Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1158: The use and secret method of bloodline ability

"Crispy Duck, Tianxiang Chicken..."

Nanfeng chanted all kinds of delicacies in his mouth, it's not easy to talk about it.

In comparison, Snake was a little more stable, and his eyes fell on the Seven Kings. His eyes were full of fighting spirit, the strongest seven, what an honor!

"Seven Kings!" Snake Xing breathed heavily and excitedly said, "Thousands of years ago, the orcs were really powerful! The seven kings seat, the orcs occupy half of the country, really strong, really powerful!"

"Yuan Wang of the Leopard Clan, what the elders of the tribe said is actually true?" Nan Feng said in surprise. She put down the white paper in her hand, and her eyes fell on Snake.


See the blank page that records the seven kings.

"Yuan, the strongest king of the Leopard Clan." Nan Feng swallowed his saliva and said in surprise, "I used to hear tribal elders mention this totem warrior, and I thought it was a lie. If King Yuan was really so strong, how could the Heluo Tribe It’s been so miserable…”

Before Chang Xia became an adult, the life of the Heluo Tribe was really not good.

"One of the seven kings, the combat power is certainly not as good as the war king, but the Yuan king must be strong." Snake analyzed calmly, and said: "The orcs' use of bloodline abilities a thousand years ago is extraordinary, and the powerful totem warrior can blow up with one punch. A mountain peak, even ordinary aliens from heaven and earth are no match for them.”

The scuffle a thousand years ago ended not only the peak civilization of the orcs.

Even the heterogeneous species in the world were harvested.

What was left to the mainland was nothing but ruins full of desolation.

The powerful group of orcs chose to cross to the west, taking away all kinds of civilization knowledge, and the abandoned orcs rebuild their homes under the ruins.

For hundreds of years, Donglu has revived the civilization of thousands of years ago.

The orcs are still alive.


The appearance of Chang Xia changed the Dusk Forest. Then, began to change the entire Eastern Continent. The three races jointly explored the Shinahai ruins and the Inami water city ruins, apparently releasing a signal.


There will be no more silence in the future.

The ancient Eastern Continent, once the birthplace of civilization.

Rise up today and unleash his glory.

"Blow up a mountain with one punch." Chang Xia widened his eyes and said in shock, "Snake, are you kidding me?"

"No, I never joke." Snake shook his head lightly, with a serious face.

Nan Feng licked the corner of his mouth and explained: "Chang Xia, Snake is not lying. The mighty totem warriors thousands of years ago were able to fight against the alien races in the world. They are really powerful. With the start of the scuffle thousands of years ago, not only the orc civilization was destroyed , as well as the use of bloodline abilities by orcs and many secret techniques.”

"The witch said that when the orcs chased the ruins of the city where the orcs lived thousands of years ago, in addition to looking for knowledge of civilization, more importantly, they wanted to find the secret method of using the bloodline ability and purify the power of the bloodline."

"Nowadays, the blood of the orcs has been diluted from generation to generation. Even if the orcs awaken the ability of the blood, their strength is far inferior to that of ordinary orcs a thousand years ago. We are no longer the same race as the orcs a thousand years ago."

It is rare for Nanfeng not to show playfulness.

This kind of her is more like the previous Nanfeng, calm, calm and wise.

Chang Xia was silent.

Sure enough, truth is masked by hypocrisy.

"Chang Xia, ask if the carrion-eating vine knows how to use the ability of the beast blood?" Nan Feng said softly.

For the word "secret method", Nanfeng kept his voice in his mouth, but she didn't say it clearly.

However, Chang Xia heard it clearly.

Becoming stronger is the eternal pursuit of orcs, just like they love to eat barbecue, it is difficult to give up.

"Okay, I'll go pick it up."

After the meal, Chang Xia asked Shen Rong to change the soil for the rotten vines.

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