Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1160: Yu Aran rewards and adds more

Nan Feng shook his head with a dazed expression on his face.

He raised his hand, rubbed his eyes, and said, "I'm confused, what are they all about!"

On the side, the corners of Shen Rong's mouth twitched and he didn't answer.

"I didn't understand it either, it looks very profound." Chang Xia rubbed his chin and nodded. She is only considered half of the natives of the Gangwa Continent, and the use of orc bloodline abilities and secret techniques are comparable to heavenly scriptures for Chang Xia.

"It's okay!" Snake said.

Hearing this, Changxia Nanfeng raised his head together and looked towards Snake.

Snake Xing's heart tightened, did he say the wrong thing? So, he hurriedly sent a distress signal to Shen Rong.

"Don't talk, wait for the witch to come back to discuss." Shen Rong gestured, the power technique and bloodline ability of the Scavenger Vine Sect were simple and easy to learn, Chang Xia Nanfeng didn't understand, probably because he didn't think deeply. However, they use dim sum, which is easy to understand.

Of course, this does not rule out the cause of being pregnant.

It made Chang Xia's thoughts a little slow.

In any case, it is best to stop discussing this matter for the time being.

The buds of the scavenger-eating vine curled up and fell asleep. After chatting for a long time in the afternoon, the chatter became high, and as soon as it stopped, the carrion vine realized that it was exhausted. Hurry up and absorb the scavenging vine potion in the soil, and at the same time fall into a deep sleep, recovering energy through deep sleep.

"Chang Xia, can crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken be copied?"

"It doesn't seem to work. We don't know the secret recipe, so we can't make it. A Rong said that there is a Tianxianglou in the Western Land Royal Court, but the crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken made by Tianxianglou are not authentic, not as delicious as roast duck and smoked chicken. "

Can't talk about the use of force method and bloodline ability.

As soon as Nanfeng changed the topic, he chatted with Chang Xia about food.

very quickly.

The two fell into it.

Shen Rong shrugged, turned and walked out of the living room.

Seeing this, Snake walked out together.

"Shen Rong, are you making braised pork?" Snake followed Shen Rong into the kitchen, saw the braised pork on the cutting board, and couldn't hold back his saliva immediately.

Shen Rong nodded and said, "I'm a bit greedy, so I just did it."

"Do you want to be a partner? I'll make cold salad and let's eat together. This time I came back from Twin Valley, and I brought some specialties from the fish family, which taste very good." Snake behavior betrayed itself in order to eat.

"Okay." Shen Rong thought about the cold food of the fish family, it was indeed delicious.

Immediately, he nodded in agreement.

Nanfeng is kind to Changxia, so Shen Rong naturally doesn't mind her coming over with Snake to eat.

Nanfeng often helped stock up the materials in his cellar and underground warehouse. Nanfeng has never said anything about these things, and every time he visits the door carelessly for a meal, like a freeloader.


Chang Xia Shen Rong is not blind, so he can see it naturally.

In terms of carefulness, Maple Leaf is not as good as Nanfeng.

At least in terms of dealing with Chang Xia, Nan Feng is definitely the most careful.

Sometimes, even xylophone and Su Ye are not as good as Nanfeng.

Chang Xia had good things, so he would naturally want to give Nan Feng a copy. Nanfeng Xu was afraid that his clansmen would say that Chang Xia was only giving her a gift, and also afraid that Chang Xia's hands would be too loose, so he simply came to Chang Xia's side from time to time to poach the door...

"You wait, I'll go back to the cave to get the ingredients and sauces now."

Saying that, Snake hurriedly left the kitchen.

Nan Feng was in the living room, saw She Xing hurrying out of the cave courtyard without even saying hello to himself, he was startled, got up and said loudly: "Snake, what are you doing?"

"I'll go back to the cave to get the ingredients and sauce, and eat at Chang Xia's house in the evening." Snake replied casually without looking back. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared directly from Nanfeng's eyes.

Chang Xia got off the kang bed and asked the kitchen: "Ah Rong, what ingredients do you want to get back to the cave?"

Nine out of ten sauces are those from the fish family.

To be honest, Yuzu's sauce is really delicious.

"He said that he brought back some special products of the fish clan from Twin Valley,

Make cold salad for us in the evening. "Shen Rong said.

Having said this, Chang Xia suddenly became curious.

"Nanfeng, what good things did Snake bring?"

"There are many specialties in various sea areas that I don't know. What I can recognize are some sea vegetables."

This can't be blamed on Nanfeng's lack of knowledge.

Dusk Forest didn't deal with the fish clan much before.

If it weren't for the open marriage of the three races, let alone eating seafood and sea vegetables, it would be difficult for them to even contact the fish clan. Although the Dusk Forest borders the sea, there are no fish tribes living in the bordering sea.

The fish family lives in the deep sea, and there are few fish families living in the offshore.

Of course, although there are no fish families living in the offshore.

This does not mean that foreign races can approach. If they step into the sea without the authorization of the fish clan, they will be regarded as a provocation by the fish clan, which may trigger a race war.

"Try the specialties of the fish family tonight. The cold dishes are still very good. However, they can't be eaten as a staple food, and you will get hungry after eating." Chang Xia nodded, and said to Shen Rong in the kitchen, "A Rong, don't Forget about the roasted duck and roasted meat from the carrion vine. Cold salad, braised pork, and pork wontons, tonight's dinner is a feast!"

"What's with the pork wontons?"

"The carrion vine asked me to eat pork wontons from the Eighteenth Alley of Shenahai City thousands of years ago. These pork wontons should be pork wontons. I promised to make them for the carrion vines, so I can satisfy my hunger by myself."

Suddenly, Nanfeng became excited.

Sure enough, it is beneficial to stuff more things for Chang Xia's family.

I can often eat different delicacies, happiness!

While talking, Chang Xia went back to the living room to tidy up the white paper on the kang table. When Su Ye comes back, these things must be handed over to her. It is related to the city of Shenahai thousands of years ago, and Su Ye will definitely be interested.

more importantly-

Chang Xia's fingertips paused for a moment on one of the seven kings and King Li.

She had an intuition that Su Ye might have a close relationship with one of these two.

However, whether it really matters depends on whether Su Ye is willing to say it.

"It would be great if the carrion vine could stay awake all the time?" Nan Feng said.

Her eyes fell on the delicacies recorded on the white paper, and she swallowed lightly. After she was pregnant with cubs, she became more and more greedy, and the animal pouch at her waist was always filled with various snacks.

This makes Nanfeng feel that he is very similar to the elder Pukang, UU Reading www. If didn't eat, he would feel flustered with hunger. .c

Chang Xia shrugged, and said calmly: "It just came from the Qinghai Plateau, and it consumes too much energy. I want to stay awake all the time, unless it grows into a plant quickly. However, that is obviously unrealistic."

Everything needs to follow the law of growth in nature.

Even fish and grass are the same.

The ability of carrion-eating vines to reincarnate into vine sacs and revive them is outrageous in itself.

Another rapid growth, Chang Xia wanted to cut off the scavenger-eating vine.

"That's right, I'm too demanding." Nan Feng nodded and regretted, "It's a living ancient animal skin scroll, but it's a pity that the witch can't communicate with it, otherwise the witch will definitely find a way to leave it in the holy mountain of Karna Wizard's Hall."

In this regard, Chang Xia agreed.

Su Ye is thirsty for talents, and seeing those who are capable, she can't wait to stay in the era of Kana Holy Mountain Dance. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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