202. Chapter 202 comes again

“Yes, I haven’t waited yet. But you can rest assured that I have arranged people here. When people appear to lock me, they will lock him up. Don’t worry! Really! How dare I? When I lied to you… Ok, okay, I have to open a meeting, just how about this!”

Sir Ma wiped the cold sweat, turned off the phone, and faced Ye Yan, the bitterness of a stomach spit out: “To be honest, I would rather be bombarded by a few bald heads in the bureau, and I don’t want to face this girl. Asking… Is this gimmick, is it a mouse in the last life? Anything can smell something out!”

Ye Yan patted Ma Houde’s shoulder, always looking at your hard-working expression.

Ma Houde at this time took a picture of Ye Yan’s hand: “Brother, last time you said you didn’t want to drag me down, stunned me. You didn’t have a position this time? I just came in this pool.” Drowning.”

“I don’t really want to use the police force here.” Ye Yan reluctantly said: “Whether it is KingKong or… they all know me. I can’t come out directly tonight’s handover.”

Ma Houde nodded. “Reassure, I have already arranged a good person… If it wasn’t for this KingKong before I had asked about it in a single case, I would personally end the work this time! tsk tsk, I haven’t touched this for a long time. Big case, my brother, I’m going to control a few, I can’t live with me!”

“In short, let’s make a knot tonight.”

Ye Yan took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes and from now on, conserve strength and store up energy.



a year ago.

Germany, Luxembourg.

“Is it too strange to wear this way?”

Jessica was quite unnaturally fiddling with her long skirt. Compared to her unnaturalness, Ye Yan, a formal dress, looks quite elegant.

Seeing Ye Yan, who was attending the banquet as a male companion, only glanced back and forth in the banquet venue, Jessicaslightly frowned, “I really regret listening to your suggestion. In fact, it’s not necessary to disguise yourself. Guests. Adaptation is the same.”

Ye Yan grabbed two glasses of champagne from the tray of a passing hand and sent a cup to Jessica’s hand. “The freedom of adaptation is not enough. Do you think you are going to be the woman here? Binby went down, as a jealousy for women?”

Jessicasaid with a sneer: “I just think that if this kind of high heel is in a situation, it is just an obstacle that drags down the action.”

Ye Yan smiled with said with a smile : “It’s still very good looking, don’t worry, you should believe in your beautiful place.”

Jessica didn’t want to be salty: “Thank you… the goal has come.”

Ye Yan suddenly stopped in front of Jessica and blocked her view. “This guy is very alert. Don’t look at him first. I will be close to the past.”

Jessicasaid with displeasure: “Don’t treat me as a newcomer to the first school! I know what to do, and then you are the newcomer I am carrying.”

The music sound at this time is ringing, it is waltz.

Ye Yan suddenly grabbed Jessica’s palm and placed it on her shoulder.

“what do you want to do?”

“Of course, close to the target.” Ye Yan whispered: “Reassured, I won’t step on you. It’s better to say that I am more afraid of being stepped on by you.”

Jessica stared at Ye Yan, but it seemed that it was hard to say anything, let alone flip on the spot. She told herself that it was just to get close to the goal.

She and Ye Yan hovered among the many invited guests, little by little closer to the target.

The fascinating lights accompanied by the pleasing waltz and the slow walking of the dance steps, I can’t remember when Jessica suddenly had a little sorrow at the last time.

“It’s okay to jump.” Jessica looked at Ye Yan’s booth eyes.

Although Ye Yan’s line of sight has always been on Jessica’s body, she can feel that his eyes are always on all around, always paying attention to everyone passing by, and taking her body in order. Close to the target person in a traceless way.

“There was a dance partner before.” Ye Yan seems to be casual.

She knew that he had some sad things in the past, and at this time he did not continue to speak.

She began to seriously look at the man in front of her, mature, calm, and her eyes always have a lingering gloom. Even after two years of cooperation, she did not feel that she really understood his heart.

Jessica feels that Ye Yan at this time, his booth eyes are telling the story. The black and white eyeballs are completely different from the Western races, but for her at the moment, it is like a deadly magic.

The body hovered in the dance steps, but she could not leave the eyes of the eyes. She could even see her reflection from the other’s eyes.

Ye Yan’s face, gradually moving toward her approaching, Jessica also instinctively picked up her heel.

Like the kissing fish that meet in the sea, they will eventually overlap… in the time of this mission. The instigation from the heart made Jessica forget everything for almost a moment.

Just at the moment when it was about to overlap, Ye Yan stopped, accompanied by his apologetic voice. It was originally stopped by two people, just hit the other pair of guests who walked on the dance steps.

“Oh, sorry, sir, I really can’t help but want to kiss my female partner before I stop. I hope you don’t mind.”

“it’s nothing.” The man smiled and praised: “This beautiful partner, if it is my words, will be the same.”

It seems to be just a small episode, and the man continues to move away with his partner.

Jessicatook a deep breath, pressing down the strange sway of the heart, only to hear Ye Yan whispering his head: “The tracker is loaded.”

“Oh… is it?” Jessica lowered her head. “Let’s go out first.”


Suddenly, the head sank, and Jessica opened her eyes from a short nap.

She subconsciously touched her lips, it was a dream, but also a memory of the past.

Next to the sofa is a glass of red wine that has already been drunk. Jessica looked at the light red liquid in the wine glass, reached out and took the necklace off the neck, and took it gently between the fingers.

The phone at this time rang, it was KingKong’s phone.

“I have arranged it, you are coming now. Mr. Sun said that you are responsible for this transaction.”

“Know it. Time is up, I will appear in the appointed place.”

Turned off the phone, Jessica looked at the time, PM: 4: 21.

She took a deep breath, but in the heart, there was a lingering fear and uneasiness. She is not sure what will happen next tonight.

She was arbitrarily changed into clothes. She didn’t go back to the rented unit. The last inquiry from Ren Ziling gave her an inexplicable vigilance, so she chose to rent a hotel nearby.

There are no people in the open elevator, it is empty.

Jessica walked in and watched as the elevator’s door slowly closed, she subconsciously clasped her arms and took a step back.

As if I had just entered a cage, I couldn’t see all around, I couldn’t see the road ahead… there was no road ahead. This feeling comes from her thoughts, from her will.


The first floor has arrived.

At the moment the elevator door opened, Jessica saw an old pine door, she hesitated, and subconsciously pushed the door and walked in.

It was still quite a strange place, the dim color that never changed, and the weird decorations that all around, all of which seemed to give her a fear to breed in the heart.

“guest, you are coming again.”

That’s right, it’s still the boss… It seems that I knew it early in the morning and I will come again.

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