"Are you still asking?" Nan Feng whispered.

Shen Rong's expression was cold and gloomy. For a while, the three of Chang Xia became nervous.

"Ask, I'm here."

Suddenly, Elder Ying's hoarse voice sounded quietly in the ears of all the orcs.

Immediately, the four people in the living room jumped up in shock.

"Who are you?" Shen Rong had a gloomy face, wary of the dark shadows that suddenly appeared in the corner of the living room, **** it, he didn't realize when there was an extra person in the living room.

If this person wants to harm Chang Xia, he can't protect Chang Xia at all.

"Shadow, you can call me Elder Shadow." Shadow raised his head, revealing a wrinkled face. Bent, thin, and looks older than Grandma Min Yue.

However, Shen Rong felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"A Rong, Elder Ying is one of our own." Chang Xia heaved a sigh of relief, and said respectfully, "Elder Ying, please take a seat. When did you come here, why didn't you say hello to us?"

Chang Xia knew about Elder Ying's existence and had seen it.

Nanfeng looked at Elder Ying curiously. Nanfeng knew that some elders in the tribe had never shown up before. She tested the tone of the clan leader and was severely taught.


Nanfeng didn't ask any more questions.

Today, seeing Elder Ying suddenly, Nan Feng couldn't help but look at him.

Very old and weak.

Look, more like a gentle and harmless old man.

However, no one dared to underestimate this gentle and harmless old man who was crowned with the name of an elder.

"I've always been here." Ying Wen said.

Taking advantage of the trend, he walked onto the kang bed, and his eyes fell on the white paper on the kang table.

In the morning, the conversation between Chang Xia and the scavenging vine attracted Elder Ying's attention. At that time, Elder Shadow could still bear it, at most he was a little curious.

However, Chang Xia Nanfeng's conversation in the afternoon, plus the words of the carrion vine.

Elder Ying couldn't sit still anymore, so he chose to come to Baihu Cave in person.

Shadow Elder, Shadow Elder.

Wherever there is a shadow, there is his shadow. As long as the distance does not cross the entire Dusk Forest, he can travel freely. The Elder Shadow is one of the trump cards of the Heluo tribe, and he rarely shows up.

Upon hearing this, Shen Rong was completely stunned.

On the contrary, Chang Xia Nanfeng didn't feel anything wrong.

"Chang Xia, this old man is amazing!"

The carrion vine screamed, if it wasn't for having no feet, the carrion vine would have wanted to escape.

The elder shadow gives the feeling of rot-eating vines, full of deadly threats, close to dead plants.

"Elder Shadow is naturally powerful." Chang Xia said: "Elder Shadow, the scavenging vine said you are super powerful, it was a little scared and wanted to run away."

While speaking, Chang Xia held the flowerpot in front of Elder Ying.

The buds of the rot-eating vine trembled, and they kept cursing Chang Xia for being unkind, and knowing that it was afraid of Elder Ying, they pushed it into the fire pit.

Elder Shadow stretched out his skinny fingers, and gently plucked the sprouts of the carrion vines.

"Interesting!" Shadow said in a low voice.

Then, he pushed the scavenging vine towards Changxia. This carrion-eating vine is still useful, but don't really scare it. When Su Ye comes back, he will beat someone up.

"Scavenging vine, are you okay! Elder Shadow is very good, he won't hurt you, don't be afraid." Chang Xia comforted, and motioned Shen Rong to bring a can of scavenging vine potion, and beat it down with a stick. Order sweet dates. After all, if she really offended the rot-eating vine, how would she say it?

"Scared me to death!" Scavenger Vine sighed.

It was almost scared to death just now, the shadow elder in the eyes of others is as thin as a stick, an old man who can be blown away by the wind. However, the elder shadow in the eyes of the rot-eating vine was filled with an unresolved **** smell, thick and viscous, and it took a lot of killings to form such a terrible breath.

What's even more frightening is that he actually suppressed these auras tightly, without leaking the slightest bit.

Even in the prosperous age thousands of years ago, it was impossible for an existence like Elder Shadow to remain anonymous.

"Is the elder shadow so scary?" Chang Xia smiled innocently, and took Shen Rong's hand.

The carrion-eating vine potion came and said with a smile: "Sorry! I will give you some compensation. Tell us about the use of bloodline abilities. If you know the secret method, you can also talk about it. Our family will never treat you badly." .

All the orcs held their breath and watched/listened to Chang Xia's flickering carrion-eating vines.

The carrion vine is not stupid, it is willing to speak, it just wants to make friends with Changxia and Heluo tribe.

Now is not the prosperous age thousands of years ago. It waited for hundreds of years before encountering a long summer. It doesn't know if it will encounter orcs who can communicate with plants in the next few hundred years, and the carrion vine can only catch the long summer.

Plants are not immortal.

Scavenging vines can be silenced and then revived, thanks to the characteristics of scavenging vine capsules.

However, recovery requires a lot of energy.

This energy includes not limited to carrion vine potions.

"Mystery is the lifeblood of all races. How would I know? But, you are lucky, my ancestors did know a secret method of the beast race, which can increase the strength of the beast race."

"What secret method?" Chang Xia asked nervously.

Hearing this, all the orcs around became nervous.

Mysteries, even the most common ones. For the current orcs, there is a huge temptation.

"Strength method, increase the power of the beast race. With the help of special secret medicine, it can increase the strength by 3-5 times." The carrion vine paused, and said: "This power method was born out of the use of the ability of the blood of the beast race, I can tell you. However, I have conditions."

"What conditions do you have?" Chang Xia asked.

"Scavenging vine potion, and other secret medicines for nourishing plant growth. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Yes, one more can of scavenging vine potion every day. I need to ask the witch about the secret growth potion for nourishing plants. I only know that earth ash can fatten plants. I don't know about the others."

"Three cans of scavenging vine potion per day."

"make a deal-"

Chang Xia nodded without any hesitation.

Next, Chang Xia began to recite the power method that the scavenger-eating vine said. This time, Elder You Ying took the initiative to record it himself. When Chang Xia relayed it, he still thought about what it meant at first.


She just gave up.

This is completely incomprehensible!

However, Elder Kanying and Shen Rong seem to understand.

In the end, Chang Xia turned into a ruthless translation machine, and didn't think about what it meant. This made him feel a lot easier.

"Chang Xia, eat roast duck tonight."

I can't eat the crispy duck, so get a roast duck and try it.

After a long meal, Chang Xia continued: "Okay, let's have roast duck tonight. I'll ask Shen Rong to roast it for you personally. Do you want roast meat or chicken?"

"Yes." Scavenger Vine said quickly.

"Changxia, I'll go back to the tribe first. Don't talk about Lifa for now, wait until Wu comes back." Ying straightened the white paper on the kang table and ordered.

Force method is very simple.

Chang Xia couldn't understand, but the shadow elder Shen Rong understood everything.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they even wanted to test the authenticity on the spot.

"The use of bloodline ability, remember not to try it lightly, wait for news from the tribe."

In the end, Elder Shadow explained another sentence. This thing, if you are not careful, you may be injured. It is better to wait for Su Ye to return to the tribe and let her verify it. It is not too late to try after verification.

"Elder Shadow, we all remember." Shen Rong said.

Snake followed and nodded, indicating that he would not try lightly. You really can't try this thing casually, you might die if you try it.

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