Chapter 312: Coffin Bug


Hearing Zhang Chen’s voice, Li Hongsu turned to look at him.

“Oh, so what do you think the young master wants?”

Noticing the immortal lock of the mysterious magic weapon in Zhang Chen’s hand, Li Hongsu’s beautiful eyes could not help flashing a touch of fear!

The tone was a little more euphemistic, and he said with a smile.

Zhang Chen was laughed at, isn’t his performance obvious enough?

Or is his opinion unimportant at all?

“I don’t agree!”

With a bright eye, he said decisively.

After he finished speaking, he also raised the immortal binding lock in Yang’s hand!

The meaning is obvious.

If Li Hongsu insists on letting Li Yunyun take over Yaya, Zhang Chen will do it without hesitation!

Although Li Hongsu put a lot of pressure on him at this time, Zhang Chen had his own bottom line to stick to.

Seeing his friend in danger, he was indifferent.

Zhang Chen couldn’t do it.

Feeling the determination in Zhang Chen’s words, Li Yunyun, who was in a state of soul, looked at her complex eyes.

If possible, she really doesn’t want to conflict with Zhang Chenqi!

The future of the latter can be foreseen, it must be the dragon among men!

It is a very unwise choice to become an enemy with him now.

But the temptation of becoming an immortal is indeed too great for Li Yunyun!

03Mortals simply cannot refuse.

Even if it’s just an inferior corpse fairy!

Sun Honglei and the others were very moved, and Yaya almost cried.

No matter when and where, Zhang Chen is the most trustworthy existence!

“If the son doesn’t agree, it will be difficult! Yunyun, what do you think?”

Li Hongsu also felt Zhang Chen’s difficulty.

Right now, she has just escaped from the ancient painting, and has not yet regained her peak combat power!

Plus there is Feng Shigu hidden in the dark.

Fighting with Zhang Chen will hurt both sides, and there is no benefit at all. Li Hongsu decides to give Li Yunyun the right to choose.

If Li Yunyun insists on taking the house, Yaya!

In any case, Li Hongsu will fulfill his promise to her.

Under the gazes of everyone, Li Yunyun’s complexion kept changing, and it was obvious that her thoughts were also struggling violently.

Whether it is war or harmony, it all depends on her words!

After thinking for a long time, Li Yunyun finally sighed.

“Miss, let’s go!”

Hear the words.

Sun Honglei and the others heaved a sigh of relief, but Yaya couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Although she knew the reason why Li Yunyun gave up, it was mostly because she was worried about Zhang Chen’s presence.

But there should always be a reason why you can’t bear her, right?

Yaya thought with some self-deception.

“It’s okay to lose this opportunity, the world is so big, there will definitely be a body that is more suitable for you!”

Seeing that Li Yunyun didn’t make her embarrassed, Li Hongsu seemed very happy, but of course she didn’t show it very clearly.

Instead, she comforted Li Yunyun in a soft voice.

Before leaving, she looked at Zhang Chen and Yaya with complicated eyes.

She knows that after this incident, a rift has occurred, and the two parties can no longer be friends!

Li Yunyun sighed in her heart.

I don’t know what it’s a pity!

Afterwards, Li Hongsu and Li Yunyun walked out of the room, went to the first floor, and quickly disappeared from a secret passage.

It seems that he is very familiar with the ancient tomb of Dixian Village.

“Let’s go too!”

Zhang ChenyeTurning to look at Sun Honglei and the others.

Actually, Zhang Chen is quite satisfied with the trip to the Cannon Temple!

Although there have been some twists and turns, it was not a waste of time, and I got what I deserved.

The others nodded, followed behind Zhang Chen, and walked downstairs together.

Everyone gathered together, discussed for a while, and decided on the next plan!

Lin Yu looked at the watch on her wrist and found that it was getting late.

So everyone decided to take a rest at the Cannon Temple for a night, and continue on the road tomorrow.

At this time, I don’t know whose stomach “quack” screamed twice.

Everyone looked at each other in unison, and after a short silence, a burst of laughter broke out!

“Haha, Dr. Lin, did your stomach growl just now?”

Huang Bo pointed at Lin Yu and winked.

Although Lin Yu won the magic artillery cannon with strength, Huang Bo couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, it is impossible to hold a grudge for this, and even hate Lin Yu.

Huang Bo is not like this.

It’s unavoidable to just tease Lin Yu from time to time.

“No no no, not me!”

Lin Yu shook his head like a rattle, and his expression was rather wronged.

Yaya’s pretty face blushed slightly, and she shrank her neck. In fact, her stomach was screaming just now.

Everyone knows it well, but no one exposes it!

After all, this is indeed a bit embarrassing for a girl.

“Okay, okay, Huang Bo, don’t make trouble! Aren’t you hungry?”

Huang Lei stopped Huang Bo’s move.

Hearing what Huang Lei said, the others nodded in unison.

Originally, they didn’t feel that, but now hearing Huang Lei’s words, a strong hunger rushed into their minds.

So everyone looked at Zhang Chen eagerly.

In this place where birds don’t poop in the ancient tomb of Dixian Village, it’s really hard to find something to eat!

Everyone is still thinking about the corpse king in Zhang Chen’s hands.

Sun Honglei even rubbed his hands excitedly.

He knows Zhang Chen, and he will definitely not regret what he says!

Besides, the Corpse Flood King was so big, he couldn’t finish it all by himself.

“Okay, alright! Brother Hong Lei, please wipe the harass around your mouth!”

Zhang Chen smiled helplessly.

Why are they all looking at him with such burning eyes, he didn’t say no.

Isn’t it just a corpse dragon king?

Under the expectation of everyone.

Zhang Chen took out a small part of the corpse dragon king in the system space, which weighed about ten pounds!

This is the most tender part of the Corpse Flood King’s body. Zhang Chen carefully selected it for a while.

Hope it doesn’t taste too bad!

He was finally able to come in handy. “Super Chef” Huang Lei stood up and sniffed the corpse Jiaowang’s flesh carefully.

To his surprise, the flesh of the corpse king did not have the unpleasant fishy smell he imagined.

Instead, it has a little fragrance!

This is the flesh of the corpse flood king who wants to transform into a dragon. It is an absolutely rare ingredient!

Huang Lei was delighted to see Hunter for a while, and said with great interest.

“If only there were seasonings! I can definitely give you a whole delicious barbecue!”

Huang Lei will have an indescribable sense of accomplishment whenever he sees everyone eating the food he made with satisfaction.

“Huang Lei, don’t think about it! It’s good to have food in this ghost place!”

Huang Bo laughed at Huang Lei, feeling that he was in a whimsical 990.

Sun Honglei smashed his mouth, as if he was missing the smell of barbecue outside.

The speaker is unintentional, listen with intention!

For others, it’s really hard to do.

But for Zhang Chen, who has a system, it is not impossible!

“System, can I exchange things like seasonings?”

Zhang Chen called the system.

“Yes, it needs to consume a certain amount of popularity! Is the host sure to exchange it?”


Zhang Chen nodded without hesitation.

Before, he had accumulated a lot of popularity points, and it was not worth mentioning to exchange a little seasoning!

“Brother Lei, this is for you!”

Zhang Chen handed bags of seasonings to Huang Lei like a conjurer.

Huang Lei opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn’t believe it.

However, when he thought of Zhang Chen’s unpredictable methods, he took it for granted.

“Wow, it’s time for a big meal!”

The others cheered loudly regardless of how Zhang Chen’s seasoning came about.

Everyone has their own secrets, why don’t they themselves?

The fragrant Corpse Flood King’s barbecue fills the entire hall of the Cannon Temple!

After Zhang Chen was sure that this thing was not poisonous, everyone began to feast on it..

One by one, they ate their mouths full of oil, with a satisfied smile on their faces.

Zhang Chen heard the sound of �O�O�@�@.

He turned his head to look at a corner of the Cannon Temple.

Immediately, I saw a thick layer of black beetles coming like a tide!

Each one is the size of an egg!

“This is… a coffin bug?”

Zhang Chen’s face suddenly changed. </p>

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