Chapter 314: Institution

This content is the first release of “Honeycomb” on boshisw!

After taking a few more glances, Zhang Chen was sure that he was not mistaken.

There is indeed a “line” running through the entire map, looming!

“Is this the dragon vein hidden under the ancient tomb of the entire Dixian Village?”

Zhang Chen secretly guessed, but couldn’t think of a reason.

But right now.

The “line” on the mapChanged again!

It turned from a looming dotted line into a solid black line.

This black solid line, like a branch, keeps dividing and spreading, and finally occupies most of the map!

It looks like a dragon with fangs and claws!

Similar to the dragon veins, but with a bit of ferocity.

The more Zhang Chen looked, the more familiar he felt, and finally a light flashed in his head.

“Isn’t this the nine-death shocking mausoleum armor?”

Zhang Chen was shocked.

Nine Death Jingling Armor feeds on the breath of the dragon veins in the ground and continues to multiply and grow, exactly as shown on the map.

Zhang Chen carefully observed the Cannon Temple where he was currently staying.

I found that there is a nine-death Jingling armor lurking not far away.

“This “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Picture” is really extraordinary, it can actually reflect the position of the Nine Deaths Jingling Armor on the paper!”

With this map, if it is not necessary, Zhang Chen will be able to avoid the Nine Deaths Jingling Armor effectively when he moves forward.

For Zhang Chen, this can save a lot of trouble.

After a while, the black solid line on the map disappeared without a trace, returning to 990.

However, when Zhang Chen’s mental strength is concentrated, the black solid line that symbolizes the nine-death shocking mausoleum will appear again!

“When I’m really drowsy, someone will send a pillow!”

Zhang Chen smiled, obviously satisfied with this map.

If it was really sent by Li Hongsu, then Zhang Chen would owe him a favor.

This kind of favor will have to be repaid sooner or later. Zhang Chen dislikes owed favors the most in his life.

“Is it because of the origin of the ghost vine in my mouth?”

Before Li Yunyun was very interested in the ghost vine.

If you have a bad relationship with Zhang Chen, then Zhang Chen will definitely not share it with her!

Think for a moment.

Zhang Chen put “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” into the system space, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Sun Honglei and the others woke up yawning one after another, but they immediately became full of energy.

In this dangerous ancient tomb, they dare not relax too much.

Lin Yu, who has a magic weapon and a cannon in his arms, wakes up to see if the baby in his arms is still there.

After feeling the cold touch of the magic weapon cannon, Lin Yu felt relieved.

Seeing the coquettish ghost eye on Sun Honglei’s forehead, this time apart from envy, Lin Yu also had other thoughts!

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu came to Zhang Chen’s side.

Scratched his head, under Zhang Chen’s slightly puzzled eyes, Lin Yu said daringly.

“Brother Chen, didn’t you say you were free to teach me the magic formula? Are you… free now?”

Seeing Lin Yu’s embarrassed look, Zhang Chen looked strange.

If it was before, he would only think that Lin Yu was thin-skinned!

Now I don’t think so, I think Lin Yu is probably pretending.

Lin Yu still has such a snack machine!

It’s definitely not the harmless look on the surface!

But to Zhang Chen, it’s not a big deal!

Anyway, Lin Yu didn’t have any bad intentions, he just wanted to hug his thigh, it was more convenient for him to survive in this small team!

Actually, even if Lin Yu didn’t mention it, Zhang Chen would take the time to teach him.

Otherwise, what a pity it would be such a waste of a magic weapon!

Zhang Chen was not stingy, and completely told Lin Yu the urging formula of the low-level Huangjie magic weapon.

Everyone else is fine, and quietly took what Zhang Chen taught in their hearts!

Although they don’t have any magic weapon yet, and they have learned it for nothing, but the skills are not overwhelming.

What if they also get the magic weapon one day?

I have to say that there is still a possibility to follow Zhang Chen.

Lin Yu is their role model.

However, it is difficult to memorize the formulas of the instruments. As for how much one can remember, it is entirely up to one’s own creation.

Lin Yu’s understanding ability is very strong, and his comprehension is also good!

Slowly, he could control the artillery artillery in his hand. This change made Lin Yu very excited.

However, he is still far from being proficient in using artillery and artillery.

As for blasting a cannonball like the evil ghost before, Lin Yu is even more than a thousand miles away!

However, Lin Yu is not (addh) discouraged.

He believes that as long as he perseveres, that day will come.

After eating a barbecue breakfast, Zhang Chen and the others were ready to go.

In the place where Li Hongsu and the others disappeared before, there is a long and narrow blue brick tomb!

Zhang Chen took out “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” and compared it.

It was found that they were going to Feng Shigu’s old house, and the tomb passage in front of them was the only choice and the best choice.

Now that he has decided, Zhang Chen no longer hesitates.

With a wave of his hand, he walked in first.

Others hurry to keep up, Hong Lei hasWith ghost eyes in his body, he is not afraid at all.

After entering the tomb passage, start looking left and right to see if you can find anything special!

Naihe, it was pitch black in the tomb passage, and Sun Honglei couldn’t see anything.

Lin Yu has now obtained a magic weapon and artillery, and is no longer as timid as before!

This time, I dared to take the initiative to walk in the front, which made Huang Bo and Huang Lei envious!

They just realized that.

What a magic weapon brings to the owner is not only the improvement of strength!

But in all aspects, such as self-confidence and the like!

The atmosphere in the tomb passage is very depressing, and there is a faint sense of danger in the darkness.

Sun Honglei and the others didn’t dare to take it lightly, and they were prepared for it!

In the distance of the pitch-black tomb passage, clusters of bleak light like ghost fires lit up, making people’s faces turn green!

At the same time, it was accompanied by a strange movement of wooden teeth clenching.

When everyone heard the sudden sound, they held their breaths and were in shock.

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand, and the unicorn fire in his palm burst out, illuminating the tomb in the distance!

Everyone just found out.

The end of the tomb passage has changed from narrow to wide, and there is a gate tower!

Among them are two stone arched tomb gates covered with copper nails and rings, the scale and shape are no different from the world.

Six wooden faucets stick out from under the dripping eaves in front of the door, and the eyes of the faucets twinkle like candles!

It should be Zhang Chen and the others who suddenly broke into this place, unintentionally triggering some mechanism.

Makes the phosphorus nitrate hidden in the eye socket of the wooden dragon to burn.

I only heard the mechanical action of the wooden dragon, plus there was a phosphorous fire burning inside the faucet!

Zhang Chen recognized it at a glance. Nine times out of ten, it was an extremely sharp rocket mechanism-Honey.

“Honeybee” is a weapon in the Ming Dynasty army to defeat the enemy!

The shape has the shape of a crow and a fire dragon, and the overall shape is a long wooden box.

Using gunpowder or machine spring to launch, when shooting, it is like a group of peaks coming out of a nest, so it is called a swarm.

“This is a murder mechanism, everyone be careful!”

Zhang Chen immediately exited and reminded.

The rockets hidden in the swarms have already been blasted out, giving Zhang Chen and the others no room to react at all!

The flames at the dragon head of the wooden dragon suddenly rose, and the tomb path shone like fire and fireflies. Hundreds of random arrows rushed toward the face as if the peaks were coming out of the nest! </p>

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