Chapter 294: Top Wraith

Corpse Flood King!

It’s a corpse!

Zhang Chen recognized it at a glance.

The first batch of corpses brought into the mausoleum by the Wuyang King has survived for thousands of years!

After so many years, I don’t know how many children have been born.

Zhang Chen estimates.

The dense corpse in front of him should be only a small part of it!

Just when Zhang Chen was thinking.

The corpse Jiao, headed by the corpse, stared at Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun with green pupil light!

In the end, his attention completely fell on Zhang Chen.

It made an eager low-pitched neigh, and even saliva dripped down!

It seems that the fresh flesh and blood on Zhang Chen’s body has an unparalleled attraction to it.

After looking at Zhang Chen for a while, the headed corpse Jiao finally couldn’t hold back and attacked Zhang Chen first.

Just hear the “whoosh” sound.

The black shadow of the corpse flooded, and it charged towards Zhang Chen with a ferocious face!

en route.

He also opened his mouth wide open, his fangs exposed, mixed with a strong stench!

“This guy must have eaten people!”

Zhang Chen gave birth to this feeling for no reason, and now he is even more disgusted with this kind of creature.

With a thought, Zhang Chen’s right hand was instantly covered by unicorn fire, forming a half-foot-long flaming knife!

Afterwards, his figure flashed, and he passed by the corpse that attacked first.

After a brief stagnation.

The corpse Jiaoyu didn’t even struggle, it turned 977 into two halves, and fell powerlessly to the ground!

Black blood flowed out from the body, causing the “Zizi” of the ground to corrode.

Obviously, the corpse itself is highly poisonous!

This is just the beginning!

After the first corpse was killed, the smell of blood that came out completely aroused the ferocity in the bones of this group of corpses!

They followed one after another, and they rushed towards Zhang Chen and the two of them from every corner without fear of death.

Because of the narrow terrain, it is impossible to hide!

Besides, Zhang Chen has no need to hide at all!

With a low voice in his heart, the Thunder Fire Unicorn Armor suddenly emerged from his body, bursting with amazing momentum!

Even Li Yunyun, who she has seen before, has a strange light in her eyes and is envious.

As soon as those corpse Jiaofang got close, they were grilled by the unicorn fire on Zhang Chen’s body, and they were suddenly twisted into a ball, and their mouths made a strange scream like a human!

At the same time, there are also foul-smelling body fluids coming out.

blah blah blah-

The corpses kept falling from Zhang Chen’s body, and a thick layer was quickly stacked under his feet.

But there are more corpses emerging from the gaps in the mountain wall, overwhelming the sky, as if endless!

Rao isZhang Chen was possessed by a thunder and fire unicorn armor, and facing such a huge number of corpses, he was a little overwhelmed.

After all, he is only flesh and blood, and maintaining the Thunder Fire Unicorn Armor for a long time is also quite a burden on the body.

Zhang Chen took the time to look at Li Yunyun, and was instantly furious!

Because she is the body of a corpse fairy, it doesn’t taste very good, and it also suppresses the corpse worm!

Except for a few small-eyed corpses that rushed towards her, most of the corpses came to Zhang Chen’s side.

Li Yunyun waved her hand to solve it easily, and then stood aside to watch the play.

“Hey, Li Yunyun! We are grasshoppers on a rope now, so it’s not good for you to be watching from the side?”

Zhang Chen asked angrily.

“Oh, little brother Zhang Chen. What’s your attitude? You call a good sister to listen, and my sister will come to help you!”

Zhang Chen glanced at her expressionlessly, and spit out a sentence.

“You don’t regret it!”

Seeing that Zhang Chen was really angry, Li Yunyun put away the loose smile on her face.

“Don’t be afraid, brother, sister is here to save you!”

Li Yunyun’s figure swept across Zhang Chen quickly, as nimble as a fish swimming in the water.

in a blink.

The corpse Jiao, who was still aggressive just now, fell to the ground weakly!

A strong stench of blood began to permeate.

Soon, Zhang Chen’s eyes were empty, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Zhang Chen didn’t even see how Li Yunyun did it.

“Should you use your fingernails?”

Zhang Chen noticed that the long and sharp black nails on Li Yunyun’s hand were like a machete!

With the help of Li Yunyun, Zhang Chen spent more than ten minutes slaughtering all those corpses.

Zhang Chen didn’t stop until no new corpses appeared, panting.

Looking around, the remains of the corpse are everywhere, densely packed!

The ground is even more bloody.

Zhang Chen didn’t count it carefully, but it must be thousands of Ken (addh)!

“Tsk tsk, Zhang Chen, you killed so many of its descendants, be careful that it comes out to settle accounts with you!”

Li Yunyun retracted her nails and teased Zhang Chen with a smile.

Zhang Chen is not iron-clad. Although he is strong, he will always feel tired.

He wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and asked casually, “Who?”

“The Corpse Flood King!”

Li Yunyun had a rare look of fear on her face!

“The Corpse Flood King…”

Zhang Chen was taken aback, chewed a few times, and looked up at Li Yunyun.

“What? Is this thing difficult to deal with?”

Li Yunyun nodded and said seriously to Zhang Chen.

“According to the level, I belong to the existence of high-level resentful spirits at most, while the Corpse Flood King is a top-level resentful spirit!”

No wonder Li Yunyun is so jealous of the Corpse Flood King, it turns out that the other party is a level higher than her!

This means that the Corpse Flood King can directly crush Li Yunyun!

“You’re a Corpse Immortal, and you’re too unprofessional, aren’t you? You can’t even compare to the Corpse Flood King!”

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but complained.

Li Yunyun is a corpse fairy, anyway, with a fairy character, he originally thought that Li Yunyun was strong enough, but he didn’t expect it to be like this.

Li Yunyun was stunned when she heard Zhang Chen’s words.

“When did I tell you that I was a corpse fairy?”

“Aren’t you a corpse fairy?”

Now it was Zhang Chen’s turn to be shocked, the boss staring.

He always thought that Li Yunyun was a corpse fairy. Could it be that he made a mistake in his judgment?

Li Yunyun rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen, especially Zhang Chen’s shocked expression, which made her very hurt!

Makes it seem like she’s been impersonating a corpse all the time.

“If you insist, I can indeed be considered a half corpse fairy, but not a real corpse fairy! Because I have not experienced three disasters and five calamities!”

Li Yunyun shook her head.

“Half a corpse fairy? There are still half a corpse fairy?”

Zhang Chen glanced at Li Yunyun with an idiot-like look, feeling that she was insulting her IQ.

“To tell you the truth, I’m half human and half corpse now!”

After hesitating for a while, Li Yunyun said.

“Half human and half corpse, is that the living dead?”

Zhang Chen was thoughtful.

“No, oops, I can’t explain it to you anyway! You’ll find out later!”

Li Yunyun said with some headache.

“Huh! Listening to you, I figured it out!”

Zhang Chen said suddenly.

“What did you figure out?” Li Yunyun looked at Zhang Chen curiously.

“It turns out that the corpse fairy is not so weak!”

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

To be honest, Zhang Chen has always been curious about becoming an immortal.But after becoming an immortal, he is so weak, so what else can he pursue?


Li Yunyun was speechless by Zhang Chen.

Don’t look at Li Yunyun living for hundreds of years, in fact, sometimes her mind is not necessarily higher than Yaya and the others.

“Forget it, don’t be angry, let’s go!”

After knowing that Li Yunyun was not a real corpse fairy, Zhang Chen could look at her instead.

Li Yunyun snorted coldly, just about to take a step, but her face suddenly changed, and she said with an ugly expression: “I guess we can’t walk for the time being!”

Zhang Chen looked at Li Yunyun suspiciously.

“It’s coming!”</p>

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