Chapter 261: Feng Shigu! | Tomb Robber: 365 days of touching gold with stars | Tomb Robbery: 365 days of touching gold with stars Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

This content is first published by boshisw “What’s the situation, is it possible that this is going to be a corpse?”

This change aroused Sun Honglei’s alert!

While searching, he stared at the man’s corpse.

After some searching.

Sun Honglei finally found a few cigarette packs in the upper pocket of the man’s khaki tattered military uniform!

The paper has become yellow and fragile, and many handwritings are densely written on it.

The word was probably written with a pencil tip, and it was a little vague, but fortunately it was still recognizable!

Sun Honglei picked up the cigarette case and stepped aside.

“What’s written on it?”

Lin Yu leaned over curiously.

“You can see for yourself.”

Sun Honglei handed the cigarette case paper to Lin Yu.

So under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Lin Yu read it roughly and read it out word by word.

Even the Bashan ape squatted on the ground and listened quietly!

Listen to Lin Yu finish reading.

Everyone looked at each other, “Nine Five Zeros” all saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

The man’s corpse in front of him has a lot of background!

This person’s name is Feng Xuewen, who was a regiment leader during the war.His ancestor, like Zhang Chen, also made his fortune by robbing tombs!

It was highly regarded by the emperor at that time, and he was also named “Guanshan Taibao”!

Among the ancestors of the head of Feng.

There was a guy named Feng Shigu, who was the head of the Feng family at that time.

Feng Shigu dug up the Coffin Mountain where Zhang Chen and the others were now, and obtained the most treasured Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram!

Not only that.

Feng Shigu robbed the tomb of King Wuyang again, and moved all his belongings into it.

He claims to have understood the mystery of the Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram, and is about to become an immortal earth immortal!

Afterwards, Feng Shigu exhausted his whole life and built an earth immortal village specially to save the mortals in this world!

This is the origin of “Earth Immortal Village”!

Many clansmen who believed in the fairy tales followed him into the ancient tomb to escape from the world!

Since then, he has disappeared, and no one has ever seen a living person come out of the “Dixian Village Ancient Tomb”.

Some people in the Feng family disagree, they think Feng Shigu is crazy!

This split and walked out of Shu!

Head Feng is the last seedling of this bereaved clan!

Because of his unsatisfactory life, he came up with the idea of ​​returning to his hometown to find Dixian Village!

Through Guanshan Zhimi Fu, Captain Feng found the stone coffin where the key to the tomb was stored.

Unfortunately, because of my poor ability, I couldn’t unlock the Jiugong Chihu lock on the stone coffin!

Coupled with bad luck, I encountered a landslide and was injured!

Under the serious injury, the head of Feng, who felt that he had no way out, wrote this suicide note.

The head of the regiment finally left a message in the suicide note.

He has nothing valuable in his body, only the waist card of the ancestral “Daming Guanshan Taibao”!

It is an antique that has been passed down for hundreds of years and is made of pure gold.

It hangs on the neck of Bashan Ape. If it sees someone bury my body on the spot.

I will let you pick this card, thank you!

After Lin Yu read this suicide note, everyone couldn’t help but sigh with emotion!

Sun Honglei’s thief’s eyes fell on the neck of the Bashan ape, and he didn’t find any gold medals.

Come to think of it, this stinky monkey just lost it!

Although I have never met the head of the group, but for the sake of everyone being Yuanliang.

Zhang Chen still buried the body of Colonel Feng in an ancient pine skin coffin, so that he could be buried in the ground for safety!

Seeing Zhang Chen finish this, Bashan ape, monkey and chicken thief dug out a gold medal in a corner of the stone cave!

It is the gold medal of “Guanshan Taibao” in Captain Feng’s suicide note!

Zhang Chen is also welcome.

I took it from Bashan Monkey, looked at it for a while, and then threw it into the system space!

This thing is the identity proof of Guanshan Taibao, and I am afraid that it will be used when entering the ancient tomb of Dixian Village!

“There is a key to open the tomb door in this coffin, if you can’t break it open, why didn’t the regiment leader succeed?”

The group gathered in front of the stone coffin, and Sun Honglei rubbed his chin and muttered.

He would like to see what kind of doorway this stone coffin has!

“How can it be that simple! The coffins in the ancient tombs with Jiugong Chihusuo organs have two layers inside.

There is a poisonous fire hidden inside, as long as there is a slight error in the program, the mechanism in the coffin will self-destruct. Head Feng knew the mystery, so he didn’t act rashly! ”

Zhang Chen calmly analyzed.

Then everyone suddenly realized and nodded, and at the same time deeply admired Zhang Chen’s extensive knowledge!

“That Zhang Chen, can you open this Jiugong Chihusuo?”

Lin Yu asked curiously.

“It’s not difficult for me!”

Zhang Chen said something casually, but his eyes turned to a high mountain embossed on the stone coffin.

This mountain and river hides the arrangement password of Jiugong Chihu!

Nine auspicious clouds are carved on the mountain, called the number of nine palaces and mountains!

“Speaking of the nine palaces and the nine palaces of the Tao, there is an endless cycle: the nine palaces are originally numberless, and Master Lu left a book to explain it clearly; and because no one knows the nine palaces, he asked Xianshan to measure…”

While talking, Zhang Chen picked out the nine Chihus one by one.

There was a sudden “crack” in the stone coffin!

The mechanism inside has been tripped, and the coffin cover has been loosened by a gap!

There are no corpses in the coffin, only a golden box nearly two feet long!

Zhang Chen carefully took out the golden box.

The gold box is engraved with layers of patterns, the inside and outside are connected, and the closure is not tight!

And it’s not locked.

After opening, the items in the box can be seen at a glance!

Everyone looked at it and were stunned on the spot.

This doesn’t look like a key at all, it looks more like a… brush!

“Brush? Can a brush be used as a key?”

Everyone looked at each other.

“Zhang Chen, can you show me this?”

Lin Yu seems to have seen somethingsaid to Zhang Chen cautiously.

Zhang Chen took it out and handed it to him.

Lin Yu took a serious look.

The barrel of the brush is not made of bamboo, but pure gold.

Two lines of characters are engraved on the barrel of the pen, and Lin Yu read out every word.

“Watching the mountain with a magic brush, painting the ground as the door…”

“Drawing the ground as the door? This is too mysterious, isn’t it? Could it be the legendary Cowherd?”

Sun Honglei touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

“Hong Lei, that’s the magic pen Ma Liang, not the magic pen Cowherd!”

Huang Lei corrected.

“Whether he is Cowherd or Ma Liang, it all means the same thing!”

Sun Honglei waved his hand with a guilty conscience, feeling a little embarrassed.

Cowherd is a name for men engaged in special occupations!

He made a slip of the tongue for a while and actually said the Cowherd, which is really embarrassing!

“The magic pen Cowherd is just a legend, it can’t exist in reality 37!

This brush should be mysterious, maybe there is a real key hidden! ”

Lin Yu said seriously.

After he finished speaking, he found that other people looked at him strangely, and the female guest even blushed.

Lin Yu looked puzzled, doesn’t he seem to be right?

Sun Honglei was very embarrassed, secretly thinking that this kid Lin Yu must have done it on purpose.

“It’s okay, what you said makes sense!”

Zhang Chen smiled and took the brush from Lin Yu’s hand.

But he read it several times and determined that the gold pen is hollow, and there is no so-called interlayer!

Zhang Chen turned his gaze to the golden box again.

Important clues are often hidden in some inconspicuous details,

Zhang Chen felt that he must have missed something just now!

Zhang Chen found something strange on the golden box! </p>

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