Chapter 281: The Legend of the Woman


When the chanting sounded.

Everyone just shuddered, and goosebumps appeared!

It is clear.

This voice does not belong to any of them.

Sun Honglei looked around with the flashlight, but he couldn’t determine the source of the sound!

Zhang Chen was listening carefully to what the voice sang.

“Could it be the second half of Guanshan’s Guiding Fu?”

Zhang Chen thought secretly.

Wait until the chant disappears.

Zhang Chen stepped forward, and the sobbing ghost sound rang again!

It was finally determined that the ghost sound did not come from the coffin at all.

But it originated from the depths of the tomb bricks under the coffin!

Just as Zhang Chen moved the red lacquer coffin away, the ghost sound stopped immediately.

Sun Honglei came over curiously.

The tomb bricks are thick and sturdy, Zhang Chen even opened a few pieces to look at it, and there was only silt soaked in water on the ground.

“Nine Sixty Seven” did not find anything unusual!

“Strange, is my judgment wrong?”

Since the source of the ghost sound cannot be found for the time being, as long as the other party stops making noise.

Zhang Chen is too lazy to worry about this matter, Feng Shigu is his goal!

“Zhang Chen, was that voice just read from Guanshan Guifan Fu?”

Lin Yu is crouching under the coffin at the moment, looking at the line of inscriptions.

The strange voice sang just now, exactly the same as the words inscribed on the coffin board!

Lin Yu only has thisJust ask.

“Most likely!”

After exploring all the way, Zhang Chen discovered something.

Dixian Village Ancient Tomb is different from other tombs!

Ordinary tombs hope to be permanently closed, so that outsiders will never see the contents of the tombs!

And Earth Immortal Feng Shigu considers himself to be a Taoist immortal family!

Therefore, Dixian Village is not only an ancient tomb, but also a place to save all sentient beings and attain the Tao!

He once left an essay on Guanshan Guifan.

In addition to the descendants of the Feng clan, those believers who are dedicated to seeking immortality can also follow the guidelines to enter the ancient tomb!

Outsiders who don’t know the details want to enter the tomb to steal treasure, but it is difficult to reach the sky!

However, the mountain-viewing guidance and fans that Zhang Chen and the others obtained before were half-truths, many of which led them to dangerous places!

So you can’t believe it, you can’t believe it, it’s all up to your own judgment.

Right now, Zhang Chen and the others have lost the clue to the next step!

The tomb of Dixian Village is bigger than they imagined.

If Zhang Chen and the others blindly search the entire underground palace to find Feng Shigu, it is obviously unrealistic!

I just happened to study and study the Guanshan Zhimi Fu on this coffin board, maybe I can find some mystery!

The premise is that the Guanshan Zhifan Fu engraved on the coffin board is true!

Otherwise, Zhang Chen and the others might just have fun!

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, both the east and west red lacquer coffins were turned over!

After all the sewage at the bottom of the coffin was wiped off, everyone observed it carefully.

They found that the bottoms of the two coffins were exactly the same!

All of them are engraved with the words “unknown women, buried and buried; Nandou tomb, descended from the wall; candle corpse lights out, ghost voice refers to fans”!

As before, they knew every word.

But together, they feel like they don’t know anything about it!

“Dr. Lin, you are well-informed, can you explain to everyone what a ‘thing girl’ is?”

Sun Honglei has heard of dancing girls, witches and so on.

But this girl, he doesn’t know anything!

Others also looked at Lin Yu eagerly, obviously very curious about it.

“Cough, since Brother Hong Lei asked sincerely, I won’t hide it. I just happened to have heard the legends related to the ‘Woman’!”

Lin Yu touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

Wisdom shines in his eyes!

The others were refreshed and waited for Lin Yu to talk eloquently.

Even Zhang Chen looked at Lin Yu intently.

It seems that he wants to see if he can say why!

“It is said that during the Southern and Northern Dynasties in my country, there was a loving couple.

But this couple is special! The husband is short and ugly, and makes a living by selling cakes!

The wife is born beautiful and dignified, she is one of a hundred beauty! Originally, the couple lived a peaceful and beautiful life…”

Lin Yu was only halfway through speaking when he was interrupted by Sun Honglei!

“Dr. Lin, although I don’t read much, you can’t lie to me, right? Isn’t this the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian?”

Sun Honglei stared at Lin Yu angrily and said, he felt like he was being tricked!

Others don’t look good either.

Secretly, the honest Dr. Lin has also turned bad. He even knows how to make fun of people!

“Brother Hong Lei, you only know the truth, but not the reason! Listen to what I have to say!”

Lin Yu, who felt that he was wronged, said rather aggrieved.

“Let Dr. Lin continue talking!”

Zhang Chen smiled and said 0

Zhang Chen has spoken, so naturally others dare not object!

Lin Yu glanced at Zhang Chen gratefully, cleared her throat and continued.

“Speaking of which, the couple lived a peaceful and beautiful life. I didn’t expect that the beautiful wife, when she went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables one day, was inadvertently spotted by a playboy named Dongmen Daguanren!”

“Dr. Lin, don’t think that if you change the senior officials of the West Gate to the senior officials of the East Gate, I will believe your nonsense!”

Sun Honglei secretly slandered in his heart.

“The high-ranking officials of the East Gate have seduced their beautiful wives several times at first, but the wives are not fooled.

Later, this sleazy East Gate official even invited an evil sorcerer and used obscene sorcery on his wife!

In the end, Dongmen officials got their wish, and his wife hated them to the core.

At the same time, she also felt ashamed of her husband who loved her deeply. In order to prove her innocence, she chose to hang herself in front of the mansion of a high-ranking official in the East Gate! ”

Originally, I thought Lin Yu was making up Yaya and Fatty, but when I heard this, I couldn’t help feeling a little moved.

The expression has also become serious!

“What about after that?”

Huang Bo asked, he became interested in this story!

I just don’t know what this story has to do with the girl.Huang Bo is looking forward to it!

“When the husband who sold the pancakes knew about this, of course he was overwhelmed with pain.

He immediately went to the East Gate official’s mansion to make trouble, wanting to seek justice! ”

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Yu continued.

37 “How can the arrogant and unreasonable East Gate official admit his mistake? He directly ordered his husband to be beaten, and then threw it out!

In the end, the husband desperately hugged his wife’s body and buried himself alive! ”

“This high-ranking official in the East Gate is really hateful! The wife and husband are so pitiful!”

The sensual Yaya and Fat Di said through gritted teeth, and their eyes were slightly red!

It just sounds like they are all angry.

If this is true, it is hard to imagine how desperate the parties are!

It’s not an exaggeration to cut a thousand cuts for this high-ranking official in the East Gate!

“The soul of the wife who died with hatred, seeing all this, has a monstrous hatred in her heart, and finally these hatreds turned into curses! When the officials of the East Gate see any object, they will become the image of their wives and ghosts!”

Following Lin Yu’s remarks.

The surrounding atmosphere became eerie and terrifying unconsciously! </p>

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