Chapter 260: Coffin Gorge! | Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days | Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

This content was first published by boshisw, and everyone discovered it.

Except for Zhang Chen.

Everyone had the same dream last night!

This is so weird!


I seem to be a villager of some kind of village.

Because of a mistake, he was tied up by the villagers and stuffed into a strange coffin alive!

Then the villagers held a grand sacrificial ceremony.

The ~self in the coffin is regarded as a sacrifice!

Dedicated to the God they believe in!

“Could it be that the village in our dream is Dixian Village?”

Sun Honglei’s expression was solemn, and he said thoughtfully.

He clearly remembered that “himself” was in the coffin, neither eating nor drinking.

It dragged on for more than ten days before dying in despair!

The resentment before death will change color even in the sky!

Sun Honglei feels terrified when he thinks about it now.

Just when everyone was restless and talking about it.

The Bashan ape that disappeared before reappeared.

Jump around in the distance to get their attention on purpose!

“It’s this guy again, how did it pass the frightening stage?”

Lin Yu was full of doubts.

Yesterday, they almost lost their lives, so they passed through the Shadowless Immortal Bridge in a thrilling way and reached the Horror Stage.

Why is this ape?

But on second thought, apes themselves are much more flexible than humans.

Coupled with living in the mountains all year round, it is not surprising to be able to find another path!

“I don’t think we need to study any Guanshan Guifan Fu, just follow it directly!”

Sun Honglei said jokingly.

At the same time, he gave the guy a vicious look, for the monkey stole his peach yesterday.

Brother Hong Lei is still in the back of his mind!

Yaya and the others think this extremely human ape is very interesting!

So I threw the golden armoured locust left over from yesterday to it from a distance.

The Bashan ape was also not seen, and ran over quickly.

One bite at a time, crunchy and chewy.

Come to think of it, it is rare to eat this kind of delicious food, and there is a touch of anthropomorphic satisfaction on the ghost-like face of Bashan Monkey Mountain!

Under the leadership of Bashan Monkey.

Everyone passed through the winding cave and saw another giant mountain towering into the clouds!

Between the two mountains, they are connected by a chain bridge that is mottled by wind and rain.

Bashan Monkey stepped on the chain bridge without hesitation and disappeared quickly!

Zhang Chen and the others were cautious and did not keep up!

“Look at what’s over there!”

Yaya exclaimed.

Everyone looked in the direction Yaya pointed, and suddenly felt their scalps go numb!

I saw deep in the cliffs of the giant mountain on the opposite side, many rock crevices were half hidden in the mist and light smoke!

In the cracks of the rock, there are dense hanging coffins!

Roughly sweeping, there are as many as tens of thousands!

What’s even weirder is!

These hanging coffins seem to form a giant, just without the head!

“We have come to Coffin Gorge!”

Lin Yu took a deep breath.

Zhang Chen glanced at everything in the distance with a solemn expression!

The land of Bashan is dominated by dragons.

And the clouds and the rain, the dragon spirit is ethereal!

Near the ancient tomb of Dixian Village, there must be many entangled dragon veins, so that the anger will not disperse!

The headless colossus composed of nearly 10,000 hanging coffins in front of you has the potential to step on the mountains and rivers, which just meets this requirement!

And the place where “Hang Feng and Qi” is located on Wuying Xianqiao should be the center of this huge mausoleum area.

Zhang Chen can now conclude.

The ancient tomb of Dixian Village is in the two mountains of Horror Terrace, perhaps on the side of the ancient tunnel when they came!

It may also be the side of the canyon!

After listening to Zhang Chen’s analysis.

Everyone hesitated.

Both of these two mountains are steep and steep, detouring out of the peaks for several miles!

And it’s a thousand miles tall!

No matter which side the Dixian Village ancient tomb is on, they blindly search for it like this, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack!

“Wait, what do you think about this place,Is there a familiar feeling? ”

Yaya asked suddenly.

“It seems that I really have this feeling, I always feel like I’ve seen it before…”

Huang Bo and others answered suspiciously, but they couldn’t remember when they met.


They looked at each other in unison, and said in unison, “In… that dream!”

Yesterday’s dream was too real and too profound!

As soon as they recalled it, it became clear.

“If the village in our dream is really Dixian Village! Then we should pass this iron chain bridge and go there.” Yaya raised her head and pointed, and said with a serious expression.

The others nodded in agreement.

“Uh, isn’t that the direction in which the apes disappeared?”

Lin Yu added weakly.

Thanks to their analysis here for a long time, who would have known that the Naba Mountain Ape had already pointed the way for them!

“Tsk tsk, since this ape likes to lead the way so much, I think it’s better to call it an ape guide in the future!”

Everyone smiled.

Zhang Chen was secretly thinking about the connection between the strange dreams that everyone had and the ancient tomb of Dixian Village!

Cross the iron lock cross bridge without any risk.

There is a narrow secret passage in front of everyone, I don’t know where it leads!

And the Bashan ape was waiting for them at the entrance of the secret passage.

Seeing them dawdling for so long before coming here.

Bashan Monkey hummed in dissatisfaction, and then led them to the dark passage!

The group followed the Bashan ape and walked along the tortuous dark road embedded in the depths of the cliff!

Pass through several tombs with hanging coffins in succession.

Zhang Chen and the others came to a cave that was exposed outside the cliff.

At a glance, I saw an ancient pine bark coffin lying on the ground!

In the messy floating soil on the ground, a huge stone coffin was revealed!

Look at the cover of the coffin, which seems to be engraved with fine mountain and river patterns, and there are nine bronze tigers tightly buckled.

Bashan Monkey jumped to the back of the cave.

Squeak and scream, faintly revealing a sad mood!

Zhang Chen took his attention away from the coffin cover and looked at the Bashan Monkey.

I saw a burly male corpse sitting against the wall under a black vine!

The man’s corpse lowered his head, unable to see his facial features.

I don’t know how long it has been dead, the body is not decomposed, and the beard on his face is still faintly visible!

Suddenly seeing a dead person, Yaya and other female guests instinctively felt scared.

Sun Honglei, who had already played against Zongzi several times, calmed down a lot!

“This person should have a close relationship with the Bashan Monkey, and is likely to be its owner!

See if he has any relics to prove his identity! ”

Zhang Chen gave an order, but he walked over to the coffin cover and took a closer look.

Touching a corpse is a low-tech thing, so naturally Zhang Chen doesn’t need to do it himself.

“Okay, I’ll look for it!”

Hong Leige volunteered to come to the male corpse and squatted down.

“Dude, don’t blame me! I’ll burn more paper for you when I go back!”

Sun Honglei was just about to reach out.

I found the corpse of the man in front of me, and his nose seemed to move! </p>

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