Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Two: The Gate of Magic Strokes |


There is a vision of flying swallows as a bridge in the golden box pattern, which is exactly like the frightening platform that Zhang Chen passed through before!

At the end of the pattern, there is a faint tomb gate.

If Zhang Chen guessed correctly, it is the entrance to the ancient tomb of Dixian Village!

Zhang Chen deduced that its location should be at the bottom of the canyon.

There should be a special place there!

Perhaps it is possible to draw a door with the “Kaishan Magic Pen”!

Make up your mind, Zhang Chen put away the golden box and writing brush!

Greet everyone to find the path down the mountain.

“Zhang Chen, what about this ape guide, do you want to take it with you?”

Sun Honglei suddenly felt that this Bashan ape was quite pitiful, and was also moved by its sincere friendship for its owner.

“No need, it is the nature of animals to advocate freedom! Besides, it may not follow us!”

Zhang Chen said lightly.

It seems to verify Zhang Chen’s words.

The Bashan Monkey once again paid his respects to Zhang Chen!

After a few jumps, it disappeared into the clouds.

After leaving the cave tomb, Zhang Chen realized that they were very close to the bottom of the valley!

Zhang Chen looked for a while referring to the scene depicted in Golden Box 03.

Found a fork in the canyon, which is a dry bluestone river, and walked in only to find that it was a dead end

A smooth and clean mountain wall!

In front of the wall, there are several thick old trees, and the branches are full of claws.

It is exactly the same as the pattern on the golden box!

“Guanshan magic brush, painting the ground is the door! It should be here!”

Zhang Chen said with a solemn expression.

“Is it really so amazing? Draw a door on this mountain wall with a pen, and then you can enter?”

Sun Honglei muttered to himself, with suspicion on his face.

Zhang Chen also doesn’t quite believe in the so-called magic stroke door. Now is the time to verify the truth!

“I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel a little flustered!”

Yaya said nervously.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, even if the dumplings pop out, there will be Brother Hong Lei to protect you!”

Sun Honglei clenched his strong fist and comforted.

It seems that he felt that his words were not convincing, Sun Honglei added.

“Even if I can’t do it, Brother Zhang Chen is still here!”

“I’m not afraid of danger.

Rather, I feel that there is something very important in it that is attracting me, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch it! ”

Yaya shook her head and explained.

Fat Di also agreed, saying that he was the same.

When people are discussing.

Zhang Chen has already taken out the pen and ink from the golden box.He poured some water into the black ink, mixed it thoroughly, and then dipped the tip of the Guanshan Magic Pen into it!

Finish this.

Zhang Chen looked around and asked earnestly, “Which one of you is better at painting?”

This kind of funny thing, it’s better to leave it to others!

Zhang Chen’s eyes fell on Lin Yu’s face.

Lin Yu’s face turned red, her expression twisted, obviously not willing.

Others are similar, probably think such a move is stupid!

“Zhang Chen, let me come!”

In the end, Yaya volunteered to stand up.

While handing the Shan Shan Magic Pen to Yaya, he also gave her an encouraging look!

Yaya took the pen to the front of the cliff and hesitated for a moment.

Under the gazes of everyone, she first raised her pen and drew a big box!

I didn’t think it was very similar, so I added a vertical line in the middle, and drew a large circle on each side as a door knocker.

After painting, Yaya Qiao blushed.

Sticking out her tongue, she returned the Mountain Viewing Pen to Zhang Chen and said shyly.

“The drawing is a bit ugly, sorry!”

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Chen smiled and said, “No, your painting is very good!”

Although Yaya is a little scribbled, it can be regarded as both form and spirit!

Zhang Chen estimated that if he came by himself, it would be about the same level.

Everyone stood in front of the mountain wall, staring at the door without blinking!

Time has gone by for a long time at this moment!

“Go on, go on!”

Lin Yuxin pulled them together and whispered repeatedly.

After a full quarter of an hour, everyone’s eyes were sore.

The gate drawn on the mountain wall did not move at all!

Okay, what about the magic brush of Guanshan Mountain and the place to paint?

There are crying and laughing, and there are disappointments.

“What is the Mountain Viewing Magic Pen, it turns out to be just a Xibei product!”

It’s a shame he just looked forward to it so much!

“Is there something wrong with our way of using it?”

He doesn’t think that the Jinshan magic pen, which he has spent so much effort to get, really can’t play any role at all.

With such thoughts.

Zhang Chen also ignored the strange eyes of everyone.

I also used the Mountain Viewing Pen to draw several doors of different shapes on the mountain wall.

However, the result is still the same!

Even Zhang Chen was a little discouraged.

The entrance to Dixian Village is close at hand, but I didn’t expect it to be stuck at the last step!

“It really doesn’t work, try to demolish it directly with violence!”

Zhang Chen has a thunder and fire unicorn by his side.

Under the full force of the outbreak, it has been able to form a terrifying destructive force!

But this is a last resort!

If he really wants to blast away this thick mountain wall, he will be exhausted himself.

Not necessarily!

“Listen, there seems to be some strange sound?”

She has been concentrating all the time. Looking at Yaya who is painting by Zhang Chen, her ears suddenly moved, and she reminded everyone.

Everyone listened carefully.

A dense “humming” flapping sound spread into the ears, becoming clearer and clearer!

“Could it be the Golden Armor Locust again?”

Lin Yu was surprised.

Zhang Chen frowned.

Everyone took a few steps in the direction of the strange sound, and they were shocked to discover!

Overwhelming wild bees, from all directions, are coming in the direction of 953!

“It’s stinging wasps! It’s all stinging bees!”

Lin Yu roared uncontrollably, but he immediately covered his mouth.

For fear that the movement will be too loud and attract the attention of the bee colony!

This stinger is too deadly, and the fine needles on its tail are highly poisonous.

A light sting can paralyze a person, and that’s only one case!

If you are surrounded by so many wild bees that cover the sky.

Unless it is an immortal, it will definitely die!

Seeing the panic in everyone’s eyes, Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

“Don’t be afraid, unless the hive is threatened, wild bees will not easily attack irrelevant people!

As long as you lie down here and don’t move, there shouldn’t be too much danger! ”

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, everyone felt a lot more at ease!

So everyone moved quickly.

Before the swarm of wild bees arrived here, I found a relatively hidden place and lay down quietly!


The swarms of wild bees that cover the sky and the sun are surging, and the sound of the wings vibrating is enough to make people terrified!

Lin Yu and their hearts also mentioned their throats.

Even Sun Honglei, a self-proclaimed stalwart man, sweated on his palms and couldn’t help swallowing!

Only Zhang Chen can keep calm.

EyeHe stared at the swarm of wild bees without blinking.

They won’t come here for no reason, there must be something that attracts them!

Everyone’s eyes widened, as if seeing an extremely incredible scene! </p>

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