Chapter 279: Ghost Sound


at the same time!

Those evil murals painted on the mountain walls all lit up!

Those chubby middle-aged women look hideous at the moment!

They all stuck out their long tongues, which were covered with sharp barbs, and swept towards Zhang Chen and the others!

“My God, what is this…”

At this moment, Lin Yuwan saw hell!

If he had seen this kind of terrifying scene before, Sun Honglei would have run away!

But right now, he was full of confidence and shouted with confidence.

“Tricks of carving insects, you dare to use an axe! Get out of the way, let me come!”


The vertical eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead began to vibrate violently!

A red light quickly condensed in the pupil, and then formed a beam, lasing towards those surging tongues!

chi chi chi-

A lot of weird tongues were swept in half by Sun Honglei, and the world immediately evaporated!

It’s too late for Sun Honglei to be happy!

I saw more tongues, drawing deep ravines on the ground of the tomb!

Carrying a violent aura, he crushed Zhang Chen and the others!

“Zhang Chen, I can’t stand it anymore!”

Sun Honglei, who sent out three bursts of shattering pupil light in succession, has reached his limit, and said with a painful expression at this moment.

“Brother Hong Lei, give you a chance, you are useless!”

Zhang Chen, who was watching Sun Honglei’s performance quietly, couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

“963 OK, let me do it!”

Sun Honglei, who was still full of momentum before, now looks ashamed to the side!

Sure enough, such a big scene is not something he can support at present!

Zhang Chen stared solemnly at those strange tongues like blades.

“Seven Star Nails, come out!”

He took out the seven-star nails in the system space!

As soon as the seven-star nails appeared, they exuded a beautiful starlight!

But no one can ignore that fierce breath!

Those strange tongues seemed to sense the danger of the seven-star nails, and their speed suddenly decreased.

Zhang Chen doesn’t care about this!

The thunder and fire unicorn bloodline on the body erupted, and the figure was immediately shrouded in the mysterious and powerful unicorn phantom!

Zhang Chen, like a peerless beast, rushed into the strange tongue formation and started to slaughter!

At this moment, the seven nails, under the control of Zhang Chen’s consciousness, have completely become the flying swords in the novel!

Everywhere he passed, strange tongues were cut off!

After falling to the ground, they all made a strange sound of “chichichi”, and then returned to nothingness!

I am very satisfied with Zhang Chen, who is interested in trying the power of the Seven Star Nails! (addh)

It is worthy of being a magic weapon of the yellow-level intermediate!

And Zhang Chen himself is even more exaggerated.

Thunder and fire are two-pronged, completely destroying the dead!

Those strange tongues that can open up monuments and crack stones and are extremely lethal.

As long as it touches Zhang Chen’s body surface, it will be burned into nothingness in an instant!

Some fish that slip through the net will also die under the light of thunder!

The two are not the same order of magnitude at all!

The miserable scream of the middle-aged womanUnsurprisingly, the strange tongues in the tomb passage were quickly emptied by Zhang Chen!

After killing the last strange tongue, Zhang Chen slowly stopped and restrained the unicorn phantom!

He adjusted his breathing, leaving everyone with an unmatched back!

“Strong! It’s too strong! In front of Zhang Chen, I’m just trash!”

Looking at the incomparably brave Zhang Chen, and Sun Honglei, who was still full of confidence just now.

Suddenly felt an unprecedented huge blow!

“Hey, isn’t it? Why should I compare with Zhang Chen, this guy is a monster!”

Sun Honglei soon became enlightened.

He felt that he was really floating, and he dared to compare with Zhang Chen!

This guy is estimated to be able to rub him on the ground with one hand!

“Wow, Zhang Chen is so handsome! I adore him so much!”

Yaya couldn’t hold back her excitement and shouted loudly.

Through the corpse fairy spirit given by Li Yunyun, Yaya’s judgment of personal strength is no longer so ignorant!

The more she understands, the more she can reflect Zhang Chen’s strength!

Besides, he’s still so young!

This kind of person will sooner or later set foot on the top of the world!

“I must practice hard so that I can keep up with Zhang Chen’s footsteps and not fall behind!”

Yaya knows that Zhang Chen will not always bring their group of oil bottles with them.

Only if one’s own strength is enough, can he always be by Zhang Chen’s side!

At this moment, Yaya made up her mind!

Fat Di, who is beside Yaya, is the same.

Seems to feel each other’s thoughts, Yaya and Fatty looked at each other!

They laughed.

Understand that from now on, they are not only good sisters, but also competitors!

“Zhang Chen, please accept my knee!”

When Zhang Chen came over, Lin Yu said with a frenzied expression.

“Dr. Lin, what are you doing?”

Zhang Chen was taken aback.

“Zhang Chen, do you still need an apprentice? I am willing to worship you as a teacher!”

Lin Yu took a deep breath and said with a very solemn attitude.

“Damn it, Lin Yu, you are so shameless! You even said what I wanted to say first!”

Huang Bo and Huang Lei looked at the shameless Lin Yu angrily and scolded him in their hearts.

“Sorry, I don’t accept apprentices!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand.

It’s so troublesome to accept an apprentice. Not only do you have to work hard to teach him, but you also have to wipe his ass when something goes wrong!

In exchange, it was just a meaningless teacher.

Zhang Chen is not so stupid!

Listen to what Zhang Chen said.

Lin Yu and the others couldn’t help but look disappointed, but they could understand it.

Zhang Chen is so powerful, even younger than them, why should he accept them as disciples?

“But you don’t have to be so frustrated. Although I personally don’t accept apprentices, I can teach you a trick and a half in my spare time, there is no problem!”

For Zhang Chen, this is just a little effort.

But when Lin Yu and the others heard it, they felt like they were beaten with blood, their excitement was beyond words!

Even if it is Zhang Chen’s one-and-a-half move, they can benefit endlessly!

“If you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, the spring breeze will blow and grow again! Since you have the courage to do it, there is no need to exist!”

Zhang Chen looked up at the evil murals above his head and burned them all into nothingness!

With the last scream of a middle-aged woman.

Those murals that have been flooded for a long time have no effect at all!

At this moment, under Zhang Chen’s means, everything disappeared!

After doing this, Zhang Chen felt a lot better.

So everyone continued to move forward in the tomb passage, these are all small episodes!

For Zhang Chen, Feng Shigu, the owner of Dixian Village, is his ultimate goal.


Everyone heard the faint cry of ghosts again!

This cry seems to be able to directly enter people’s hearts and affect people’s emotions.

Lin Yu and the others couldn’t help but feel a great sadness!

The unbearable memories of the past come to my mind one after another, and they are magnified infinitely!

Lin Yu and Huang Bo felt that their hearts were tightly grasped by an invisible big hand!

It seems that the next moment, it will be crushed by the sound! </p>

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