Chapter 286: The raging corpse fairy


“Zhang Chen probably hasn’t gone far, go over there!”

Huang Bo just saw the direction Zhang Chen was leaving.

And when Zhang Chen left, he looked very hurried, probably because of something urgent!Everyone quickly followed Huang Bo’s footsteps.

However, I haven’t taken a few steps yet.

Suddenly, the mountain shook, and the gravel on the surrounding stone walls fell “suddenly”!

Yaya stood unsteadily and almost fell to the ground.

“What’s the matter, is there an earthquake?”

Lin Yu was taken aback.

“It shouldn’t be, I seem to have heard the explosion just now, it came from the direction where Zhang Chen disappeared!”

Sun Honglei barely remains calm!

Zhang Chen is not here.

Sun Honglei, who claims to be the second strongest in the team, stood up and took charge of the overall situation.

“Why is there an explosion? Could it be that Zhang Chen is fighting with someone?”

Yaya said worriedly.

“Nine-seven-zero” “Very likely!”

If it’s Zhang Chen, it’s not impossible to make such a noise during a fight!

Of course, the premise is that his opponent is strong enough!

“Quick! We’re going to help him!”

Yaya said subconsciously.

Although she knew she might not be of much help!

But she must not stand idly by, even if she does something!

So the group quickened their pace!

After turning around a winding tomb passage, they soon saw Zhang Chen’s figure.

“It’s Zhang Chen!”

Yaya shouted happily.

At this time, Zhang Chen stood quietly in a corner, and did not conflict with anyone!

Yaya breathed a sigh of relief.

But her attention was quickly attracted by the loud sound in her ear!

Lin Yu and the others also noticed the movement, and quickly took a picture with a flashlight.

After seeing what happened in front of her eyes, Yaya’s eyes widened, boss!

She saw Li Yunyun, the corpse fairy who disappeared before.

This inexplicable mysterious existence makes her feel very kind and wants to get close!

However, the current Li Yunyun is far from the beautiful and enchanting image before!

What used to be blue silk has now turned into white hair full of beards.

Like deadly poisonous snakes, dancing wildly in the wind!

The expression is also very ferocious, the pale as paper facial features are twisted together, revealing bloody fangs!

A low roar like a beast is faintly emitted!

A violent and terrifying aura spreads wildly around!

Even far away, you can feel it clearly!

If ordinary people saw this terrifying scene, they would be scared and faint on the spot.

“Oh my God, this woman is so scary! I guess I can’t stand a look!”

Huang Bo murmured in a low voice, shrank his neck, and quickly hid behind the crowd.

“Huang Bo, you are still not a man, and you are hiding behind a woman?”

Sun Honglei noticed Huang Bo’s actions and scolded dissatisfiedly.

“Fart, I’m obviously protecting Yaya and the others, what if there is any danger behind them?”

Huang Bo retorted righteously.

While speaking, he glared at Sun Honglei, as if he was blaming him for wronging him.

“Ah bah, coward!”

Sun Honglei squinted Huang Bo and said contemptuously.

Right at this time.

Corpse fairy Li Yunyun noticed the light of the flashlight!

What’s more, there is also a flashlight, dangling on her face, like a provocation!

Li Yunyun turned her head and looked over with a penetrating expression.

At this moment, Sun Honglei also turned to look.

At first glance with that terrifying look!

Sun Honglei’s heart suddenly twitched and his body was cold!

His lips moved, but he couldn’t speak.

The body was very honest, and instinctively made the move to escape, hiding behind Huang Bo.

“Hong Lei, you…”

Huang Bo looked at Sun Honglei in surprise. When did Sun Honglei become so shameless?

It’s almost as good as him!

Turning around, I saw Lin Yu was still flashing a flashlight!

Huang Bo anxiously almost slapped him on the head.

“Lin Yu, are you dying? Hurry up and turn off the flashlight!

If the woman notices here and the trouble is bad, we will all suffer! ”

Huang Bo was about to cry.

Fools can see that now that corpse fairy is on the verge of rage!

If there is a dissatisfaction and take out their anger, it will really make Tian Tian fail.

“oh oh!”

Lin Yu was so frightened that she quickly turned off the flashlight!

After feeling that Li Yunyun didn’t continue to look here, Huang Bo and the others let out a heavy sigh.

“Yiya, what’s wrong with you?”

Huang Lei found that Yaya’s expression was very angry, he couldn’t helpasked with concern.

“Ah? Oh, nothing, I just feel very angry, as if my relatives were being bullied!”

Yaya wake up and tell the truth 0

Hearing what Yaya said, Huang Leihe and Sun Honglei looked at each other and both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes!

Having only met once, is Yaya’s affection for the corpse immortal so deep?

Have they all risen to the level of relatives?

Yaya will become like this, it must be affected by the essence of the corpse fairy!

Sun Honglei and the others felt both incredible and terrifying.

Just when Sun Honglei and the others were talking in a low voice.

Zhang Chen stared at Li Yunyun without blinking!

The expression is a little complicated.


Li Yunyun, who has been half-floating in the void, looked down at the ground from a high position!

Finally shot again.

Just listening to Li Yunyun let out a shrill scream that made her soul tremble, her white hair instantly rose, like a sharp needle, stabbing somewhere on the ground!

Sun Honglei and the others quickly covered their ears with pale faces!

Swish swish—

The surging white hair went straight through the air and covered the attack in the blink of an eye!

The hard bluestone ground was overwhelmed, cracked inch by inch, and the stone and soil splashed in an instant!

There happened to be a small pebble that was sputtered and flew towards Sun Honglei and the others.

If it wasn’t for Sun Honglei’s ghost eyes, he wouldn’t have noticed it at all.

“Dr. Lin, be careful!”

In a hurry, Sun Honglei roared and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Yu over.

But it’s still half a beat!

The stone carrying the powerful potential energy rubbed Lin Yu’s earlobe, and hit the mountain wall behind them!

Immediately, there was a loud “bang” sound, and it fell directly into the mountain wall for more than five centimeters!

“Honey, if it wasn’t for Hong Lei’s quick-witted hands, Dr. Lin would have to have a blood hole in his body, right?”

Huang Bo took a picture with a flashlight and said in a stupefied voice.

“Thank you…Thank you Hong Lei Ge!”

Lin Yu reacted with hindsight, and touched his bloody earlobe, his face was frightened for a while.

If it wasn’t for Sun Honglei who just pulled him!

He would be killed instantly because the stone would go right through his head.

“It’s too scary, isn’t it? It’s just the aftermath that makes the stone have such great power!”

Huang Bo swallowed hard and wanted to leave here immediately.

This is really a fight between gods and mortals!

“I don’t know who the corpse fairy’s opponent is. Under such an attack, he should have died, right?”

Sun Hongrenane said. </p>

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