Elder Senda's whereabouts, shook his head and said, "I don't know, he left in the afternoon and never came back. However, this is Twin Valley, Elder Senda. Nothing will happen."

If something really happened, it should also be the snake python from the Twin Valley.

Shen Rong took the baked potato and handed it to Chang Xia, comforting: "Don't worry about Chang Xia, maybe Elder Senda was so happy to see his old friend that he forgot the time. Go wash your face and wait until you go to Waigu Tribe Square, Snake The clan prepared a bonfire dinner."

In the distance, Elder Senda walking on the pontoon.

Suddenly, when he heard Shen Rong's words, his face turned green and white.

This group of bastards, behind his back, really talked a lot.

Cough cough!

Senda coughed twice.

Hearing the sound, Chang Xia and the other orcs turned around and raised their heads.

"Elder Senda, are you willing to come back?" Nan Feng said narrowly.

Elder Senda's mouth twitched. Since Chang Xia's adulthood, the girl Nanfeng has become more and more small, and she dares to say anything and run on anyone.

"..." Senda took a deep breath and calmed down the irritable emotions in his heart. Looking at his group of beast cubs waiting to watch the play, the joy of meeting Sheguo'er and Snake just now disappeared in an instant, "The matter of the adults, you less. ask."

The long summer is full of black lines.

This is really a panacea.

However, Elder Senda confirms that this is not a case of embarrassment?

"Elder Senda, do you know Elder Sheguo'er?" Chang Xia asked with a smile, afraid that if Nanfeng spoke again, it would anger Elder Senda. However, she couldn't hold back her curiosity. When they rescued Snake Cubs in the Xiaohechuan Plain, Elder Senda did not show any strangeness, and said that Snake Cubs might be from Sheguo'er's family...

"I know." Senda smiled and nodded.

Elder Senda nodded, and all the orcs were immediately excited. Pushing and shoving, Nan Feng was pushed in front of Elder Senda.

"What's your relationship?"

"you guess--"

After a long while, Elder Senda curled his lips and returned the word Nanfeng.


In an instant.

The orcs suffocated for a while.

When did Elder Senda also learn to tease people?

"Nanfeng, Chang Xia, have they rested?"

At this moment, the voice of the snake patriarch came from far to near, from a distance.

In the outer valley, the Snake Tribe Square is lively and noisy. The Snake Clan looked forward to meeting Chang Xia, and similarly, the orcs of other Orc tribes also looked forward to meeting Chang Xia.

"Patriarch Snake Snake, we'll come over immediately." Chang Xia replied.

Chang Xia replied, Shen Rong and the other orcs got up one after another, preparing to join the other orcs in the past. After all, tonight's bonfire dinner was specially organized by the Snake Clan to welcome Chang Xia Zhangluo, so they couldn't go too late.

"Let's go!"

With a shout, the orcs walked down from the cave and crossed the river.

Soon, he joined the Snake Patriarch and ran towards Waigu Tribe Square.


When the two sides meet.

Maple Leaf Honeydew's eyes fell on Snake Patriarch from time to time.

The snake snake patriarch twitched the corner of his mouth.

Yu Guang looked at Elder Senda with a little doubt. Could it be that Elder Senda slipped his tongue? Based on what she knew about her grandfather, he didn't seem to be talkative.

Elder Senda waved his hand gently.


The Snake Patriarch understands that Chang Xia and the others still don't know about the relationship between his grandfather and Eminem. However, according to this rhythm, it is estimated that it will not be hidden for too long.

never mind--

Since they like to play, it's up to them.

It's been a hundred years, and it's still a little short of effort?

Thinking of this, the snake patriarch suddenly regained his composure. Indifferently looked at Maple Leaf and the others, and after a while, a group of orcs successfully came to the Outer Valley Tribe Square.

At this time, the Outer Valley Tribe Square was crowded with people.



Patriarch Tago of the Yuanhu tribe; Patriarch Hu Qi of the Qingqiu tribe; Patriarch Xifeng of the Dadi tribe, etc., all familiar or unfamiliar faces waved their hands and called out Chang Xia's name.

Chang Xia smiled and greeted many orcs one by one.

After saying hello, the Snake Patriarch invited Chang Xia and the others to take their seats. Tonight's bonfire dinner is mainly based on snake cold dishes and raw food, plus pancakes and other foods.

"Changxia, come and taste the cold dishes and raw food of the Snake Clan." Nanfeng said.

Bring one after another special food to Chang Xia. At the same time, let Snake Walk greet Shen Rong Baiqing and the others to move their chopsticks.

Chang Xia heard Nanfeng complain about the food of the Snake Clan before.

She carefully looked at the food in front of her. It was different from the usual food. It was obviously a bonfire dinner, but the food on the table didn't have a trace of heat.

The Snake Patriarch took the lead in moving his chopsticks, but the Snake Fruit elder did not show up. The other snake clan elders didn't seem to come over, and the snake clan elder took the lead.


"Well! Don't rush, I'll eat pancakes first."

Chang Xia doesn't dare to eat half-cooked food. The raw pickles and fish paste of the mallard tribe are clearly known to be raw. However, the food of the snake clan is half-life, which makes Chang Xia a little stressed.

She saw the roast meat in Shen Rong's hands.

The roasted meat was obviously six or seven minutes cooked, and the meat in the middle was still bloodshot.

Barbecue~www.wuxiamtl.com~Changxia only accepts medium rare.

Very cooked, slightly burnt.

That's why Chang Xia likes to be cooked at nine points. The feeling of gravy splattering in his mouth is super cool.

"Chang Xia, I like to eat cooked meat. The barbecue is half cooked, I dare not eat it." Chang Xia stared at Nan Feng and said honestly. She didn't dislike it, but she didn't dare to eat it.

Nan Feng pointed to the stewed meat next to him and said, "Try the cold stewed meat, this is cooked. Don't eat the grilled meat. The grilled meat of the Snake Clan is medium rare."

One listen.

Chang Xia secretly rejoiced.

She thought that the barbecue was half-rare, but who knew it was medium-rare.

However, Shen Rong seemed to like it very much. On the table, the other orcs ate happily. It seems that this half-cooked barbecue seems to fit the taste of the orcs unexpectedly.

Under the guidance of Nanfeng, Chang Xia sandwiched a piece of stew.

"Nanfeng, why is this stew called cold stew?" Chang Xia took a careful bite. It was cooked and didn't taste bloody. This cold stew is surprisingly tender and rich in gravy, and honestly, it tastes amazing.

Nanfeng Road: "Cold stew is a unique creation of the Snake Clan. After stewing, soak it in the cold soup for a day, then steam it and let it cool." The Snake Clan do not eat hot food, even soup It's cold.

It is said that it is related to the tongue of the snake tribe. They are not used to hot food.

"Maple Leaf, you all try this cold stew." Chang Xia greeted.

As soon as she said that, all the orcs on the table attacked the cold stew. Not far away, the patriarch of Snake Snake saw that Chang Xia moved his chopsticks and breathed a sigh of relief.

Chang Xia did not act for a long time, and the Snake Patriarch was quite nervous.

This bonfire dinner is prepared for Chang Xia, how can the Snake Clan feel at ease if she doesn't eat it.

"Chang Xia is right, this cold stew tastes really good."

"A little Q, very strong. It tastes a bit like fish balls."

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