Chapter 285:|Grave Robber: Touching the Gold with the Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching the Gold with the Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

This content, Sun Honglei, who is the first “corpse transformation” on boshisw!

Hearing Zhang Chen’s words, everyone was startled.

“Hey, why are you all looking at me like this? You don’t really think I’m dead, do you?

Have you ever seen a dead person jumping around alive? ”

Seeing everyone’s suspicious eyes, Sun Honglei said angrily.

“Besides, the corpse gas in this ancient tomb is so heavy, and it happens that corpse flies land on my neck, isn’t it normal?”

Sun Honglei added another sentence.

“Oh, then let everyone see what’s behind your neck!”

Zhang Chen had already guessed what was going on.

But he deliberately wanted to tease Sun Honglei, so he pretended to be serious.

Listening to Zhang Chen’s tone, everyone realized that it was not good!

Can’t help but look at the back of Sun Honglei’s neck and take a picture with a flashlight!

There is a dark purple mark there!

“This… looks like a corpse spot?”

Lin Yu glanced at it, her expression changed suddenly, and stammered.

Subconsciously took a few steps away from Sun Honglei!

“It looks like it’s really a corpse spot! Hong Lei, why do you have a corpse spot on your neck? Only dead people have corpse spots!”

Yaya and Fatty exclaimed.

“How come? Did you read it wrong?

By the way, I just felt itchy there and scratched! That must be the mark I grabbed! ”

This time, Sun Honglei was not calm, and explained in a hurry.

No matter how Sun Honglei explains it, everyone seems to have a guilty conscience in the eyes!

“If I’m not wrong, Hong Lei, you have corpse spots not only on your neck, but also on your stomach and back! It won’t be long before it spreads to your whole body!”

Zhang Chen’s faint voice sounded.

“No! Zhang Chen, don’t scare me!”

Sun Honglei swallowed and said with a pale face.

Zhang Chen shook his head: “I didn’t lie to you, you can see for yourself!”

So under everyone’s apprehensive gaze, Sun Honglei ruthlessly took off his shirt!

But he himself closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn’t dare to see the next terrible scene!

What Zhang Chen said, did not miss it!

“Bastard, when did I become dead?”

I have even thought of the scene where I was humanely destroyed by Zhang Chen and the others!

After Sun Honglei took off his shirt, he heard an exclamation.

“It’s over, it’s over, I’m really dead! Immediately I’ll lose my mind and turn into a bloodthirsty zombie!”

Sun Honglei felt a despair in his heart!

“I’d better do it myself, so as not to embarrass Zhang Chen and the others!”

At this moment, Sun Honglei, who has a lot of inner drama, began to make his own determination!

What Yaya, Fat Di and the others said were beyond Sun Honglei’s expectations!

“Hey, Brother Hong Lei, I really can’t see how good you are! You have eight pack abs!”

Afterwards, Sun Honglei felt a cold little hand touching his abdominal muscles!

Sun Honglei wanted to cry but had no tears.

Is now the time to discuss this? I’m going to be a dumpling!

Sun Honglei opened his eyes.

I saw Lin Yuzheng stretch out his little hand curiously, feeling his strong abdominal muscles carefully!

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and then the anger flashed on his face.

Subconsciously, he shouted in dissatisfaction: “Dr. Lin, why are you? What are you doing?””I’m touching your abs! Brother Hong Lei, I envy you so much, you have such a good figure!”

Lin Yu sighed sincerely.

However, Sun Honglei knocked out Lin Yu’s “salty pig’s hand”!

Can you touch our pure and clean body?

However, Sun Honglei opened his eyes and found that there were no corpse spots on his stomach, and he was overjoyed!

“Look Zhang Chen, I don’t have corpse spots on my stomach! Haha, I’m not dead, I’m still alive!”

“Yeah, indeed not, nor on the back! I lied to you just now!”

Zhang Chen honestly admitted.

“Ah? Zhang Chen, why are you lying to me?”

Now it’s Sun Honglei’s turn to be stunned!

“It’s nothing, I just feel bored, so I want to tease you! But the corpse spots on your neck are real!”

Zhang Chen said seriously.

“Ah! What the hell is going on? Zhang Chen, help me!”

Sun Honglei, who was stunned for a while, hurriedly asked Zhang Chen for help.

Everyone could see at this time that Zhang Chen was deliberately joking with Sun Honglei!

One by one, they couldn’t help but laugh out loud. I didn’t expect Zhang Chen to be so serious, and it would be so funny.

“Actually, it’s not a big problem, just suck less of the corpse pill!

Now your ghost eyes can’t digest so much corpse qi at all! The extra parts will naturally form corpse spots! ”

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, Sun Honglei suddenly realized it!

At the same time, Sun Honglei blushed a little.

Zhang Chen agreed that the thousand-year-old corpse pill he got from the Wuyang King would be handed over to him for safekeeping!

Sun Honglei himself couldn’t stand the temptation of the corpse pill.

If you have time or not, you will take it out and take two puffs, it’s fun!

Zhang Chen is a kind reminder to him that everything should be done in moderation, it is too much!

“Zhang Chen, I know I was wrong! I will definitely restrain myself in the future!”

At this moment, Sun Honglei, like a good baby, lowered his head and assured Zhang Chen sincerely.

Then he smiled and patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder.

“And the ghost eyes on your forehead, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse for you! You must make good use of it yourself, and don’t be led by the nose!”

Sun Honglei nodded quickly, expressing that he took it to heart!

The others also looked at Zhang Chen seriously, expecting Zhang Chen to teach them a few words.

“Okay! Stop talking nonsense, and continue to look for the place where the ‘group of dragons spit water’!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand and took the lead in raising his legs to cross the stone steps of the tomb.

“Hey, do you think that Zhang Chen seems to be different from before!”

Yaya and the others deliberately fell behind Zhang Chen and discussed in a low voice.

“What’s different? I still feel that Zhang Chen!”

Lin Yu scratched his head, thinking that Yaya was referring to something wrong with Zhang Chen!

“Yaya, you can’t talk nonsense! Zhang Chen is my master now, you dare to slander my master Zhang Chen at will, be careful that I turn your face against you!”

Huang Bo came over and said shamelessly.

“Ah, Huang Bo, are you still shameless? Did Zhang Chen promise to accept you as his apprentice?”

Yaya rolled her eyes at Huang Bo.

“That’s right! If Zhang Chen could even accept you as his apprentice, as his close disciple, I, Huang Lei, would be the first to disagree!”

Huang Lei said righteously.

Yaya rolled her eyes helplessly again, they are really two shameless old men!

Hit Zhang Chen’s idea all day long!

“Oh, that’s not what I meant! I mean, Zhang Chen seems to care about us more than before. What Zhang Chen said to Hong Lei just now, the former Zhang Chen would definitely not say it!”

Listen to what Yaya said.

Huang Bo and Lin Yu nodded in unison!

“Perhaps, we are gradually getting his approval, right?”

Next to him, Sun Honglei said something with emotion, with a blazing light in his eyes!

It is indeed a very exciting thing to be recognized by Zhang Chen!

“Oops! Zhang Chen is gone!”

The hot Yaya and the others who were chatting were walking, but suddenly found that Zhang Chen was gone!

Instantly panicked. </p>

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