Chapter 295: Facing the Corpse Jiao King



Zhang Chen was stunned at first.

Turning his head and seeing Li Yunyun’s ugly expression, Zhang Chen instantly understood.

“You mean the corpse dragon king?”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath.

“You’re still… a crow’s mouth! Now let’s run~ Is it still time to go back?”

Zhang Chen couldn’t help complaining about Li Yunyun, and at the same time – looked back.

They are now more than 100 meters away from the exit, and at the speed of two people, it will not take a minute!

But now running back, it means that Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun have given up their previous achievements!

“you sure?”

Li Yunyun glanced at Zhang Chen expressionlessly. Although her expression was a little nervous, she didn’t mean to back down.

“Not sure, it’s not my style to run away!”

Li Yunyun is not an opponent of the Corpse Flood King, which does not mean that he has no resistance at all!

No matter what, the Corpse Flood King is just a resentful spirit.

What’s more, Zhang Chen himself is still a hooker!

“This dog is always bullying me, I have long wanted to kill it!”

Li Yunyun gritted her silver teeth and said angrily.

Obviously, he suffered a lot from the corpse king.

It’s just that he suffers from his lack of strength and has been holding back.

Now with Zhang Chen as a great helper, Li Yunyun immediately felt the urge to be ashamed!

“What’s so special about this corpse king?”

Zhang Chen asked in a deep voice.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles!

Zhang Chen wants to know more about the corpse Jiao king through Li Yunyun, so he can deal with it at that time!

Just as Li Yunyun was about to answer, she sensed the presence of the Corpse Flood King close at hand.

Her face changed suddenly, and she said very quickly: “It’s already here, it’s under our feet, get away!”

Before she finished speaking, Li Yunyun’s figure flashed and she left the place.

Zhang Chen’s reaction was not slow, and he appeared ten meters away in the blink of an eye!

Almost the second after Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun left.

The place where they were standing just now suddenly made a loud “bang”, like a volcanic eruption!

In an instant, the ground cracked, and the sky was filled with rubble!

The head of a behemoth popped out, the size of a house, in the shape of a fusiform!

The appearance looks similar to that of a python, with a ferocious shape, two huge horns on its head, and the fish-like scales on its back are clearly visible!

A few dragon whiskers even appeared at the corners of the mouth!

“Honey, is this guy going to transform into a dragon?”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath.


But powerful creatures on the same level as immortals have always existed only in legends!

Although Zhang Chen has a dragon arm around him.

But that is not a real dragon, unless he has completely evolved the dragon arm, he can have the power of “dragon”!

“Is this the breath of a top-level resentful spirit? Sure enough, he is domineering!”

Seeing that Li Yunyun was so jealous of this corpse flood king before, Zhang Chen was a little disdainful!

Now, after feeling the strong sense of oppression brought by the Corpse Flood King.

Zhang Chen didn’t dare to take it lightly!

But immediately his eyes became splendid.

Just now, Zhang Chen felt the strong desire of the dragon arm!

If you can swallow the dragon energy born in the body of the corpse dragon king, his dragon arm will undergo qualitative changes!

This is the accumulation of the corpse king’s survival for thousands of years.

Far from being comparable to absorbing the dragon vein energy from the beasts before!

In an instant, Zhang Chen’s heart started to move.

Sun Honglei is looking around nervously, for fear that those sleeping corpses will suddenly attack!

Suddenly, he felt a shock under his feet, and his body shook uncontrollably.

Sun Honglei was taken aback and subconsciously moved towards the direction where the shock look.

It is from the Broken Dragon Gate.

Due to the angle of view, he couldn’t see clearly, and he could only vaguely see the huge body of the Corpse Flood King!

For a time, Sun Honglei was inexplicably shocked!

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings when facing huge creatures.

Huge, often means powerful, unmatched!

“What kind of monster is that thing?”

Others obviously noticed the situation on Zhang Chen’s side, and couldn’t help but worry about it.

“It looks like a corpse, an incomparably huge corpse!”

Yaya took a few serious glances and said in a difficult tone.

They thought that the black snake they saw in the ancient city of Jingjue was big enough!

But right now, this corpse is no different from the black snake!

“Are Zhang Chen and the others all right? Shall we go take a look?”

Yaya knew that they were going to be cannon fodder, but she still couldn’t restrain her feelings. In fact, people are often out of rational control.

Sun Honglei shook his head and said with a serious expression: “We should trust Zhang Chen, and besides, aren’t we going to cause trouble for him? The situation will only get worse!”

Having said that, Sun Honglei is still confused, I hope Zhang Chen is safe and sound.

Seeing that Sun Honglei’s attitude was firm, and Huang Lei and the others were not very supportive, Yaya could only put out her mind.

“Hong Lei, it’s not good, they… seem to wake up!”

Huang Bo suddenly said in a trembling tone.

He would rather kill himself than be eaten by a group of animals!

This is his last stubbornness as a human being!

Sun Honglei turned his head to look, and found those corpses that were originally quietly curled up on the rocky beach.

As if receiving some kind of signal at the same time, they unfolded their bodies one by one and slowly woke up.

Sun Honglei and the others took a breath when they saw this scene.

It feels like I can’t even breathe too hard.

. .

A strong sense of crisis rushed through the body instantly!

Finally, in the stiff expressions of Sun Honglei and the others.

Those corpse scorpion’s green pupils gathered on Sun Honglei and the others, igniting bloodthirsty desire!

Sun Honglei’s sentence almost came out of a roar, since Zhang Chen entrusted the safety of others to him.

He must shoulder this responsibility.

“Brother Hong Lei, how about… Let’s retreat first?”

Lin Yu’s face was pale, and he said with shortness of breath.

He admitted that he was afraid. He didn’t have the skills of Zhang Chen, nor the courage of Sun Honglei. He was just an ordinary person.

So his first thought was to escape, but he couldn’t think of that much as he couldn’t escape.

He just felt that his own group of people couldn’t stand here and wait to die in vain!

“We can’t retreat! We still have hope of surviving in a desperate fight!”

Sun Honglei glared at Lin Yu fiercely, and with that look, he could not wait to eat Lin Yu.

For the first time, Lin Yu saw Sun Honglei’s terrifying appearance, and he was shocked.

Lin Yu, who woke up, immediately felt a deep sense of shame in her heart.

Even before the battle, he was the first to want to be a deserter!

“No, I’m not greedy for life, I want to prove myself!”

Lin Yu clenched his fists tightly and suddenly had courage.

“The big deal is death, Lin Yu, you are afraid of shit, Yaya and the others are not afraid!”

Lin Yu yelled to himself in his heart.

With the sound of “�O�O�@�@”, hundreds of corpses rushed in in an instant, surrounding Sun Honglei and the others! </p>

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