201. Chapter 201 waits for the dawn of light

Ma Houde climbed up from the ground, rubbed his head and let the dizzy feeling fade away, and immediately moved towards Ye Yan.

“Ye Yan, you are fine!”

“Yes, I can’t die.” Ye Yan spit a bloody sputum.

Two men, who are already middle-aged, looked at each other and saw each other’s familiar smiles on their faces. Sir Ma reached out and Ye Yan also extended his fist.

The fists of the old men met again one after another three years later.

“This guy… what’s going on?”

Sir Ma was frowns at this time, looking at Yu Hua on the floor. Yu Hua suddenly twitched and he even spit foam, the unusually strong muscles, and dried up a little bit at this time. Go on.

Ye Yan crouched down and took the pulse of Yu Hua’s wrist: “It’s weak, but it won’t die right away… This guy, maybe something special hormone or excitatory / agent used before? Look at him, it seems What have you experienced before we came…”

“Maybe he just guessed that you would come in advance?” Ma Houde said at the same time: “It’s a long time to see! This guy is just like a beast… Old Ye, this guy just mentioned that he took you Framed like this?”

Ye Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly reached out and searched on Yu Hua’s trousers. Just found a phone and a wallet.

Ye Yan subconsciously recalled the situation when she was rescued for the second time… Although the person could not see clearly, it was obviously going to be thinner by Yu Hua.

In the course of the conversation with Yu Hua, it can be seen that it is not that he made a move to save himself… Then, in the end, who is saving himself?

“Brother, can you do me a favor?” Ye Yan suddenly said.

Ma Houde patted the chest and said nothing.

Ye Yan looked at Yu Hua, who was on the ground, and said: “Don’t let this guy die, let alone let others know that he is in our hands… He may be my chance to turn the plate.”

Sir Ma nodded. “I have a barefoot doctor I know.”

Ye Yan nodded.

The two quickly lifted Yu Hua, who was in a coma. Before leaving, they missed a tombstone. The two old men said the same thing: “Big brother, come back to you to drink shochu next time!”


“Master, Mr.Ye and Office Ma, with Yu Hua, have left the cemetery.”

When You Ye returned to the tombstone, he saw only his own master at this time. He was holding the broom and sweeping the soil around him all alone.

I have just fought here, leaving a lot of traces, and even making the tombstones dirty.

“Got it.”

The next two did not talk.

Luo Qiu silently cleaned the vicinity of the tombstone and waited for the sky to break.



Jessica and KingKong stood in front of a tablet at the same time.

On the screen of the tablet, only one man’s chin can be seen, all around is very dim, and there is no way to see more things.

The man said indifferently: “KingKong, this is the second time you have got rid of people. I really doubt your ability to do things.”

KingKong lowered his head and said nothing.

Not only depressed, but even abnormal anger. But the truth is indeed the case – just let him be blamed by the above people, obviously also unwilling.

KingKong suddenly said: “Mr. Sun, I feel very strange. It is reasonable to say that only I and Jessica know it! Just after she went out, there will be people to save people immediately, I feel very coincidental.”

Said, he even stared at Jessica next to him.

Jessica didn’t move, like a statue.

The man on the screen suddenly raised his tone: “Enough, Jessica will not betray us, don’t make excuses for your negligence. Think about it with your mind, she has exposed herself in front of Ye Yan, it is even more There is no possibility of leaving people. This is totally good for her.”

KingKong also knows that this is the case, but suddenly it is clamped by this woman, and there are some thoughts that are unreasonable… He is slightly frowned and said: “I will find out people as soon as possible, and the guy behind the rescue, I will also Jessica, in addition to you, are there any people who have come here quietly? According to previous information, it seems that in your organization, there are still people who have been secretly helping Ye Yan… …his contact?”

Jessica shook her head and couldn’t be sure: “I haven’t received the news yet, but I don’t rule out that someone is quietly moving. I am not at the headquarters, and there are things I can’t do in the first place.”

The man was silent for a while: “There are still mysterious people who have saved Ye Yan. This is an equitable to an uncontrollable variable. KingKong, you inform the buyer over there, ship in advance, let the other party prepare… Jessica is responsible for the transaction.”


Not so willing, but only calmly agreed.



Nearly in the early hours of the morning, Sir Ma was able to take a breath and sit down. Next to Ye Yan is bandaging his arm.

Here is the upstairs of a Chinese pharmacy. Living here is an old Chinese doctor.

The old Chinese doctor at this time washed his hands and opened the curtain and walked out. “Officer Ma, the master’s life is saved, and the bullets I also took out. But he lost too much blood, I am afraid I didn’t wake up so quickly. In addition, his hamstring tendons and some important joint positions have been feared. I suggest that you send them to the hospital as soon as possible for connection surgery, otherwise I am afraid that they will be disabled for life… The people who started are too vicious!”

The old Sir Ma can’t say that the person who started the game actually sat next to it. He coughed a bit: “I will have plans. This guy is abolished better, or I don’t know how many innocent people will be hurt.”

The old Chinese doctor did not say anything more. “I went to the decocting medicine, and the two chatted slowly.”

Ye Yan suddenly said: “elderly, can that computer be used?”

“Oh, you use it.”

Ye Yan nodded and walked to the computer. He found the data line on the table and quickly connected Yu Hua’s mobile phone, and then began to drum up.

“Brother, what are you doing?”

“Crack Yu Hua’s mobile phone password.” Ye Yan is focused. “Since he is a buyer, I am afraid there will be a lot of clues. I just saw a new message, I want to see the whole. Content.”

Ma Houde rubbed his eyes and took the phone with him. He slipped and recorded it in a random way. “Is this phone unlocked?”

Ye Yan slightly frowned. He took the phone… He just took a look when he first came, obviously adding a password.

“Strange…” But he still entered the interface of the message.

Content: At 8:30 pm tomorrow, Caesar Commercial City parked parking lot, A-105, with black peaked cap, shipped in advance, be careful.

“Imported in advance!” Ye Yan said slightly.

“Delivery in advance…” Ma Houde showed a smile on his face.

Ye Yan focuses on: “With black peaked cap!”

Ma Houde smiled with said with a smile : “Yu Hua and the seller are likely to have never met!”

Ye Yan and Ma Houde looked at each other and the two old men narrowed their eyes at the same time, and they said the same thing: “The opportunity is coming!”

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