Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1145: Small river wilderness, scavenger vines are different

"Witch, Chang Xia." Bai Qing said happily.

He followed Su Ye very early and lived in the Sorcerer's Hall in the Holy Mountain of Karna.

It's the first time in history that I have been separated from Su Ye for more than 20 days. Don't say it, I really miss him.

The rare Bai Qing showed childishness and ran towards Su Ye.

Su Ye raised his hand, patted it on top of Bai Qing's head, looked up and down, and said softly, "I lost a bit of weight, haven't I eaten well recently?"

"I've grown taller!" Bai Qing proudly said, "I'm a little taller than Mu Ning and the others." When he said that, Bai Qing gestured with his index finger, his face full of excitement. Children want to grow up, no matter what the world is.

Bai Qing longed for adulthood and longing to grow up.

He never concealed this.

In fact, the situation of other underage beast cubs in the tribe is similar.

"Chang Gao, I'll take a look." Chang Xia stood up, beckoned to Bai Qing, and the two walked towards the living room. Chang Xia left a notch there to record Bai Qing's height. She heard that Bai Qing had grown taller, and immediately asked him to measure it.

Bai Qing is familiar with the door and the road.

Follow Chang Xia to the door of the living room.

Back to the door, the original notch has been covered.

"It's really grown taller!" Chang Xia stood on tiptoe and looked. In just half a year, Bai Qing was directly taller than her, which made Chang Xia very helpless.

Her second-class height is really useless.

Not to mention Qingliu and the others, even Bai Qing is taller than her now.

"I see... it seems to have grown by about five centimeters."

Chang Xia gestured with her fingers, sighing endlessly. How long does it take, eat feed?


Su Ye and Chen Rong came over.

Confirm that Pai Qing is really much taller.

Bai Qing smiled and said, "My clothes and trousers are all too short. The tribe will help me make new ones. It will be ready in another day."

Saying that, Bai Qing revealed half of his trouser legs.

It's hot, and the shirt can't be seen long or short.

The trousers can be seen in half at a glance, and the calf is exposed a lot.

"It's really a lot shorter, it's time to make new clothes." Chang Xia said.

Shen Rong tilted his head, glanced at Bai Qing, and asked, "Did you tell the Sirius Tribe? Don't wait for the clothes to arrive, they're all too small."

"I have contacted the Sirius Tribe." Bai Qing said.

Bai Qing lived in the Sorcerer's Hall in the Holy Mountain of Karna, and was supported by the orcs of the Twilight Forest. However, this does not mean that he has lost his relationship with the Sirius tribe. The wolf tribe will help sew small things like clothes.

In the past two years, the orcs of the Twilight Forest have been busy.

Before it was put on hold, every year the orcs would help cut clothes and send them to the holy mountain of Karna.

"Let's go, eat." Chang Xia said.

Not long after, the four of them sat around the square table and began to eat.

Bai Qing sometimes asked about what happened to the Snake Mountain tribe, and sometimes told about the recent situation of the tribe, and he had a very happy meal.

After dinner.

Chang Xia planned to take a nap.

At this time, the elder Jami came over and said that the scavenger vines in the Xiaohechuan wilderness were in some condition, and hoped that Changxia could come and help.

"Elder Yami, what happened to the scavenger vines in the Xiaohechuan wilderness?" Chang Xia, wearing a straw hat, asked about the situation of the scavenger vines over there. When she and Su Ye left the Heluo tribe, they took the scavenger vine to the Sheyue tribe.

Feed rotten vines regularly every day.


The scavenger vines planted in flowerpots finally got rid of the sprout state.

It grows into a plant of about seven centimeters, which is different from the common scavenger vine. The scavenger vine is more like a sapling, which is weird.

However, it is normal for scavenger vines to insist on it.

After all, it is an old monster of hundreds of years. It insists that it is normal, and Chang Xia can't refute it at all.

"They grow too fast—" Jami said.

She wanted to send Totem Yong several times

The scholar went to the Snake Mountain tribe, but he felt that it was not very good. So, just be patient.

It is rare to wait for a long summer to return to the tribe.

Elder Jami waited, and after lunch, he couldn't help coming to the Baihu Cave.

"Too fast?" Chang Xia looked blank, growing fast, isn't it good? She also thought about configuring more scavenger vines. The scavenger vines could accelerate the growth rate of plants, and at the same time, they could be used as fertilizers to add fat to plants.

Carrion vine is simply a panacea.

Except, it stinks a bit.

There doesn't seem to be any downside? !

"Yes, too soon." Jami said. She knew that this matter was difficult to explain, so she said, "Chang Xia, when it's over, you'll know what I mean."

This time.

Elder Jami said urgently.

Chang Xia did not bring carrion vines here.

In addition to eating and sleeping, the scavenger vine has a very comfortable life.

Two days ago, Chang Xia and the others were at the Silver Beach Pier, and the scavenger vine also asked Chang Xia to equip it with a coconut-flavored scavenger vine medicine. At the same time, also tasted the taste of seafood.

And also said that Chang Xia must not forget it next time he goes out.

It feels like staying home too long.

As soon as they went out, the entire scavenger vine became frantically excited.

Su Ye grinned.

Not too anxious.

Elder Jami was in a hurry, but did not show panic. Obviously, the problem of Xiaohe Wilderness is not serious, and at most she is a little worried.

Shen Rong was not in a hurry.

In his mind, if the small river was wild and the scavenging vines were out of control, then he would simply set the fire to burn all the scavenging vines. With scavenger vines that have lived in flower pots for hundreds of years, there will be no shortage of scavenger vines in the Twilight Forest.

That's right, Shen Rong's thoughts are just so simple and rude.


After a long time.

A group of orcs successfully reached the Xiaohe River Wilderness.

The first thing that catches the eye is the Xiaohe River Wilderness Rice Field.

The heavy ears of rice were held high, yet they had not turned yellow. Obviously, the rice seedlings are in the heading stage, and when the rice ears are full, there will be a bumper harvest.

"This year's Xiaohe Wilderness Rice Fields will usher in a bumper harvest—"

For the first time, rice was planted.

Chang Xia's mood was uneasy, she didn't expect the results to be very good.

Sure enough, the vitality of the plants in the Twilight Forest is really strong. Plus, apply the scavenger vine as fertilizer. Wild rice is not even plagued by diseases, and immediately ushered in the heading period.

This made Chang Xia greatly relieved.

"This is much better than Yinchuan Forest!" Shen Rong said.

He has participated in the harvesting of wild rice in the Yinchuan forest, and naturally understands the situation of wild rice. Compared with Yinchuan Forest, rice in Xiaohe Wilderness is obviously growing better.

Perhaps, this is the benefit of planting.

"The Tiger Clan and Bear Clan began to harvest wild rice in Yinchuan Forest, and they also asked about the situation on our side. Unfortunately, this time Yinchuan Forest harvested, our clan was unable to send totem warriors to help." Yami regretted.

The Root Patriarch took the Totem Warriors to the Holubad Basin. UU reading

One is to help the three cat tribes to migrate, and the other is to harvest wild fruits in the Holubad Basin. The former is more important.

After all, the Heluo tribe can't wait for winter.

In the cold season, it is too dangerous to arrange totem warriors to help the three cat tribes migrate.

This time is just right.

"The tribe wants to help the three cat tribes to migrate, this is impossible..." Chang Xia said, and as she spoke, her voice became quieter, and finally disappeared.

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