Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Four: Ghost Sound Fingering Fans


“Hong Lei, don’t move, there is something in the ghost sound!”

The ghost sound made Lin Yu and Yaya so miserable.

So Zhang Chen didn’t listen carefully at all!

Now he is keenly aware that the ghost sound contains extremely important information!

“Wu Gorge Coffin Mountain, Earth Immortals are hiding; dragons spit water… 24,000, seven out of 100 orders…”

Wait until the ghost sound disappears.

Zhang Chen solemnly recited the content of the ghost sound word by word!

Some of the Guanshan Zhimi Fu they saw on the coffin board before.

Now in front of them, one by one fulfilled!

Just when Zhang Chen was thinking seriously.

Lin Yu and the others are continuing to spy on the movement in the tomb!

I saw the squirrels in the tomb, filing their way into the dark room behind the tomb wall!

It seems that they were hypnotized, and the ancient corpse of the Tang Dynasty was covered with mice!

The mouth of the corpse of the lady of the Tang Dynasty suddenly opened!

A dry claw sticks out of it.

Grab a mouse that climbed to the head and face, and drag it into the mouth of the female corpse!

With that squirrel screaming desperately.

In an instant, a wisp of dirty and black rat blood gushed out of the zombie’s mouth, and only a rat tail was left twitching beside its mouth!

It didn’t take long for him to lose his life.

This infiltrating scene made Lin Yu and the others numb their scalps!

The flaming Shan Guan Shi Niang contributed her last light and heat!

In an instant, the tomb became pitch black!

When Lin Yu and the others turn on the flashlight again.

There is only a charred female corpse left in Nandou’s tomb!

The dark wall of the tomb has been closed, and the chaotic group of mice just now left no trace!

It seems like nothing happened just now!

But the mood that can’t be calmed down for a long time is always reminding Lin Yu and the others!

What they saw just now was not an illusion!

“Zhang Chen, do you know what happened to the ancient female corpse just now?? ”

Lin Yu came to Zhang Chen’s side at this moment and asked curiously.

The others also looked at Zhang Chen eagerly.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Chen said.

“That female corpse should be the so-called belly fairy…”

Zhang Chen explained it succinctly.

Belly fairy.

As the name suggests, those who know ventriloquism trick others into saying that they have gods in their stomachs!

As for a female corpse that has been dead for so many years, why is it still ventriloquism, or it has its own mystery!

Either a real immortal has come, but this is unlikely.

Zhang Chen wants to get the answer, unless he opens the dark wall, finds the ancient corpse of the Tang Dynasty, and finds out!

But now that he has obtained the “Ghost Sound Fingering Fan”, there is no need to make extra efforts!

“Zhang Chen, what exactly was in that ghost voice just now? Anyway, I didn’t hear it clearly!”

Lin Yu scratched his head and asked embarrassedly.

The ghost sound just now was illusory, if it was there or not!

Not a person with sensitive ears and eyes, it’s normal to not hear clearly!

Not to mention that Lin Yu and the others were nervous and uneasy before!

In that case.

It is estimated that it is normal to read it out loud, and they can’t hear it!

“Wu Gorge Coffin Mountain, Earth Immortals are hiding; dragons spit water, pictures of ancient tombs;

Marquis of Wu hides soldiers, the coffin tower is fascinated; the gates of life are connected, one song and one tail; twenty-four thousand, seven out of one hundred orders! ”

Zhang Chen didn’t hide it either, and revealed everything he just heard to Lin Yu and the others!

Zhang Chen didn’t expect Sun Honglei and the others to figure out anything.

He is just out of the trust between his companions!

If it is someone else, you definitely can’t remember so much content in the case of reading it once!

It’s also thanks to Zhang Chen’s amazing memory!

After listening to Zhang Chen’s recitation, Lin Yu fell into thought.

Sun Honglei and the others could barely understand the first few sentences, but they really seemed to understand it later!

“Dr. Lin, you should have seen something from your confident look, right?”

Sun Honglei, who is thinking hard.

Seeing Lin Yu’s face glowing red with confidence in her eyes, she immediately asked.

Zhang Chen also looked at Lin Yu.

However, in view of Lin Yu’s previous explanation about the female girl.

He didn’t dare to have too high expectations for Lin Yu!

“Cough, if I understand correctly.

This reference to the mystery should mean that Dixian Village is very hidden, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to find it!

It seems that there is a map drawn by the Earth Immortal at the place where the dragons spit water (addh) in the ancient tomb!

Find the life door in the coffin building, and you can find the map.

Think about it… The Wuyang King’s underground palace is only a three-story tomb gate, and there is a waterfall carved with a blue-scaled old dragon at the top. We should go there and take out the map immediately! ”

When Lin Yu said this, she couldn’t help showing a confidence!

“Dr. Lin, I really have you!”

Sun Honglei felt that what Lin Yu said was really like that, so he patted Lin Yu’s shoulder excitedly.

He also gave him a thumbs up.

“No no!”

Lin Yu quickly and modestly waved his hand.

“If Zhang Chen hadn’t been able to remember this passage, how could my class have the chance to get an axe!”

Lin Yu now has a deep understanding!

As long as you hold tense Chen’s thighs, you will definitely have a bright future in the future, and any other face and flattery are empty!

“Dr. Lin doesn’t need to belittle yourself! You understand it very well, and I am at most like this!”

Zhang Chen smiled and said to Lin Yu.

After getting Zhang Chen’s exaggeration, Lin Yu straightened his body as if he had been beaten with blood!

“Then everyone is ready to go. According to what Dr. Lin said, look for the map first!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand.

So a group of people, under the leadership of Zhang Chen, walked to the top of the ancient tomb with vigour and vigour!

There are many tombs in the ancient tomb of King Wuyang, and the corridors are twists and turns!

But the pattern is inseparable from the ancient method of feng shui, and it is arranged in the direction of the stars!

Zhang Chen led the crowd through it, not worried about losing his way.

There is water under the stairs of the tomb road going up, and you can hear the sound of water splashing when you walk on it!

There are dark springs passing through the tomb in many places all around.

At this time, everyone felt a buzzing sound in their ears, and Sun Honglei took a picture with a flashlight!

Found a few black flies spinning around us.

“This is a corpse fly! Strange, corpse flies are only interested in corpses, why would they follow us?”

Zhang Chen frowned and muttered.

The unicorn fire in his hand burst out directly, burning those annoying corpse flies to ashes!

“Isn’t there a corpse among us?”At this time, Sun Honglei said half-jokingly.

In the ancient tomb, there was a gloomy and terrifying environment, as soon as Sun Honglei said this.

Immediately, Yaya and Fatty were shocked, and they couldn’t help but glance at their companions!

Then he scolded Sun Honglei angrily.

“Hate! Hong Lei, can you stop making such silly jokes?”

Sun Honglei smiled smugly, now the benefits of being bold are manifested!

“Hong Lei, don’t move!”

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen suddenly said something serious.

Sun Honglei suddenly stood still, but still looked at Zhang Chen with puzzled eyes!

Zhang Chen did not explain.

He stretched out his hand as fast as lightning, and grabbed a small thing from the back of Sun Honglei’s neck!

Everyone looked closely, and Zhang Chen was holding a corpse fly!

“Hong Lei, these corpse flies are coming for you!”

Zhang Chen said coldly. </p>

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