Chapter 333: Coffin Mountain Xiangzhai


“Shuh” sound!

Seeing so many coffin bugs, Zhang Chen stood up from the ground.

Coffin bugs, as the name suggests, are bugs that live on coffins in ancient tombs!

But in addition to eating coffins, they are more interested in the mummified corpses in the coffins.

Over time, the coffin worm has developed the habit of eating human flesh and blood.

A coffin worm is not scary, what is scary is the swarms of coffin worms!

There are so many coffin worms in front of me.

In the blink of an eye, only the bones are left to devour an adult.


These coffin worms are attracted by the aroma of the barbecued meat of the corpse king!

For these coffin worms, the powerful creature at the top of the ancient tomb food chain, the corpse dragon king, is also a great supplement.

Zhang Chen reminded with a solemn expression.

Sun Honglei and the others obviously noticed the anomalies around them!

They all stood up from the ground, put away the sloppy expressions on their faces, and waited for them one by one.

Using the bonfire on the ground, they soon saw the overwhelming coffin worms.

The hall seems to be covered with a black carpet!

“My mother-in-law, what the hell is this?”

Sun Honglei’s scalp was numb when he saw it.

Fortunately, he didn’t have intensive phobia, otherwise he would have to faint from fright.

“These are the famous coffin bugs in ancient tombs, and they are bloodthirsty by nature!”

Zhang Chen briefly explained.

“Zhang Chen, what should I do, fight or withdraw?”

At the critical moment, Sun Honglei turned his gaze to Zhang Chen.

“Get out of the Cannon Temple first and see if they are coming at us!”

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Chen walked out the door first, and the others quickly followed.

For Zhang Chen, it’s more than enough to deal with these coffin bugs!

As soon as the unicorn fire comes out, a large area can be burned to death at will.

But it’s better to have less than one more thing, and it’s good to save some effort.

No one knows how many coffin worms are hidden in the dark!

It’s also very troublesome to kill.

If these coffin worms came for the flesh of the corpse king, they would retreat after a while.

Soon, Zhang Chen and his party rushed out of the Cannon Temple.

“Fortunately, these things didn’t come out, it’s a pity our dragon meat 々”!”

Sun Honglei looked back and said both happily and unhappily.

He hoped for a thousand times before he ate the flesh of the Corpse Flood King, and he still hasn’t had enough fun!

But killing these ghosts on the way, Hong Lei Ge felt very unbalanced.

“Brother Hong Lei, you have a large number of adults, you can’t be angry with a few bugs!”

Huang Bo smiled and patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder, comforting.

“That is, who is my brother Hong Lei? It’s me who is so arrogant and so angry!”

Sun Honglei slapped his chest loudly, as if it wasn’t him who was angry just now.

The others were laughed at by Sun Honglei, and the tense atmosphere just now dissipated a lot!

Zhang Chen and the others waited outside the Cannon Temple for a while, and the movement inside became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

“You guys are waiting for me outside, I’ll go in and see what’s going on!”

Zhang Chen said something to everyone.

“Zhang Chen, then be careful yourself!”

Yaya watched Zhang Chen leave and said with concern.

Zhang Chen nodded, raised his legs and walked inside.

“Okay, it’s safe inside now! You can come in!”

Not long after, Zhang Chen’s voice came from inside the Cannon Temple.

As soon as Sun Honglei entered, he saw Zhang Chen staring at a map in his hand with a frown.

“Zhang Chen, is this a map?”

Lin Yu asked curiously, and the others also looked at him with concerned eyes.

“It’s really a map, and it’s a map of the entire Dixian Village tomb!”

Zhang Chen nodded solemnly and handed the map to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took it and looked at it carefully.

more and moreLin Yuyue was surprised, because the map was very detailed, even the old house of Feng Shigu!

Feng Shigu’s old house is the core of the entire Dixian Village tomb!

It is also the ultimate purpose of Zhang Chen’s trip.

Sun Honglei and the others also brought their heads together and looked at them curiously.

However, after just one look, Sun Honglei felt dizzy. These brain-consuming things were not suitable for him.

“Zhang Chen, if this map is real, then we can avoid many detours!”

Lin Yu raised her head and said excitedly.

“Zhang Chen, where did you get this map from?”

Huang Lei asked curiously.

At the same time, he was a little puzzled. Since Zhang Chen had such a map, why didn’t he take it out earlier.

Could it be that the time has not come?

“Just picked it up from the ground!”

Zhang Chen smiled dryly and said.

Because it was too easy, Zhang Chen couldn’t believe it.

“Pick it up on the ground?”

Lin Yu and the others looked at each other.

“Well, after the group of coffin worms disappeared, this map was left on the ground. I suspect that some people did it deliberately!”

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but think of Li Hongsu’s figure.

For Li Hongsu, as a real corpse fairy, it is not too difficult to control the coffin worms in the ancient tomb!

“Then why did she help us?”

After listening to Zhang Chen, everyone else didn’t quite believe Li Hongsu.

No matter what you are doing, you are either a traitor or a thief. This map is very likely to be a trap!

Only Yaya’s thoughts moved. Could this be Li Yunyun’s compensation for her?

“Hey, Yaya, don’t be too affectionate, others are just taking advantage of you!”

A look of sadness flashed in Yaya’s eyes.

She hasn’t fully recovered from this.

Mainly because Li Yunyun disturbed her too seriously before, and Yaya herself is a sensitive person.

Unknowingly, I fell deeply into it, and even sacrificed myself for Li Yunyun before.

Zhang Chen, who had a keen sense of perception, caught the sadness in Yaya’s eyes.

But he didn’t make a sound, this kind of thing still depends on Yaya to come out on her own.

“” 々 The map is true or false, try it to find out!”

In the end, Zhang Chen said firmly.

It is the so-called wealth and danger seeking!

Fear of wolves before and tigers can’t be done. Coming to the Dixian Village tomb itself is a very risky thing.

Besides, Zhang Chen felt that Li Hongsu should not use a fake map to deceive him.

Because it doesn’t make much sense!

Moreover, it will take time to make a fake map, Li Hongsu has just gotten out of trouble, and he doesn’t have the time at all.

“Hey, Zhang Chen, do you think there is such a possibility. This map was given to you by Feng Shigu, so I want to trick you on purpose?”

Sun Honglei suddenly came to Zhang Chen’s side and said with a big brain.

In fact, Sun Honglei just said it casually, just to prove that his brain (Nuo Nuo’s) bag can also think about things.

Zhang Chen froze when he heard this.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Chen said solemnly: “This possibility is not ruled out, but the possibility is very small. If Feng Shigu really wants to deal with us, he will take action directly, unless…”

“Unless what?”

Sun Honglei hurriedly asked.

“Unless he is limited himself! Or at a critical time.”

Feng Shigu is a rumored earth immortal, and his behavior and thoughts can no longer be guessed by ordinary people’s thoughts.

After everyone continued to discuss for a while, they fell asleep one after another.

Zhang Chen is in charge of everyone’s safety. He is mentally strong, and it’s not a problem if he doesn’t sleep for a week.

He simply took out the map he picked up again.

“It turns out that this picture is called Coffin Mountain Xiangzhai Picture!”

This time Zhang Chen finally found its name on the map.

“Wait, these lines on the map seem to be moving, is this a change?”

Suddenly, Zhang Chen’s eyes widened.

It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered! </p>

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