Chapter 293: Broken Dragon Gate


In front of them, are two tall mountain walls!

And between the two walls, there is a thick and wide “Broken Dragon Gate”!

It is about ten meters high from the ground, and it seems that it may fall with a bang at any time!

If this thing fell, even an armored vehicle weighing several tons would have to be smashed by it on the spot!

What’s more, Zhang Chen and the others are people of flesh and blood.

Really encountered an accident, it is estimated that there will be no slag left.

“Are we really going to go through there, can we go another way?”

Sun Honglei asked dryly, looking at the huge broken dragon gate, a little palpitations appeared on his face!

Now they have a choice.

They really walked in, and the Dragon-breaking gate happened to fall down, then they really called Tiantian’s refusal!”If you want to go to the Cannon Temple, there is only this way!”

Li Yunyun said expressionlessly, but looked at Zhang Chen.

She knew very well that Zhang Chen was the one who made up the mind in the end, and others could only refer to it.

Zhang Chen didn’t make a choice immediately, he noticed the Guayan mark on the Broken Dragon Gate.

Shen said: “If I’m not wrong, this Dragon-breaking Gate corresponds to the gate of death among the eight gates of Wuhou. Once you enter this gate, it may trigger the “Wuhou Tibetan Soldiers Map” machine in the formation, killing all kinds of people. There is a steady stream of organs!”

“You are right, after entering the Broken Dragon Gate, it is indeed dangerous and unpredictable inside!”

Li Yunyun nodded in agreement, as if she had experienced it before.

At the same time, she looked at Zhang Chen with a strange light, but she didn’t expect Zhang Chen to know so much at such a young age!

After listening to Li Yunyun, everyone looked at each other.

Since it is so dangerous, do they still need to go in and die?

But if Zhang Chen leaves like this, with Zhang Chen’s character, this is definitely impossible!

So everyone looked at Zhang Chen eagerly, expecting him to come up with a solution.

“Since you’ve been to the Cannon Temple, you should know how to get through this dead door, right?”

Zhang Chen looked at Li Yunyun with burning eyes.

Who knew that Li Yunyun spit out two words: “Force!”

Also, with her strength, an organ that is extremely dangerous to ordinary people is not in her eyes at all.

Zhang Chen may also break through, but Sun Honglei and the others definitely cannot, Zhang Chen can’t gamble with their lives!

You have to come up with a surefire way!

“Zhang Chen, I just heard from you that the mechanism will only be triggered if the machine is touched. Then can’t we just not touch the machine?”

Sun Honglei said it as a matter of course, it sounds like that is the case.

Sun Honglei’s thoughts are too simple!

This dead door is so easy to break into, he won’t be so troubled.

“The key is, we don’t know where the machine bracket is! Zhang Chen, am I right?”

Yaya suddenly said.

“Yes, no one knows where the machine is, and there may be more than one! We don’t have the chance to try and make mistakes, and if we make one mistake, we will lose the whole game!”

This is really a dilemma!

Sun Honglei and the others, I look at you, look at me, no one can think of a good way!

I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of frustration in my heart!

It’s like this every time, they can’t help at all when it’s critical!

“Actually, you don’t need to be so frustrated, we don’t have no chance at all!

Heaven has no way to be invincible, as long as we can find the “life” gate among the eight gates, we can cross this hurdle without incident! ”

Zhang Chen stepped forward and said calmly.

“I and Li Yunyun are going to find the students together, you stay here and wait for my news!”

Sun Honglei looked at the corpses curled up on the rocky beach, and was a little embarrassed for a while!

Now there are wolves before and tigers behind!

Zhang Chen is not here, if these corpses suddenly go crazy and attack them, then they will only have a dead end, and they will have nowhere to run.

“Zhang Chen, don’t worry, I will definitely protect them!”

In the end, Sun Honglei gritted his teeth and patted Zhang Chen’s chest.

Once the ruthlessness in his heart was aroused, Sun Honglei would not be so afraid anymore!

He secretly decided that if danger really came, he would protect Yaya Linyu and the others even if he risked his life.

“Me and Fat Di can protect ourselves!”

At this time, Yaya stood up and said proudly.

Indeed, with what Li Yunyun passed down to her before, Yaya’s strength is no longer weak, and she still has the power to protect herself.

When the inheritance of the corpse fairy is completely digested, it is estimated that even Sun Honglei can’t help her.

After all, Sun Honglei has no other means except a ghost eye.

The three big men, Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Lin Yu, were flushed with shame and embarrassed, wishing they could find a crack on the ground to get in.

“Then the others will ask you!”

Zhang Chen solemnly patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder, that’s all he can do now.

Sun Honglei may be a little unreliable in his speech, but he is quite reliable.

As for why he didn’t keep Li Yunyun, to be honest, Zhang Chen wasn’t very relieved!

Zhang Chen pouted to Li Yunyun, who had been watching.

“Zhang Chen, senior, be careful!”

Yaya said to Zhang Chen with concern, and then looked at Li Yunyun.

Contacting Yaya’s sincere eyes, Li Yunyun’s heart warmed.

With a rare smile on his face, he said softly to Yaya: “Don’t worry, I will definitely protect this kid!”

Li Yunyun understood Yaya’s thoughts and gave Zhang Chen a special look.Zhang Chen’s face was shaking, he needs Li Yunyun’s protection?

Just kidding!

Under the complicated gazes of Sun Honglei and Lin Yu, Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun walked towards the daunting Dragon-breaking Gate.

As soon as he approached, Zhang Chen felt a yin wind that penetrated his bone marrow, blowing towards his face!

The miserable and infiltrating ghost cry can be heard faintly.

Zhang Chen looked up at the bottom of the Broken Dragon Gate!

As far as the eye can see, it is full of dark bloodstains accumulated over the years, which have invaded the interior of the Broken Dragon Gate!

“I don’t know how many people this Broken Dragon Gate has crushed to death, and it has formed a strong evil spirit!”

Zhang Chen’s heart was dark, and his expression instantly became solemn.

“Don’t be silly (Nuo Zhaozhao), let’s go!”

Li Yunyun in front, seeing Zhang Chen suddenly standing still, couldn’t help but turn back and remind her.

After Zhang Chen came over, he didn’t forget to hit him.

“Tsk tsk, a small broken dragon gate will scare you like this, you are just like that!”

“It seems that you don’t want to know the origin of ghost vines!”

Zhang Chen said lightly, when it comes to bickering, he really hasn’t been afraid of anyone.

“Cough, little brother, the Lun family is wrong! Although you were rude when you were scared, you were really cool when you came over!”

Li Yunyun held her little face and pretended to be obsessed.

Zhang Chen sneered and ignored her at all.

Oh, woman!

After the two of them were completely under the Broken Dragon Gate, a strong sense of oppression came overwhelmingly!

“Zhang Chen, be careful!”

No need for Li Yunyun’s reminder.

Zhang Chen has already seen a large piece of monster costumes appearing from the darkness, “crashing”! </p>

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