Chapter 280: Female Corpse in the Coffin


“Ah, I can’t do it! I feel so bad!”

Lin Yu’s facePainfully squatted down.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo are not much better!

Sun Honglei, Yaya and the others are better, but not much better!

One by one, they were dripping with cold sweat, obviously holding on!

“What is the origin of that thing, just the sound has such a great lethal power?”

Zhang Chen’s expression became solemn.

While thinking, Zhang Chen took Gu Soulling out of the system space!

Jingle Bell–

Zhang Chen shook Gu Soul Ling, and suddenly a sacred and solemn voice sounded.

Lin Yu and the others, who had been invaded by the ghost sound, were immediately covered by the voice of Gu Soul Ling-!

The despairing sadness just now disappeared without a trace, and slowly became – calm!

Lin Yu gratefully smiled at Zhang Chen.

Thinking of the feeling just now, he still has lingering fears, and he doesn’t want to experience it again in his life!

did not expect.

As soon as the ghost bell in Zhang Chen’s hand stopped, the ghost sound that hit the depths of his heart came again!

Lin Yu’s complexion changed drastically, and he quickly covered his ears with his hands.

“No, that sound can’t be stopped at all!”

Lin Yu immediately realized that it was futile, that ghost sound was so penetrating!

Zhang Chen shook Gu Soulling again, and Lin Yu felt a little better.

“It’s not the way to go on like this, you have to find that thing!”

Lin Yu and the others nodded quickly, this feeling is really uncomfortable!

So Zhang Chen shook Gu Soul Ling all the way.

With Lin Yu and the others, they finally reached the end of the tomb!

Perhaps he noticed Zhang Chen’s movement, and the ghost voice in the ancient tomb suddenly fell silent!

“The sound seems to have disappeared!”

Zhang Chen stopped shaking Gu Soul Ling, his hands were a little sore!

Lin Yu listened carefully with suspicion.

The ghost sound that made him fear like a tiger can’t be heard!

However, Lin Yu is always on guard, covering her ears if something goes wrong!

Although this is a bit self-deceiving, it is better than nothing.

I found that there was a bucket room in a stone tomb in front of me.

On the east and west sides, there is a red lacquer coffin with a picture of Zhong Kui eating ghosts!

“That ghost sound should have come from here, everyone look carefully to see what’s wrong!”

Zhang Chen gave an order.

A group of people used their flashlights and probed in the tomb!

Everyone probably looked around.

It was found that the entire tomb was empty, except for some miserable masonry and pottery!

Sun Honglei’s gaze finally stayed on the two red lacquer coffins!

After thinking about it, Sun Honglei walked over to the coffin to the east.

“Damn, are you kidding me?”

Sun Honglei kicked him viciously, but he was tortured by that ghost sound just now!

Now I just want to vent my hatred!

Just hear a “click”.

The well-preserved coffin was kicked by Sun Honglei.

The front of the coffin suddenly cracked a big hole!

at the same time.

From the cracked coffin, something else came out!

“Zhang Chen, that thing came out!”

Immediately took a step back and shouted.

Zhang Chen and the others heard the movement and ran over quickly!

The flashlight shone on it immediately.

It turns out that this is a dry and rigid female corpse arm!

He is drooping weakly outside the coffin!

There are also accessories such as jade bracelets and rings on his hands, which are shaken by the flashlight beam.

It looks jeweled and eye-catching!

“This seems to be just a female corpse arm, there is nothing special about it!”

Lin Yu glanced at Sun Honglei, shook his head and said.

“Dr. Lin, what do you mean? Are you blaming me for making a fuss?”

Sun Honglei felt that he was being looked down upon, and he immediately said with a neck.

“No, no, I’m just stating facts!

Brother Hong Lei, don’t take it to heart, I have absolutely no intention of targeting you! ”

Lin Yu waved his hand and explained quickly.

“You have it! Dr. Lin, let me tell you! It looks like an ordinary female corpse arm. Who knows what the mystery is in the coffin?”

“If I wait until something really happens, and I call you again, isn’t it too late?”

Sun Honglei said confidently.

Sun Honglei also asked Huang Bo: “Huang Bo, do you think what I said makes sense?”

Huang Bo ignored him and turned his head away.

Sun Honglei went to ask Huang Lei again, but Huang Lei ignored him directly!Sun Honglei felt that he was very hurt, and looked at Yaya and the others with the last hope.

Who knows, Yaya, they just smiled.

“You must be jealous of me, you must be!”

Sun Honglei shouted with great grief and indignation.

When Sun Honglei was playing the upper body, Zhang Chen had already squatted down and looked at the coffin carefully!

Lin Yu was also curious about what Zhang Chen was looking at, so he squatted down too!

Only then did I see some writing on the fate plate at the bottom of the coffin.

Lin Yu watched for a while, and read out the inscription hidden at the bottom of the coffin word by word: “Women are ominous…”

Sun Honglei asked curiously, “What is an ominous character?”

At this time, Zhang Chen made a silent gesture to everyone.

“Shh… Listen, there seems to be a voice in the coffin!”

Everyone stopped talking, and pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

The sobbing ghost sound appeared again!

Lin Yu, who was originally a frightened bird, ran to the side and covered her ears!

Sun Honglei, who has awakened the ghost eyes, has barely been able to adapt after being tortured by ghost sounds for a few times!

He put his ear on the coffin board and listened carefully.

If this thing is really messing up, he will definitely set it on fire!

After listening for a while, Sun Honglei nodded clearly!

It looks like it has found an extremely crucial place!

“Hong Lei, what did you find? Say it!”

Huang Bo couldn’t help his curiosity and asked.

Sun Honglei cleared his throat and pretended to be deep.

“Through my thinking, I finally know the source of the ghost sound…”

Unexpectedly, halfway through the words, Sun Honglei suddenly closed his mouth and deliberately swayed Huang Bo’s appetite!

Who told Huang Bo to not give him face just now, Brother Hong Lei still holds a lot of revenge!

“What is it, tell me now? Don’t give a shit!”

Huang Bo hated this kind of person who kept half of his words the most in his life.

Lin Yu, Yaya and the others are also like curious babies, watching from a distance.

Zhang Chen looked at Sun Honglei silently.

Seeing that the teasing was almost done, Sun Honglei said slowly.

“Actually, I think the source of the ghost sound should be the tape recorder in the coffin!”


Hearing Sun Honglei finish speaking, including Zhang Chen, Huang Bo, Lin Yu and the others were all stunned!

After regaining his senses, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

God special radio!

This brain hole is too big, right? Why don’t you say that there are aliens buried in the coffin?

“Ah, I knew you couldn’t spit out ivory from your dog’s mouth!”

Huang Bo scolded Sun Honglei severely.

Sun Honglei was just about to respond to Huang Bo.

A period of suddenly far and near, as if the voice of chanting rang!

“The woman is unknown, buried and hidden; Nandou’s tomb, descends from the wall; the candle corpse extinguishes the lights, the ghost voice refers to the fans…”</p>

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