Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 618: Rouge Tears Reward Plus More

"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"Maple Leaf, do you know what to order?" Chang Xia whispered.

There is something in the words of the elder Pukang, which makes people think about it. In addition, the strange attitudes of the Snake Patriarch and Senda Elder.

Maple Leaf shook his head and said, "Few members of the tribe dare to gossip about the elders."

Elder Pukang did not find a partner, and Elder Senda had never heard of a partner. This thing doesn't sound right. Is there something between Elder Senda and Elder Sheguo'er? Before, why didn't I hear the clansman talking about it.

Last time, it was said that the patriarch root had a fight with the snake patriarch.

think about.

The eyes of the orcs grew brighter and brighter.

He secretly poked and peeked at Elder Senda.

"What are you looking at?" Senda smiled, looking at Nanfeng Maple Leaf and other orcs with gentle eyes, and that smile resembled the lion's elder Siman.

However, Elder Siman's smile is approachable.

Elder Senda's smile is a thorn with thorns, piercing people.

"No, I didn't see it." Nan Feng shivered and said neatly.

Maple Leaf's face turned, pretending to look at the scenery of the outer valley of the Twin Valley, looking left and right, but did not dare to fall on Elder Senda again.

Chang Xia's mouth twitched slightly.

"Elder Senda, do you know Elder Sheguo'er?" Chang Xia Tie Tie, with big, beautiful eyes, looked at Elder Senda without fear of death. Even the snakes and pythons on both sides of the road did not frighten Chang Xia.

Elder Senda lowered his head and met Chang Xia's curious eyes.

He slowly stretched out his hand, pressed it on top of Chang Xia's head, rubbed it twice, and said, "I know." After saying these three words, a flash of memory flashed across Elder Senda's face.

At that time, he had not been crowned the snake catcher.

Sheguo'er is not a so-called elder.


"Chang Xia, you are tired. Let Nanfeng take you to rest. Twin Valley is also known as Snake Valley. You'd better not walk around alone."

Elder Senda intercepted Chang Xia's words and told her to pay more attention to safety.

Glancing at the elder Pukang, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the eyes of the orcs. Seeing this scene, Chang Xia and the others were stunned.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Pukang~~"

With a smile, Chang Xia walked up to the elder Pukang, stretched out a small hand and pulled the corner of the elder Pukang's clothes, acting coquettishly with him.

Elder Pukang froze.

"Xiao Changxia, this matter... Grandpa can't tell. Otherwise, you ask something else, you ask, and I will tell you." Pukang said softly. Afraid of scaring Chang Xia, she deliberately lowered the volume and persuaded Chang Xia with her throat squeezed.

Senda and Sheguoer.

The elder Pukang wanted to say, but he didn't dare to say it. After all, this was the territory of the elder Sheguo'er. It really annoyed that crazy female. He was afraid that he would be kicked out of the Sheyue tribe.

Over the years, the elder Sheguoer no longer goes out.

However, as an elder Pukang, who is the same age as elder Sheguoer, I don't believe that her fiery personality will change.

"Grandpa, Elder Sheguo'er is very powerful?"

"Very powerful, his temperament is more explosive and fierce than that of snakes."

Hearing this, Chang Xia couldn't help smacking his tongue.

A female that even the elders of Pukang are afraid of, Chang Xia is curious.

"Changxia, where do you want to live? The snake house has not yet been built. There are caves and tree houses. It is also possible to build animal houses on the spot when the weather is hot. It's just that there are many insects and ants in the Twin Valley." Nanfeng said and explained, although I'm also curious about Elder Senda.


The most urgent task is to settle Chang Xia and his party of orcs.

Chang Xia looked at the tree house where the snake tribe lived. Considering the reason of the snake and python, she resolutely chose the cave.

"Nanfeng, I choose the cave."

Cave with doors and windows. It's not as good as your own cave, but it's safer than a tree house.

The tree house built between the branches feels fluffy in the long summer. The main reason is that Gemini Valley has the title of Snake Valley. Who can guarantee that after sleeping and waking up, there will be one or two snakes and pythons lying on the bedside.

this way.

The snake orcs did not approach to say hello.

However, Chang Xia saw many snakes and pythons.

Colorful, if you can ignore their types, it's pretty.

"Like Chang Xia, we choose to live in a cave. I'm not afraid of snakes and pythons, but if there are more, it will see people infiltrating." Maple Leaf said.

at this point.

Honeydew Qinghe expressed their support.

Except for the females of the snake race, the females of the orc race in the Twilight Forest probably have no love for snakes and pythons.

"I also live in a cave." Nanfeng said.

Saying that, he led Chang Xia and his group of orcs to the cave where they lived.

She originally lived in a tree house with Snakes, and the old Snake tribe and beast cubs lived in caves. Adult orcs, choose tree houses more. This makes it easier for them to nurture their little friends, and the light is brighter.

"It's more comfortable to live in a tree house. However, every morning in the tree house, you can see snakes and pythons clinging to it at any time. It's very intimidating."

Listen to what Nanfeng said.

All the orcs breathed a sigh of relief and firmly decided to live in the cave.

"I live in the north, and across this river, the cave is opposite the river. It is very convenient to get water. If you want to eat fish and shrimp, this river has it, but the river is relatively small, and the fish and shrimp in it are also small."

After living in the Snake Mountain tribe for two months, everyone who should know Nanfeng knows.

Initially, the Snake Clan wanted to dig cave dwellings in the Twin Valley.

Nanfeng confirmed the soil quality of the Twin Valleys and denied the decision to build a cave. As a result, the snake tribe was tangled in wooden houses and stone houses. The Snake Patriarch upholds democracy and does not intervene, which has led to the slow progress of the Snake Clan's house building.

However, construction is slow.

The Snake Clan's road repair is fast, and they complement each other when they drink and peck.

"Twin Valley, the environment is better than Magic Moon Valley." Chang Xia said. The Mochizuki Mountains have fertile soil, and the mountains and forests passing by are all black soil. If they are used for planting, the harvest will not be bad no matter what they plant.

No wonder the Snake Clan collects things like kudzu and kudzu, and does not need to plant them.

Every year, you can get a lot of money.

Snake Xing smirked and said, "I came back from the Heluo tribe and told the clansmen about the planting that Chang Xia told Nanfeng. When this wave of harvesting is over, the clansmen plan to try planting."

If the planting can be successful, in the future, the clan will be able to harvest enough food for the Snake clan without leaving the Twin Valley, which makes the lazy Snake clan very excited.

When it comes to being lazy, snakes and lions are serious.

"I'm waiting for good news from the Snake Clan." Chang Xia said happily.

After the trip, she plans to bring the collected seeds back to the Heluo tribe, ready to go to Xiaohechuan for trial planting. This time, Chang Xia intends to use the bloodline ability to open the hang.

think about.

Chang Xia was looking forward to returning to the Baihu cave.

Crossing the pontoon, the south wind made Chang Xia live in the cave next to his house. Maple Leaf and other orcs each found the nearest cave to settle down.

Most of the caves in the Outer Valley are idle, and the adult snake orcs prefer to live in tree houses.

This is convenient for Chang Xia and other orcs.

"Changxia, the cave has been cleaned. If you are worried, you can use wormwood mosquito incense to incense it. I asked Snake to help make a lot of wormwood mosquito coils. If you want to tell me, I will go back to the cave and get it for you. …”

"Take more, smoke it first and then go in."

There is a lesson from the past. Before Chang Xia and other orcs enter the cave, they are used to incense with wormwood and mosquito incense, so that they can live more at ease.

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