Chapter 296: Corpse Jiao Wang, Die


“Brothers, fuck it!”

Sun Honglei let out a loud roar as if he was facing a great enemy.

In a split second, the vertical eyes on his forehead opened, and beams of piercing pupil light shot out!

All the corpses that were caught by the pupil light were cut into two halves, no accident.

Huang Bo and the others are in high spirits. These things look bluffing, but they are not invincible!


Huang Bo blushed, roared with a thick neck, and rushed out with the big knife that Zhang Chen had prepared for them in advance.

In a state of high spirits.

Huang Bo’s heart was beating like a drum, and he had nothing else in his mind. He just wanted to kill all these corpses, and he had already thrown his fear into the clouds!

“Death to Lao Tzu!”

Huang Bo clenched his hands tightly and shouted with his eyes wide open.

The aggressive knife slashed head-on in the bite of the bite.On the juvenile corpse, even the fangs in its mouth can clearly see “Nine Seven Seven”!

With a “click”, the corpse was cut in half directly by Huang Bo, hot blood sprayed out, and the broken body struggled on the ground for a while, and then stopped moving!

Is this dead?

Huang Bo was stunned when he touched the blood spattered by the corpse on his face.

Fortunately, the young corpse was not poisonous, otherwise Huang Bo’s face might be ruined.

But even if Huang Bo is ruined, he probably doesn’t care much, so he has the right to have plastic surgery!

Then an unprecedented sense of accomplishment hit Huang Bo’s body, causing him to tremble.

“Haha, be happy! Be happy!”

Huang Bo couldn’t help laughing. For the first time, he knew that it was so cool to go into battle and kill the enemy!

Huang Bo, who had tasted the sweetness, took the initiative to charge towards the corpse Jiao group, showing an indomitable momentum!

“Even Huang Bo is so fierce, I can’t lose to him!”

Huang Lei, who was fighting the corpse, took a moment to glance at Huang Bo.

Immediately, he was infected by Huang Bo’s bravery, and even gave birth to a arrogance of the same enemy!

The large and small wounds that were bitten by the corpse just now don’t seem to hurt much anymore.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei are both brave and brave, but Yaya and Fat Di are the best performers.

Especially Yaya, after receiving Li Yunyun’s inheritance, her whole person has changed completely.

The figure is light, coming and going like the wind!

Automatically master a lot of moves that I didn’t know before, and every shot is just right.

Yaya as long as the knife is out, a corpse will be killed.

Looking at the radiant Yaya, Fat Di said it was impossible not to be sour, but this was Yaya’s own creation!

Who told her that it wasn’t her who rushed out to save Li Yunyun before.

Sun Honglei and the others were the main force in beheading the corpse Jiao, from Sun Honglei to Yaya.

After half an hour.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, everyone who was covered in scars looked at each other in dismay.

“we won?”

Lin Yu murmured in disbelief.

Looking around, there are corpses everywhere, hundreds of corpses, all turned into corpses at this moment.

“we won!”

Sun Honglei nodded fiercely and grinned.

Before the start, Sun Honglei never thought that they would win, and even prepared for the annihilation of the entire army!

But the result was far beyond his expectations.

Not only did they win, but they won beautifully!

Although everyone has a lot of money, no one lost their lives!

For him, this is already the best result.

“Thanks to Yaya, I killed so many corpses!”

Sun Honglei said sincerely, at the beginning, his shattering pupil light did cut off a few corpses!

But breaking the pupil light is too heavy for the spirit, Sun Honglei only dares to use it at critical times.

Hundreds of corpses, Yaya killed at least half of them alone.

Others are also watching Yaya with eager eyes!

Yaya’s face turned red, and she was not used to being treated so solemnly by everyone.

She hurriedly waved her hand and said modestly, “Brother Hong Lei, you have won the prize, it’s everyone’s credit!”


At this moment, there was a loud, earth-shattering noise from the Broken Dragon Gate, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

The joy of victory on everyone’s faces instantly faded a lot.

“I don’t know how Zhang Chen is doing now?”

At this time, inside the Broken Dragon Gate.

Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun are standing in a corner respectively, showing a tendency of horns, and they are confronting the Corpse Flood King!

“Zhang Chen, such an attack is useless! The corpse king’s skin is too thick, it can be called copper skin and iron armor!”

Li Yunyun panted and said that the two of them had already fought with the Corpse Flood King just now.

However, the corpse Jiaowang is too strong, Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun tried their best, but they couldn’t break the defense.

If it wasn’t because of the fact that the corpse king was too big to move, Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun would definitely be injured now.

Zhang Chen, who was shrouded in thunder and fire unicorn armor, nodded in agreement, and said solemnly, “You have to find its weakness first!”

The more critical the time, the calmer Zhang Chen becomes. This is his innate talent.

His eyes kept flickering, sweeping across the huge body of the Corpse Flood King, and the picture of the corpse flood king just flashed through his mind!

The Corpse Flood King would not give Zhang Chen a chance to think.

After repeatedly letting Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun dodge the attack, the Corpse Flood King was already very impatient!

An existence like this one should just stand obediently and let it be pinched to death. A little resistance is an insult to it!

The corpse king opened his bloody mouth and destroyed it in one biteThe breath of extinction condensed in its mouth, and in the blink of an eye, a whirlpool was formed.

Li Yunyun’s face changed drastically, as if she realized something.

She only had time to remind Zhang Chen before she burst out to her full potential, and a layer of purple crystals wrapped Li Yunyun all over her body in an instant, leaving no gaps!

The Corpse Flood King is about to move for real!

Zhang Chen’s expression was solemn, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a period of weakness after a general amplification move. According to his estimation, the Corpse Flood King is no exception.

If he can take advantage of this short-term neutrality, get into the mouth of the corpse flood king, and then use all his strength to burst out the power of the dragon arm, he may not be able to severely damage the corpse flood king!

No matter how powerful the exterior is, the interior is definitely more fragile!

If the Corpse Flood King has both internal cultivation and is as powerful, then it is not a creature of the level of resentment, at least it is the level of undead!

Of course, these are just Zhang Chen’s guesses, but now he has no choice but to fight to the death!

The premise is that Zhang Chen has to dodge the attack of the Corpse Flood Dragon first.

Just when Zhang Chen’s mind was spinning, a beam of light formed by black flames burst out from the mouth of the corpse Jiaowang!

Everywhere he passed, all turned into ashes, showing its destructive power!

Zhang Chen bears the brunt!

But Zhang Chen would not sit still and keep dodging.

But it was still swept away by black flames.

In an instant, the clothes on Zhang Chen’s body were burned into nothingness, and the ultra-high temperature roasted Zhang Chen’s body into the color of a roast chicken.

“It’s now!”

Zhang Chen let out a low voice in his heart, the power of the Qilin bloodline exploded completely, like a flood opening, surging out of his body.

With a “boom”, Zhang Chen got into the giant mouth of the Corpse Flood Dragon in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Chen’s left arm lit up, and a loud dragon roar resounded! </p>

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