Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1144: Vinegar Chicken, Ginger Tea


Stepping past the courtyard gate, Chang Xia looked at the courtyard of his cave dwelling.

After being unable to find Shen Rong's figure, he opened his mouth and called out Shen Rong's name softly.

"I'm in the kitchen." Shen Rong's voice came from the kitchen, he was preparing lunch. Go back to the house, make a fire, boil water, and wash. Counting the time, I started to prepare lunch.

"A Rong, have you boiled hot water?"

"It's burnt."

Knowing that Shen Rong had boiled hot water, Chang Xia ran straight to the cave bedroom.

Su Ye leaned over and glanced at the cave on the left.

"Shen Rong, did you see Bai Qing when you returned to the cave?" Su Ye asked. She went to the Snake Mountain tribe to participate in the marriage ceremony, leaving Bai Qing in the Heluo tribe, and asked Elder Ying to help train Bai Qing. For so long, I still don't know about Bai Qing's situation, so I'm inevitably a little worried.

Shen Rong walked out of the kitchen, shook his head lightly, and said, "I didn't see Bai Qing when I went back to the cave, maybe he was training with Woye."

Woye, since there are more Cuju fields/wrestling fields and so on.

Tribal people like to run there.

Except for the beast cubs such as tits, the bigger ones are also trained at Woye. Compared with the tribal training ground, the fertile field has a wider space and is more convenient for them to toss.


The corners of Su Ye's mouth drooped.

This stinky boy should not be playing wild!

However, Bai Qing has a calm personality and works prudently.

She wasn't too worried.

"Wu, is there anything you want to eat at noon?" Shen Rong asked. After steaming the rice, he plans to go into the cellar to see what fresh ingredients are in the cellar, and then think about what to eat for lunch.

"I want to eat something sour." Su Ye said.

I have no appetite on the way, I want to eat sour appetizers.

"It's sour, I see." Shen Rong nodded, the cellar pottery also stored a lot of pickled sour peppers, sour radishes and sour cowpeas. If you want something sour, it's easy.

"Chang Xia, what do you want to eat?"

After asking Su Ye, Shen Rong asked the cave bedroom.

"Spicy, or sour." Chang Xia replied. She took the change of clothes, put on Kira sandals on her feet, walked out of the cave slowly, and asked, "Mr. Su Ye, do you have anything you want to eat? I have eaten lightly recently, and I feel that my mouth is light and tasteless."

"I told Shen Rong that I wanted something sour." Su Ye said.

She heard Chang Xia say that her food was bland and her mouth was greedy, and she couldn't help but want to laugh. This taste is more and more like honeydew, the lion has a strong taste, and you must eat chili every meal. If I don't eat a meal, I feel that nothing tastes good, and I feel very uncomfortable.

"Sour and spicy chicken, sour soup tofu, pickled fish, saliva fish..."

In an instant.

Chang Xia read out a string of dish names.

"Chicken with vinegar." Su Ye thought for a while and proposed that he wanted to eat chicken with vinegar.

After the tribe had a rich diet, the vinegar chicken was not eaten for a long time. At this moment, when talking about eating sour and spicy food, Su Ye couldn't help thinking of the vinegar chicken he had eaten before.

"Chicken with vinegar fruit, do you still have vinegar fruit in Shen Rong's kitchen? When was the seasoning fruit in Weishan picked this year? The chicken used for the chicken with vinegar fruit is preferably chick." , find the vinegar fruit.

"I went to the chicken coop in the wilderness south of Baihu Lake to catch chickens." Shen Rong said.

Chickens are not available here in the cave. You need to go to the chicken coop in the wilderness south of Baihu Lake to catch chickens. The number of chickens, ducks and hares raised in chicken coops and duck sheds has increased or decreased, and the overall increase is relatively large.

Here comes.

The wild chicken coop and duck shed in the south of Baihu keep expanding.

Fortunately, the tribe is restrained, not blindly expanding, and remains within a stable range for the time being. Plus, the tribe consumes every day.

Shen Rong left the cave.

Su Ye asked Chang Xia to wash in the bathroom, and she boiled water.

After a while, scald the chicken feathers with boiling water.

After Chang Xia washes up, she also needs to wash up, so naturally she needs to burn more hot water. After leaving the cave for many days, there is no boiled water at home, so it should be less.

However, Shen Rong seemed to have boiled a can of boiling water.

Pack it in a clay pot and drink it when it cools.

"Mother Su Ye, cook me some **** tea." Chang Xia shouted.

She felt that her nose was a little stuffed, and hurriedly asked Su Ye to help make **** tea. If her body caught cold and fell ill, it would be troublesome!

"Ginger tea—" Su Ye was slightly startled, and said anxiously, "Chang Xia, why are you uncomfortable?"

"My nose is a little stuffy, maybe it's too hot and a little too hot and cold, just drink some **** tea." Chang Xia explained to prevent Su Ye from worrying too much.

"Are you sure?" Su Ye asked nervously.

Chang Xia replied, "Yes."

Hearing this, Su Ye got up and made **** tea.

She plans to wait for Chang Xia to finish washing, and then help her check her body to make sure that it is really okay. In the same way, the three of Nanfeng also had to check.

After a while.

Shen Rong came back after catching the chicken.

Su Ye asked him to help watch the **** tea in the pot.

She turned around and left the cave, first going to Nanfeng's house, and then to Maple Leaf Milu's house. Confirm whether the three of them are ill? Don't play outside, it will be troublesome if you catch a cold and get sick!

as predicted.

The three of Maple Leaf have a bit of a stuffy nose, and drinking **** tea can relieve it.

So, she instructed Maple Leaf's three companions to help cook **** tea, and then watch them drink **** tea. If the situation does not improve in the afternoon, she will specially dispense the medicine.

"Mother Su Ye, where have you been?" Chang Xia sat at the square table in the pavilion in the corridor, holding **** tea in his hand and sipping.

Su Ye said: "I went to Nanfeng's house to see—"

"They're not feeling well either?" Chang Xia reacted quickly, guessing Su Ye's purpose.

Su Ye went into the kitchen and poured water. After drinking water, he said, "I have a bit of nasal congestion and dizziness. I asked Snake to make **** tea. After drinking **** tea, if the situation does not improve in the afternoon, I will dispense the medicine again."

"Medicine, it's not necessary!" Chang Xia was startled.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly and she swallowed.

Asking about the color change of the medicine, this really can't blame Chang Xia.

As a child, I drank too many drugs. Every time he heard the word medicine, Chang Xia Radio wanted to refuse. When Su Ye caught sight of Chang Xia's twitching expression, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Mother Su Ye, I think drinking **** tea is enough." Chang Xia hurriedly said. After a bowl of **** tea, my stomach, stuffy nose and dizziness all returned to normal.

Medicine, it is impossible to drink.

"I didn't let you drink it now. You are drinking **** tea now, what kind of medicine are you drinking. Wait for the afternoon. If you still feel unwell in the afternoon, tell me." Su Ye said seriously.

In business, Su Ye has always been serious.

After all, this involves the physical problems of Chang Xia and the others, and it is impossible to be too careful.

"I will watch her." Shen Rong said.

He squatted beside the water tank to de-hair the chickens, and when he heard Su Ye say this, he immediately fell in love. Chen Rong knew that Chang Xia didn't like to drink medicine.

He and Su Ye were worried that Chang Xia avoided drinking the medicine and pretended to be okay.

"Okay." Chang Xia said. UU Reading

It's not that she is really ignorant, and she is not feeling well, so she will naturally speak. Hiding and pinching will only make it more troublesome in the end.

"Wu, you are back!"

Outside the hospital, Bai Qing's excited shouts were heard.

Before the person arrives, the sound has arrived.

"Bai Qing, your nose is really smart!" Chang Xia laughed. They had just prepared lunch when Bai Qing came back from Woye. No one was lucky.

Su Ye said: "He has always been lucky!"

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