"Yeah! It's better than those from the Snake Mountain tribe."

The rot-eating vine shoots rolled up, judging the taste of hot and sour meat powder. It thinks that the hot and sour pork noodle soup that Chang Xia poured just now is more delicious than the last time it was eaten in the Snake Mountain tribe.

"The sour radish and sour peppers are pickled by myself. They have been marinated and are full of sour taste. Last time, the sour radish and sour peppers from the Snake Mountain Tribe were not pickled, and they almost tasted bad." Chang Xia said.

She agrees with the scavenger vine.

At the same time, it is also related to the water used to pickle sour radish and sour pepper.

Chang Xia believes that the water in the Baihe River Basin is sweeter and colder than that of the Sheyue tribe. This kind of water is boiled to enjoy the coolness, and then used to pickle sauerkraut and other things, the taste is more fresh and sour.

"I expect you to copy the food of Tianxianglou—"

The scavenging vine shook its buds, its voice full of anticipation.

"Don't worry, I'll treat you to pork wontons tonight. For the rest, after the exploration of the Shinahai ruins, there will always be a chance. No matter how bad it is, the nobles in the West Land may have recipes for Tianxianglou cuisine." Chang Xia Comfort the scavenging vine and advise it not to worry.

"Tianxianglou?" Shen Rong turned his head and asked, "Changxia, you mean Tianxianglou?"

"That's right! The carrion vine is thinking about the delicacies of Tianxianglou in the east city of Shenahai city thousands of years ago. Among them, crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken are the most greedy." Chang Xia said.

After she finished speaking, there was a sudden pause.

Quickly raised his head to look at Shen Rong, opened his mouth and said, "A Rong, is there a Tianxiang Tower in Westland?"

"Yes, there is Tianxiang Tower in Wangting." Shen Rong said.

West Land, Wangting Tianxiang Building.

The master behind it is Tianjia, who is in charge of Tianxianglou.

At the same time, Tianxianglou is also the most luxurious restaurant in Wangting, bar none.

Consumption is expensive, and non-nobles are not allowed to enter.

It's perfect.

"Does Tianxiang Building have Crispy Duck and Tianxiang Chicken?" Chang Xia asked excitedly.

In the flower pot, the rot-eating vine kept shaking the buds, Chang Xia was worried and asked slowly, would the rot-eating vine shake off the tender and fragile shoots?

"Yes, the taste is average." Shen Rong said.

He didn't leave any suspense for Chang Xia and Carrion Vine, and told them decisively that there are crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken in Xilu Wangting Tianxianglou, but the taste is ordinary. It's not even as delicious as Chang Xia's roast duck and beggar's chicken. Shen Rong has eaten it a few times, but he doesn't have a deep impression.

"Rather than worrying about crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken, it's better to ask Chang Xia to cook roast duck and beggar chicken for you. Even ordinary smoked chicken is better than Tianxiang chicken."

After a while.

Shen Rong added another sentence.

Thus, Chang Xia and the scavenging vine were silent.

They are looking forward to Tianxianglou's crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken.

Within a few minutes, this expectation was shattered by Shen Rong, and both of them immediately became quiet. Chang Xia ate the hot and sour meat powder silently, and the carrion vine huddled in the flowerpot to absorb the soup of the hot and sour meat powder.

Seeing this, Shen Rong was slightly embarrassed.

He seems to have said the wrong thing.

"Cough cough!" Shen Rongqing coughed, and said hesitantly, "How about... I'll try to make Tianxianglou's crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken for you to eat?"

"Forget it." Chang Xia shook his head, declining the proposal on behalf of the carrion vine.

What they want to eat is the crispy duck and Tianxiang chicken from Tianxianglou in Shenahai City, not Xibei products from Xilu Wangting.

"Prepare pork wontons for the rotten vine in the evening, and you can make a few more buckwheat. I want to eat smoked chicken, so I can make smoked chicken. I will eat roast duck tomorrow. Anyway, there is an oven in the cave, which is very convenient." Chang Xia explained This is to appease the scavenger-eating vine.

Death Canyon is still waiting for the carrion vine to show its power.


Raise the carrion vines to become one of your own.

After eating hot and sour meat powder, Chang Xia began to draw a map of Baihu.

After having a clear map, it is convenient to start planning the Baihu Pavilion and the palace at the bottom of the lake. The amount of this project is large and requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Shen Rong cleaned up the long table, turned around and went into the kitchen to cook pork belly.

At the same time, I have to go to the henhouse in the wilderness south of Baihu Lake to catch chickens. The most suitable chicken for smoked chicken is

White-footed chickens in the salt lake of the sacred mountain of Cana. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to go back and forth. In addition, Su Ye is no longer in Karna Holy Mountain.

She is no longer in the sacred mountain of Karna, and no one from the orc race dares to approach her for fear of violating taboos.

Simply ordinary chicken can also be smoked chicken, at most the taste is different.

"Chang Xia, are you home?"

In the afternoon, Nanfeng came over with a jar of pickled plums.

Snake followed behind, also holding the same clay pot in his hand.

"Nanfeng, I'm in the living room." Chang Xia replied.

After a while, Nanfeng walked up the corridor and walked straight into the living room.

"Wow! The living room is so cool, did you bring the cold stone up from the cellar?" Nanfeng sighed, put the clay pot on the Kang table, and said, "This is my pickled plum. I saw that you liked it before. I Bring you a few cans."

"These are the two cold stones from the ice crystal grass branches." Chang Xia explained.

She put down the pen and paper, happily lifted the wooden lid of the pot, and looked at the pickled plums in the pot. The pickled plums made by Nanfeng are somewhat similar to canned pulp, but they are crisper and more delicious than canned pulp.

"Delicious." Chang Xia took out a pickled plum, gnawed it up, and said, "When Patriarch Gen returns from Horubad Basin, you can pickle more, and I want it too."

"Okay! Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll make it for you." Nanfeng replied. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

She Xing silently put the clay pot on the table next to him, turned around, and looked curiously at the sketch on the Kang table. It can be seen that it should be White Lake.

"Chang Xia, is this White Lake?" Snake asked.

In the morning, the White Lake was very lively. The news that Chang Xia wanted to build a gazebo in the White Lake soon spread throughout the tribe. At the same time, there is also the matter of the temple at the bottom of the lake.

It didn't take long for all the clansmen to know these things.

Even the orcs on Baihu Street heard the wind.

"Yes, this is the White Lake. The Baihu Pavilion is easy to build, but the temples at the bottom of the lake are the most difficult. During the cold season, the White Lake will freeze, so the height of the temples should not be too high or too low, what a headache!" Chang Xia pinched. With the bridge of his nose, he gnawed on pickled plums, his eyes filled with trouble.

Nanfeng shrugged.

Hunting, gathering, she can help. .z.br>

Nanfeng could only watch and not intervene in drawing pictures.

"Hey! These are—"

When flipping through the drawings, Nan Feng accidentally saw something else.

"What the rot-eating vine said should be 60 to 70% sure to be true." Chang Xia nodded and explained.

There may be exaggerated ingredients.

However, 60% to 70% of the truth is still there.

"Anecdote of Shinahai City." Snake read the above words, and then

for a while.

Nanfeng Snake and the two looked fascinated.

The orcs are fascinated by the prosperous age thousands of years ago, but unfortunately they have no way to understand it.


There are various interesting stories about the city of Shinahai thousands of years ago.

Who can resist curiosity?

"Don't stand, find a place to sit by yourself." Chang Xia said: "If you are curious, take a look slowly. Scavenger vine is in a good mood recently. I chat with it every day. I should be able to ask more about Shenahai City, Inami Water Castle, and the Snow Mountain Palace.”

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