Chapter 283: Falling Immortals Appears


On the bronze medal, the four characters “Guanshan Shi Niang” are engraved impressively!

“Miss Guanshan? Could it be that this person was Feng Shigu’s accomplice?”

Lin Yu asked with a serious expression.

Zhang Chen nodded.

This Feng Shigu really is a ruthless man!

it turns outEven his accomplices were not spared, and he nailed her in a coffin, suffocating her to death!

It is estimated that this Guanshan Shi Niang probably didn’t know that she was used as a sacrificial sacrifice by Feng Shigu when she was about to die!

Think of this.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel cold in their hearts.

What is more chilling than being betrayed by the most trusted person?

At this time, everyone looked at each other a few times, and they all saw the trust and hope in each other’s eyes!

My heart suddenly became warm again!

They think they are very lucky, the teammate they met is Zhang Chen.

Instead of a ruthless guy like Feng Shigu, he will do anything to become an immortal!

“Hong Lei, it’s up to you next!”

Zhang Chen said to Sun Honglei with a smile.

“Good Le!”

Sun Honglei instantly understood what Zhang Chen meant.

He walked to the coffin and said a few words to the Guanshan teacher in the coffin with sincerity!

She was taken out and placed in the tomb.

Zhang Chen didn’t leave any ink, and directly ignited the dry clothes on the female corpse with a unicorn fire!

The clothes of the female corpse caught fire, and the fire burst into flames immediately!

And Lin Yu and the others had long been hiding in the doorway of the tomb behind the coffin.

And turn off all lighting tools!

Cover your mouth and nose, hold your breath and stare at the fire in the tomb!

Because I know that there may be a “falling immortal” next.

Everyone’s heart skipped a beat, and they were extremely nervous!

At that time, the flames were raging, illuminating the tomb brightly.

The corpse of the Guanshan Shi Niang was burned by fire, and the tendons of the corpse kept shrinking!

The corpse that was lying flat sat up in the fire.

This sudden scene shocked Lin Yu and the others!

The body of Guanshan Shi Niang wrapped in flames twitched and trembled, and the light and shadow swayed for a while!

Zhang Chen and the others were lying in the doorway of the tomb, watching the movement, but they couldn’t feel the heat of the flames at all!

Instead, there was a layer of goosebumps all over the body, and the chills penetrated the heart and lungs!

“Hey, did you smell it? There seems to be a faint scent 々”!”

Lin Yu sniffed slightly and said in a low voice.

“It was from the corpse!”

The corpse of the Mistress Guanshan is really weird!

After being burned by fire, there is not only no smoke, but also no strong burnt odor.

Instead, there is a faint scent of cold fragrance!

Everyone was surprised when a slight sound suddenly came from their ears!

“It should be on time!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up and made a mute gesture.

Everyone immediately quieted down and watched intently!

Under the flickering light of the fire, in the gap between the tomb bricks in Nandou’s tomb.

A lot of skinny mice emerged one after another!

This kind of squirrel lives in the dark underground, so it is named because it likes to eat “Lingliworm”.

Those squirrels were originally very afraid of fire, but it seemed that they couldn’t stand the aroma of burning corpses!

Dozens of scorpions formed a circle around the corpse, lying on the ground with their heads outstretched.

Staring at the fire in shock and fear!

Everyone is full of doubts, wondering what the hell these squirrels are doing!

“Don’t you think these mice are the so-called ‘Subduing Immortals’?”

Lin Yu couldn’t help but asked in a low voice.

Hearing what Lin Yu said, the others looked at each other in dismay!

If so.

Then this joke is too big, thanks to them worrying about it for so long!

“I knew it, that Guanshan Shifan Fu is bullshit, it’s specially used to play tricks on us!”

Sun Honglei said angrily.

They made such a big battle just to welcome a few mice?

Isn’t this what teasing is?

“Don’t worry, keep watching!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Sun Honglei and said indifferently.

As soon as Zhang Chen made a sound, everyone dared not say anything, so they all kept silent!

There are more squirrels pouring out from the brick cracks in all directions, and there are no less than a hundred in a blink of an eye!

“Look, then… what is that!”

A stammering voice sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction Yaya pointed.

It turns out that the fire on the body of Guanshan Shi Niang in the tomb has burned to the most prosperous place!

The body almost became a candle wick, and the torso and head were melted into crimson coke!

The dark red fire reflected on the four walls of the tomb wall, and I saw a dark figure on the tomb bricks of the west wall.

Plump and fat, it looks like the profile of a lady!

It’s almost like the lady on the evil mural that Zhang Chen and the others saw before,Exactly the same!

Appearing here in such a strange situation at the moment.

It’s not too scary to be like this!


The flames burning on Guanshan’s corpse gradually dimmed!

The squirrels in the room seemed to be drunk, swaying three times and slowly crawling towards the front of the tomb wall!

I don’t know which mouse triggered the hidden mechanism, and suddenly heard a soft sound of “‘ 々 ka”.

On the wall with ghosts appearing on the side of the tomb.

Suddenly, it slowly turned, it turned out to be an organ wall!

An extremely terrifying scene appeared!

With a strange sound of squeaking.

A sitting woman suddenly appeared behind the dark wall!

That woman applied thick powder, her makeup was glamorous, and her body was covered in white fat!

The skin is rosy and delicate, it seems that it can be broken by blowing!

But the deity dissipated, and there was no anger like a living person at all!

Judging from his clothes and decorations, it should be a stiff man in the Tang Dynasty.

“Is this the descending immortal?”

Lin Yu’s eyes widened, and he muttered softly.

Zhang Chen stared over there with a solemn expression, his whole body was ready to go!

The zombie-like lady in Tang suit seemed to sneer!

Everyone just felt that the roots of the hair were “brushed” and stood up at the same time!

Everyone heard a ghostly voice from the Tang Dynasty ancient corpse!

(Nuo Wang Zhao) The ghost sound that made Lin Yu and the others change when they heard it reappeared in the tomb!

And this time it’s clearer than ever!

“I finally understand! It turns out that the ghost sound is from this thing!”

Sun Honglei said suddenly at this moment.

Then he stared viciously at the ancient corpse of the Tang Dynasty!

At the same time, Sun Honglei had some strange thoughts.

The bloated ancient corpse was speechless, how did the sound come out?

Turn your head to look.

Seeing Lin Yu sweating in horror, it seems that she will be scared to death in the next moment!

Sun Honglei was instantly furious!

“Dr. Lin, don’t be afraid, I’m going to slaughter this foolish thing right away!”

Sun Honglei, who is hot-blooded, feels that he is not afraid of the sky at this moment.

He also wanted to touch it to see how much it is worth!

Zhang Chen’s words cooled Sun Honglei’s whole body, and he instantly regained his senses! </p>

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