Chapter 287: Zhang Qiling vs Corpse Fairy


But Sun Honglei obviously guessed wrong!

In the place covered by Li Yunyun’s white hair, a burst of dazzling blood suddenly burst out!

Those white hairs were immediately corroded and melted away!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Yunyun immediately retracted her hair!

But the black figure covered by the bloody light is obviously not what she wants!

I saw him jump up and grab most of the white hair that was retracted!

“That person seems to be a little brother!”

Sun Honglei and the others recognized the black figure, it was Zhang Qiling who disappeared.

“Strange, how did the little brother meet the corpse fairy?”

Huang Bo muttered.

In the shocked expressions of Sun Honglei and the others, Zhang Qiling grabbed Li Yunyun’s hair, swung her up, and smashed her hard against the surrounding hard rock wall.

Simple and rude!

Another loud explosion!

“Little brother… is this too strong?”

Sun Honglei said dumbfounded.

At this moment, he felt an angry gaze fell on his face.

Sun Honglei turned his head and looked, it was Yaya.

At this moment, she clenched her little fist tightly and looked like she was gnashing her teeth!

“But the little brother is definitely not the opponent of the corpse fairy in the end!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sun Honglei immediately added a sentence.

Yaya just let him go.

Zhang Qiling has no idea of ​​pity and cherish jade at all!

Like a toy, he smashed Li Yunyun on the surrounding rock walls, and soon he smashed several big holes!

For Li Yunyun, who has the body of a corpse fairy, this does not cause much damage to her.

But it made her feel disgraced, especially the sideSomeone is watching!

Li Yunyun let out an unwilling roar.

Directly using his sharp nails, he cut off a head of white hair, and then he had to escape!

Lost a head of white hair.

Li Yunyun also changed from the fluttering long hair just now to short hair!

Compared with her identity, it looks a bit nondescript!

Anyone with discernment could see that Li Yunyun was at a disadvantage.

This is the existence that made Zhang Chen feel difficult before!

However, Sun Honglei and the others couldn’t see it, but Zhang Chen noticed the clue.

Zhang Qiling has something that absolutely restrains Li Yunyun!

It made Li Yunyun timid and did not dare to do her best!

“Could it be the ghost vine that grew out of Zhang Qiling’s head?”

A flash of light flashed in Zhang Chen’s head, and he thought of a possibility!

When he first saw the ghost vine, Zhang Chen still remembers the aura of destruction it carried!

in view.

Zhang Qiling stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Looking at Li Yunyun in the distance, she is full of desire, just like looking at her prey!

Zhang Qiling’s soles suddenly stomped hard on the ground. Like a cannonball, it soared into the sky and charged straight towards Li Yunyun!

Li Yunyun’s pretty face changed, her figure flashed, and she had appeared three meters away.

And at the place where she just stood, Zhang Qiling’s punch with a fierce wind has already slammed down!

“What a fast speed!”

Sun Honglei was amazed.

“Run? Did you run?”

Zhang Qiling sneered.

“Little brother, we have no injustice or enmity! Why go to war?”

Li Yunyun restrained the anger on her face and said with a sweet smile.

“You’re right! But it seems that you did it to me first?”

Zhang Qiling said expressionlessly.

“As the saying goes, we don’t know each other if we don’t fight, but now we know each other!

For the sake of getting to know each other, let’s turn our battles into jade and silk, and leave it alone, how about it? ”

Li Yunyun covered her mouth and chuckled.

“It’s too late! The things in my body are very interested in you now! It… wants to eat you!”

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said faintly.

Zhang Qiling stopped talking nonsense with Li Yunyun, and with the sound of “Peng”, his body was immediately shrouded in the shadow of the unicorn!

The momentum is rising steadily!

Once the Qilin bloodline breaks out, it will enhance the strength of the holder in all directions!

“A friendly reminder, if you don’t show your true strength, you may die miserably!”

“The corpse fairy, shouldn’t it be so weak?”

The voice didn’t fall.

Zhang Qiling pulled up a long tail flame and rushed towards Li Yunyun!

“Don’t deceive people too much!”

Li Yunyun was also on fire, and at the same time she was a little regretful.

Not long ago, Li Yunyun met Zhang Qiling who was walking in the ancient tomb.

With the sensory ability of the corpse fairy, Li Yunyun noticed that Zhang Qiling contained special treasures!

As long as Zhang Qiling is eaten, her strength can be greatly increased.

When it comes time to face Feng Shigu, her chances of winning will undoubtedly be much higher, plus Zhang Qiling doesn’t look too strong!

Li Yunyun made a bold move.

In fact, as Li Yunyun expected, Zhang Qiling was not her opponent at all at first!

Just when Li Yunyun thought she was going to succeed, a ghost vine emerged from Zhang Qiling’s head.

Li Yunyun also realized that it was this thing that was attracting her!

Li Yunyun won’t be happy any time soon!

She found out that she is not the opponent of the ghost vine at all, all her attacks will be absorbed by the ghost vine and become the nourishment for its growth!

One change and another grows, even she will die under the ghost vine.

So Li Yunyun wisely chose to retreat.

After being trapped in the coffin for hundreds of years, she finally got out of the trap. Li Yunyun didn’t want to die in such a confused way!

Besides, she didn’t even see the face of her great enemy Feng Shigu!

But the ghost vine, who has already tasted the sweetness, will not let Li Yunyun go so easily!

Driven by the ghost vines, Zhang Qiling chased him all the way.

Finally caught up with Li Yunyun here and continued to fight!

Before Zhang Chen noticed the movement, he hurriedly disappeared.

Although Li Yunyun was full of anger, she did not dare to deal with Zhang Qiling with all her strength, otherwise she would only get weaker and weaker!

So after Zhang Qiling rushed over, Li Yunyun could only choose to flee 970!

“Do you still want to escape?”

Zhang Qiling seemed to have expected it long ago. After realizing Li Yunyun’s actions, he couldn’t help but sneer.

Just listen to the “Shuh”Voice!

A blood-red ghost vine emerged from Zhang Qiling’s head in an instant, and swept straight towards Li Yunyun at lightning speed!

Suppressed by the ghost vines, Li Yunyun’s escape speed was instantly slowed down a lot!

When the ghost vines attacked, Li Yunyun’s body was surging with the spirit of the corpse fairy, and she was able to hide.

But this burdened Li Yunyun a lot.

“Hey, you escaped? But you won’t be so lucky next time!”

Zhang Qiling made a male-like voice, which was completely different from Zhang Qiling’s usual voice.

“Could it be that the ghost vine is about to occupy Zhang Qiling’s consciousness?”

Zhang Chen frowned, this is not good news!

When he was in Xu Fu’s tomb before, the reason why Zhang Qiling was looking for the immortality medicine was to suppress the influence of ghost vines on himself!

Unexpected but self-defeating!

The use of ghost vines several times in times of crisis has made the ghost vine’s control over Zhang Qiling stronger and stronger!

Missing a hit, Ghost Vine launched an attack again!

Li Yunyun still wanted to hide, but ignored Zhang Qiling herself.

Taking advantage of Li Yunyun’s inattention, Zhang Qiling flashed behind Li Yunyun and smashed her back with a punch!

Li Yunyun didn’t have time to react, and watched the ghost vines attack her!

She even saw the ghost vine’s head and a pair of deep pupils clearly! </p>

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