Chapter 297: Seven Stars Destroys Spirits


All this happened in a flash, when Li Yunyun reacted.

I only heard the fierce and domineering dragon roar in my ears, and even covered the loud noise caused by the corpse flood king’s destruction!

Li Yunyun, who was hiding in the purple crystal, couldn’t help but widen her beautiful eyes.

Looking blankly at the looming figure in the mouth of the corpse flood king!

“What is Zhang Chen doing?”

From Li Yunyun’s point of view, Zhang Chen’s move is no different from the sheep entering the tiger’s mouth.

A loud noise suddenly came from Li Yunyun’s ear, and she could see it clearly.

Zhang Chen raised his left fist and slammed the corpse king’s upper jaw with a punch.

Going up, it’s the skull of the Corpse Flood King!

After this heavy blow, the Corpse Flood King let out an uncontrollable wailing!

The turbulent sound waves spread out, shaking the mountain wall to the ground.

“This is bad, the corpse king will definitely be more furious! I wonder if my corpse crystal can resist its attack!”

Li Yunyun looked at the scene in front of her worriedly.

However, she didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​blaming Zhang Chen for the 03 crime. The Corpse Flood King had completely blocked the escape route, and now there is only one way left to fight to the death!


Sure enough, it was not what Li Yunyun expected.

After being beaten by Zhang Chen, the corpse flood king’s pupils instantly turned blood red, and he roared, spreading the word far and wide.

The roar contains an aura of violent destruction, and those who are less timid will probably be frightened to death by this roar!

The closest Zhang Chen bears the brunt!

However, he was already prepared and used the power of qi and blood to protect both ears, otherwise the eardrums would have to be shattered.

Realizing that the sonic attack was ineffective against Zhang Chen, the Corpse Flood King closed his huge jaws directly, intending to bite Zhang Chen to death.

But the corpse flood king soon felt a sharp pain in his mouth, it hurt and itchy!

It quickly opened its mouth and threw its head wildly, trying to throw Zhang Chen out of its mouth!

Zhang Chen, who was standing on the tongue of the Corpse Flood King, was like a small boat in a huge wave, and it seemed that it might capsize at any time.

But in fact, it is as stable as Mount Tai, like a nail, nailed to the tongue of the corpse king.

This is thanks to the Immortal Binding Chain and the Seven-Star Spirit Destruction Nail.

When the Corpse Flood King took a bite, Zhang Chen directly summoned the Spirit Exterminating Nail!

Then the magic weapon was activated, so that the seven spirit-extinguishing nails skyrocketed in a short period of time, and instantly became more than two meters long.

I don’t know what material the nails are made of, they are extremely sturdy!

Even if the corpse flood king’s bite force is amazing, it can’t shake the spirit-killing nails. This is the reason why the corpse flood king has just suffered!At the same time, Zhang Chen also used the Immortal Binding Lock to bind himself and the Corpse Flood King’s tongue firmly together to prevent himself from being thrown out by the Corpse Flood King.

“This guy is really tough!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the upper jaw of the Corpse Flood Dragon and cursed.

Just now, he tried his best to burst out the power of the dragon’s arm. He thought he could punch the corpse king’s upper jaw with one punch.

It turned out that he thought too much, he just opened a blood hole in the upper jaw of the corpse king, and it healed automatically in a blink of an eye!

“As expected of a top-level resentful spirit, it’s too perverted! If this continues, Li Yunyun and I will only have a dead end…”

Zhang Chen frowned, the Corpse Flood King was the first to make him feel troublesome.

His mind changed, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of a way to deal with the corpse king!

The Corpse Flood King will not wait for Zhang Chen to deal with it in vain, and now Zhang Chen has completely angered it!

Its abdomen bulged, and a black flame of destruction breathed out.

Rao is that Zhang Chen had already covered his whole body with the Thunder Fire Unicorn Armor, but he still felt the heat and at the same time felt a chill that was penetrating the bone marrow!

Two completely different attributes appeared on the same flame, which made Zhang Chen feel a little incredible!

If it weren’t for the Qilin Fire being a high-quality flame, it is estimated that Zhang Chen would have been burned by the black fire long ago and not even the slag was left.

Li Yunyun wants to take out the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box to resist this black flame, so she knows how terrible it is!

But now is not the time to think about it, Zhang Chen’s time is running out.

If it continues like this, nine times out of ten, he will become the belly of the corpse king!

“Destroyer nails, get it for me!”

Zhang Chen stubbornly resisted the black flame spurting out of the corpse flood king’s mouth, clenching his teeth.

Controlling the spirit-killing nails, they turned over and pointed the nails to the corpse king’s upper jaw!

Then Zhang Chen enlarged the caps of the seven spirit-killing nails, and used the power of the dragon arms again.

“Break it for me!”

Zhang Chen punched punch after punch, looking like a maniac.

There was a “bang bang” in the mouth of the corpse Jiaowang!

As his fist slammed down, the seven spirit-killing nails fell into the upper jaw of the Corpse Flood King!

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and the poisonous mist filled the air, but Zhang Chen had been immune to all poisons for a long time, and this would not pose much threat to him.

Because of the severe pain, the corpse king tumbled frantically on the ground, roaring loudly!

It never thought that the existence of an ant that he didn’t care about at all would push it to this point.

In fact, it was also Zhang Chen’s method of restraining the corpse flood king.

The flame was restrained by his unicorn fire, and the poison was ineffective against him, so Zhang Chen was able to survive until now.

“Finally done! Even if the Corpse Flood King is a top-level resentful spirit, under this kind of attack, he has to burp!”

The seven spirit-killing nails have been completely submerged in the upper jaw of the corpse flood king, and they are arranged in a certain pattern.

Zhang Chen’s expression became more serious!

If someone who knows the goods is present, they will recognize it. This is the 980 method of the Big Dipper arrangement!

The reason why it is called the Seven Stars Nail is not only because it can be used to “kill spirits”, but also because it can borrow the power of the Seven Stars!

Zhang Chen immediately urged the formula, chanting words in his mouth.

Gradually, Zhang Chen’s face became paler and paler. It was the first time he borrowed the power of seven stars.

And the corpse king is also rolling more and more violently in the place, as if he is aware of the danger.

This is also due to Zhang Chen’s decisive decision, rushing into the mouth of the Corpse Flood King, and then there is a way to deal with it!

Otherwise, Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun are the ones who stand to be beaten in vain.

“What is Zhang Chen doing? Why do I feel like my soul is trembling?”

As a half corpse fairy, Li Yunyun’s perception is still very keen.

Faintly aware, a terrifying momentum is brewing in Zhang Chen!

Li Yunyun knows the corpse dragon very well, this kind of movement will never be caused by the corpse dragon!

“The Seven Stars Destroy the Spirit, break it for me!”

After reciting the formula, Zhang Chen instantly felt a sense of blessing to his soul, and he roared in a low voice.

Immediately, seven dazzling starlights came from the sky, broke through the mountain wall, and landed directly on the seven spirit-killing nails!

The seven starlights first joined together, and then merged into one!

Formed a long rainbow, with the trend of destroying the dead and pulling the rot, it went straight through the huge head of the corpse flood king! </p>

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