Chapter 253: Ghost Eyes | Tomb Raiders: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days

This content is first released on boshisw~!

Look back.

is not that right?

While he was bragging, Zhang Chen and his party were almost gone!

Sun Honglei didn’t dare to stay in this ghost place, so he quickly chased after him.

Once you enter the cave.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of “click, click”!

Hong Lei Ge looked down, almost scared out of his soul!

The ground was covered with layers of skulls, and the flesh and blood had long since disappeared.

Looking around, there are at least thousands of skulls!

Does that mean that thousands of people have died here?

Think of that terrifying picture.

Even Brother Hong Lei, who calls himself a tough guy, can’t help but feel cold all over!

“Hong Lei, why are you staring at the ape’s skull?”

Aware of Sun Honglei’s strangeness, Huang Lei came over and patted him on the shoulder.


Brother Hong Lei was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look, and then he reacted.

This really isn’t a human skull, it just looks like it.

“God has the virtue of good birth, I’m mourning for them, I hope they can give birth to a good baby in the next life!”

Sun Honglei will not admit that he is cowardly.


Sun Honglei solemnly put his hands together and bowed deeply to those corpses.


When Sun Honglei and Huang Lei catch up with the main force.

The group of guests are looking around a tall and sturdy jade man!

This jade man sat peacefully on a white flowered table, with a gilt-colored mask on his head, covering his entire face.

But seeing his burly body and imposing manner!

Certainly not a daughter!

Although motionless.

There is also an aura of killing in the sky and the battlefield, blowing at the face!

Taking pictures of Yuren’s power, Sun Honglei swallowed and approached cautiously.

This journey is full of fear and fear, and in addition to running around endlessly, Brother Hong Lei is already tired!

Seeing that there is a place to rest, how can Hong Lei be polite.

Sitting directly on the white table.

Originally, he thought that the table made of this jade would be very awkward.

Unexpected but unexpectedly soft.

Although it is icy and cold, it is more comfortable than a sofa.

“Hey, try it now, this table is comfortable to sit on”!”

Sun Honglei grinned.

“This is a human stool, of course it’s comfortable to sit on!”

Zhang Chen watchedSun Honglei glanced at it, and said without meaning.

“What is a human stool?”

Sun Honglei was taken aback, this was the first time he had heard of it.

“A human stool is a stool made of people!”

“Ay Ya I gi!”

Sun Honglei’s face was pale when Zhang Chen said it.

He jumped up like a spring was installed under his butt!

He looked at it in shock, only to find that the white flowered table was actually made from the backs of six naked corpses.

“This motherfucker is so cruel and inhumane, she has lost her conscience!”

Brother Hong Lei, who had an overwhelming sense of justice, couldn’t help but scolded loudly.

If nothing else, this must be done by the jade man sitting on the stage!

Especially when he just sat there and reached out to touch it!

How unlucky this is!

With this lesson, Brother Hong Lei didn’t dare to move again.

Stay by Zhang Chen’s side honestly, watching Lin Yu busy.

Below the jade man is sitting, there is a huge stone tablet with a length of tens of meters and a width of three meters, which is full of ancient characters.

Lin Yu is researching.

Half an hour.

Lin Yu finally stood up and said solemnly:

“This guy is the Wuyang King! If nothing else, the entrance to Dixian Village is here!”

“It means that we can move it away and enter Dixian Village?”

Sun Honglei touched his head and asked, this is too simple, right?

Wait, Wuyang King!

In other words, this guy is the wild boar king?

Sun Honglei looked at the jade man with bad intentions.

This guy is pretending to be a ghost, and he was frightened just now!

He thought he was a big man, but it turned out to be just a wild boar.

Even if it is a wild boar king, it is still a wild boar!

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple!”

Zhang Chen glanced around.

Since stepping into this cave, he has felt that there are dangerous eyes peeping in the dark!

Zhang Chen has always trusted his own intuition.

Before these dangers are eliminated.

They will never enter Dixian Village smoothly!

Zhang Chen’s serious expression made the others nervous too!

Sun Honglei followed Zhang Chen’s example, looking around with a wary expression, as if trying to find out the danger hidden in the dark!

The hands are scratching around the body unconsciously, and there is no response even when the skin is scratched!

“Hong Lei, what’s wrong with you?”

Huang Lei was the first to notice Sun Honglei’s strangeness and asked with concern.

“I don’t know, it just feels so itchy all of a sudden!”

Sun Honglei said something casually.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Lei looked at him blankly, as if he had seen a ghost!

Sun Honglei suddenly felt a sudden shock.

“Brother Lei, why are you looking at me like this?”


“What’s wrong with my eyes?”

Sun Honglei touched his eyes and found nothing unusual.

“No, you…you have a lot of eyes on your neck!”

Huang Lei’s words are not easy to say.

“Brother Lei, don’t make fun of me, I… I’ll be afraid!”

Sun Hongleiqiang said with a smile.

He reached out and touched it, and sure enough, he touched a lot of round objects!

It feels like eyeballs!

Sun Honglei trembled, his face turned green!

It doesn’t stop there.

Seemingly aware of something, Sun Honglei lifted his shirt.

At this moment, his stomach is covered with large and small bulges!

Some bulging bags have been broken out, revealing a black and white pupil, which is similar to the human eye!

He stared blankly at Zhang Chen and the others.

Hong Leige had goosebumps all over his body and couldn’t stop backing away.


When the female guest saw the terrifying scene on Sun Honglei, she immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed.


The stunned eyes gradually became emotional, cold, evil, hatred… and so on!

Huang Lei, who originally looked straight at the eyes on Sun Honglei’s body.

Suddenly turned around and took a step forward, facing the stone wall in the grotto, and slammed into it, without any hesitation at all!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Chen’s quick-witted eyes, he would have stunned him.

I’m afraid that Huang Lei will be bleeding if he doesn’t die now!

“” 々 Don’t look into his eyes!”

Zhang Chen shouted loudly.

These eyes can deceive people!

(Nuo Li’s) Zhang Chen took out King Qin’s bone mirror from the system space.

He chose to use magic rather than force.

In this way, Sun Honglei can be saved without hurting him!

Zhang ChenzuiHis lips moved, and he silently recited the mantra for the magic weapon.

In an instant.

The bell of the Gu soul shines brightly and shines brightly!

The entire grotto was illuminated at this moment!

The Gu Soul Bell in Zhang Chen’s hand flipped and shone straight at Sun Honglei, and the sacred and melodious voice sounded!

Sun Honglei, whose consciousness was about to be manipulated by evil things, subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it!

The voice quickly enveloped Sun Honglei, making contact with the strange eye on Sun Honglei’s arm.

It made a “chichi” sound, and white smoke came out!

The eyes on his body all shed blood and tears, and then slowly closed.


Just when Sun Honglei’s eyes were about to be wiped out.

A figure suddenly stabbed out and knocked off the Gu Soul Bell in Zhang Chen’s hand!

“It’s you!”

Seeing who was coming, Zhang Chen was shocked and angry. </p>

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