Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1146: Too full to feed, the water elder enters the sea of ​​fog

Here comes.

Naturally aroused the curiosity of the orcs.

So, everyone followed Chang Xia's line of sight.

For a moment.

Su Ye and Chen Rong lost their voices together, shock and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"This—" Su Ye looked at the field where scavenging vines were planted in surprise. Before that, a lot of soil and weeds were exposed in that field.

Now, the sight is covered with scavenger vines.

Ruofei's breath was filled with a foul smell that seemed to be absent.

Chang Xia even thought that the fields covering the fields were more like sweet potato vines or kudzu vines. No wonder Elder Yami hurriedly looked for Chang Xia and invited her to come to the Xiaohe River Wilderness.

Is this a piece of junk food? !

"I'll just say... the carrion vines are growing too fast, I can't worry about it." Yami explained, and she didn't find it strange to the orcs' strange expressions. All orcs who have come to the Wilderness of the Small River are shocked by the growth of the scavenger vines.

Afraid of accidents, the tribe strictly prohibits the cubs from approaching here.

Carrion-eating vines are evil, and if there is an accident, the beast cub may not be able to escape.

"It can't be described as too fast." Su Ye asked with a sullen face, "Yami, how have you been taking care of these scavenging vines recently? Such a growth rate goes against the laws of nature and is obviously abnormal."

Suddenly, Elder Jami froze slightly.


How could Chang Xia not understand.

Most of the scavenger vines have been applied many times, plus rotten things are buried in the fields. The superposition of the two will inevitably make the scavenger vines grow abnormally.

Chang Xia doesn't have to communicate with the scavenger rattan.

She could guess why.

"After the marriage ceremony, many orc tribes asked for the exchange of scavenger vines and scavenger vines. Therefore, when applying scavenger vines, the clansmen may have put more. On weekdays, the clansmen would bury some dead prey. In this field where the scavenger vines grow..."

as predicted.

Chang Xia really guessed it right.

Carrion vines are different from other plants.

Sufficient nutrition, they can violate the natural law of growth.

Chang Xia heard Rotten Vine say this. These scavenging vines are derived from scavenging vines, and they will inevitably inherit these characteristics.

"Elder Yami, these scavenger vines are all right, and they can be harvested in half a month. However, it is best not to apply too much scavenger vine medicine. Too fast growth will shorten the lifespan of scavenger vines." Chang Xia road.

In fact, it is similar to the situation with fish grass.

Ripening will pay a price.

It's just that the lifespan of plants is limited, so it's not easy to notice it!

"Are they all right?"

"Yes! It's fine."

After confirming that the carrion vines were all right, Elder Yami breathed a sigh of relief.

Patriarch Gen left and handed the tribe to her to take care of. If something happened, Elder Jami really didn't know how to face Patriarch Gen.

It's not a big problem to simply eat carrion vines, which made her relieved.

Chang Xia put on a mask and followed the ridge to the field where scavenging vines were planted. Crouching down, twisting up a scavenger cane to feel it.

The vitality is very strong, far exceeding the scavenger rattan in front of the Shinahai site.

Sure enough, eating a full meal is different.

It's just that the tribe is overfeeding these scavenger vines, which is not good. Carrion vines feed on decaying things, which means they have to learn to tolerate starvation so they can take advantage of root growth and enhance their chances of survival.

Adequate food and nutrition.

This creates inertia for the scavenger vine.

very quickly.

Chang Xia communicated with Elder Yami and stopped applying the scavenger vine medicine to the scavenger vines. Even the burial of rotten things has been reduced to once every half a month, and the number of them has been reduced.

Elder Jami seems to understand but does not understand.

However, she didn't struggle for long.

Nodding, agreeing with Chang Xia's decision.

In terms of understanding of plant habits, no orcs in Dusk Forest can surpass Changxia. ..

After all, she can communicate with plants.

After solving the problem of eating rotten vines, a group of orcs went to the rice fields to smoke. After watching the rice, I looked at the pond again, and finally returned to the Baihu cave.

"Wu, no trace of the Qingming Stone Mine has been found in the Twilight Forest. However, some clansmen have found it in the sea of ​​fog. However, the result cannot be determined at present."

when going back.

Elder Jami summarizes recent events to Su Ye.

In the sea of ​​fog, the Heluo tribe has always arranged totem warriors to explore.

Knowing that the planting of ice crystal grass/ice crystal tree requires azure stone ore, the Heluo tribe intensified its efforts to search the Baihe Basin. At the same time, he requisitioned the cold stone from the Changxia family, and planned to test whether the cold stone could be used to cultivate ice crystal grass.

These were all privately ordered by Su Ye to the Orcs.

Chang Xia returned to the Twilight Forest from the Qinghai Plateau, but did not bring back the ice crystal grass. However, she brought back ice crystal grass branches.

There are no mature branches of ice crystal grass, and it can grow naturally without absorbing the cold air released by Qingming Stone. However, in order for the ice crystal grass to grow into a branch and grow into an ice crystal grass, the cold air of the Qingming Stone is needed to induce it, just like the transformation of the ice crystal tree requires a lot of scavenger vine medicine.

They all require the induction of foreign objects/forces.

Cannot complete the mutation by itself.

"Wuhai—" Su Ye raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is the situation in Wuhai?"

"Underground river." Jami said.

When I heard it, it turned out to be an underground dark river.

Su Ye's expression changed suddenly and said, "Who found it?"

"Pug, the pug raised by Talia. As a rare delicacy, red carp is difficult to capture in the world. However, pug caught red carp three times in the dark river in the underground lair of the sea of ​​fog, This is not right in itself. Elder Shui went to Bagge, asked a few words, and went to Wuhai in person..."

Elder Jami explained the process of the incident.

Chang Xia Shen Rong followed and listened quietly. Upon hearing this, even Elder Shui was disturbed by this Qingming Stone, and Chang Xia couldn't help but glance at Su Ye.

Could it be that Su Ye said something in private?

"Shui, where is she now?" Su Ye's tone was a little hurried, Wuhai used to be the territory of the nest clan, and a huge beast totem stood in the Holy Land of Weishan. This beast totem was carved from a whole piece of Qingming stone, and there may be a Qingming stone mine in the sea of ​​fog, which is not only Su Ye's guess.


The water elders also thought so.

Jami replied, "Elder Shui, he still hasn't come back from the sea of ​​fog."

"Who sent this news back, and when did it come back?" Su Ye's mind moved slightly. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she wanted to rush to Wuhai now and ask Elder Shui to find out what happened. In the past, Elder Shui liked to play riddles, but now he is old, as always.

think about.

The corner of Su Ye's mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

"The day before yesterday, UU reading oak." Yami said.

Su Ye quickened his pace and said, "Go, go back to the tribe. I'll talk to Oak, Changxia, you guys go back to the cave first, and I'll go to the tribe to find Oak."

After all, the speed instantly accelerated.


Elder Jami followed.

for a moment.

Chang Xia and the two were left on the way.

The two looked at each other, looking at each other.

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