203. Chapter 203 two letters

Jessica asked the Club for a pen, two white sheets, two envelopes, and began to write something down.

The second visit, from entering the door to sitting down, finally to make this small request, in the eyes of Luo Qiu, she is much more cautious than the last time.

A variety of guests, different personalities, different behaviors… This is probably the reason why Luo Qiu has a different expectation for the new guest every time.

Jessica will finish writing soon. She put the white paper in the envelope, took a deep breath – she didn’t ask why this time there was another beautiful miss maid instead of the last weird old man.

For this secretive place, she suppressed all her curiosity. She only needs to know that when she can pay a sufficient price, she can buy what she wants anyway.

Jessica sat in front of the boss, and the envelope on the handle was launched, slowly saying: “I don’t know the price, but I think the price should not be high… I need you to open the two letters after the sunrise tomorrow.”

“This little thing, no need.” Luo Qiu shook his head: “Since it is a guest request, we will not read the contents of this letter before sunrise, we can still guarantee this.”

Jessica said: “No, I don’t believe any verbal promises… Since it is necessary to complete the transaction fee, then the thing I want to buy today is this.”

“I understand.” Luo Qiu said indifferently: “How long is the transaction fee before the sunrise to the present tomorrow?”

Jessica gave a glimpse, but did not say anything. She nodded, and with the contract of the first sale today, she appeared to be relieved.

Then she said: “Before six o’clock tomorrow, if I didn’t recycle them, please open them. I have the real business I want to do.”

“Sorry, we don’t accept this designation.” Luo Qiu said after a moment of silence: “Because if we can’t negotiate in person, we can’t confirm the guest’s request and whether the guest has enough transaction fee to pay…”

He picked up the envelope. “For example, what is written inside is far beyond what you can pay. Even if we read it, it will not act. So we recommend that you do not make this designation. Because the guest may not get what you want.”

Unexpectedly, Jessica seems to have long thought about it. The language is amazing: “I will use my soul as a collateral… I will execute the first letter transaction first. But if it is not enough, then please execute the second letter. Content. That is, I pay all the transaction fee in advance. If the content of the second letter also exceeds the value of the transaction fee, then please calculate the part of the second letter as appropriate, but if tomorrow I will recycle my two letters before I go out, then I need to get my mortgage back. But rest assured, I am not teasing you because I can use part of my lifespan as a fee in the process.”

Luo Qiu was silent for a while and said: “guest You don’t even know if the transaction fee is enough. It is even more unclear to what extent we will achieve it. Is it willing to treat the soul as a mortgage? This is a gamble, please Think well. Because the contract will be signed, there will be no room for remorse.”

Jessica said seriously at this time: “No… I believe, you will complete the contents of the second letter.”

Luo Qiu slightly frowned.

He suddenly had an urge to look at the contents of the second letter. Just based on the spirit of the contract, he had to wait until the sunrise before tomorrow to open the two letters.

Jessica is gone… but if she doesn’t show up before sunrise tomorrow, according to the second contract, she will draw the soul directly from her.

Club has always been paying for direct transactions, or direct transactions in real-time trading… This kind of pre-paid transaction fee, and then the calculation of the completion of the goods according to the magnitude of value, Luo Qiu is the first time .

But this is a request from the guest and does not violate Club’s trading rules.

“Master, things are ready.”

While Luo Qiu was meditating, You Ye came to him with his hands on the tray. The tray was covered with a white cloth, and Luo Qiu reached out and opened the white cloth, and the fingers touched the inside.

He showed a smile.



Above a commercial nanny outside the commercial city, Sir Ma is cautiously telling the young police officer.

The young little policeman seemed to be nervous because Sir Ma was wrapping his tracker and wearing a bulletproof vest.

“Listen, you are the most clever under my hand, I believe that you will be able to do well.” Ma Houde repeatedly urging said: “But you can’t force it. If something is wrong, give it away immediately. The case can be checked again. If the prisoner loses, he can catch it again, but if there is no life, there will be no more.”

The young police officer took a deep breath and nodded silently.

Ma Houde went on and said: “I will appear when the things are exposed. Remember to calm down, don’t show your feet. It’s best not to talk to the other person about the extra things. Everything is centered on this transaction. !”

“Understood.” The young police officer nodded and sorted out the pretending dress, carrying a black peaked cap, and then intended to push the door open.

Sir Ma suddenly pulled people, “wait, you bring this!”

“Officer Ma, this is not yours…”

I sent a pistol.

Ma Houde smiled at said with a smile : “This guy has been with me for a long time. I have relied on it for so many years!”

The young police officer nodded and quickly took the pistol away. After he moved towards Ma Houde, he quickly got out of the car.

“Brother, relax.” Ye Yan patted Ma Houde’s shoulder.

“How can I be nervous?” Ma Houde touched the cold sweat on his forehead: “I, labor is like a nervous person!”

Ye Yan grabbed Ma Houde’s shoulder again. “That, work!”

“Well!” Sir Ma took a deep breath, brought the earphones for monitoring, and pointed at the microphone: “The attention of all units, listen to my instructions at any time! ”


PM, 8: 20.

The young little policeman slowly walked in the parking lot in the underground.

He pressed the black peaked cap, lowered his head, and gradually moved towards the designated position.

At the designated parking location, he only saw a black Santa, but no one in the car, all around did not hear footsteps.

Time is passing by little by little. The young little policeman was slightly frowned and suddenly began to look at this ordinary black Santa. He walked around the car, then slammed down and began to check the car’s site.

Soon after, the young little police officer found a bag stuck to the chassis on the ground of the rear wheel. After he opened the bag, he found that it contained a mobile phone and a car key.

PM: 8: 30.

the phone is ringing.

“I am here, are you guys?”

“Don’t be nervous, then you just have to do what I want. I hope you don’t blame us for being too careful.” The phone came with a woman’s voice.

“Say.” The young police officer, in accordance with the teachings of Sir Ma, said briefly.

“Next, you keep talking, you can drive the car out now, move towards the direction of the setting…”

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