Chapter 255: Zhang Qiling Appears


It was none other than the elusive little brother Zhang Qiling who knocked Gu Hunling out of his hand!

“I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer!”

Zhang Chen gave the little brother a cold look.

“Don’t kill them all, keep at least one, so that we can find the ghost in the dark!”

The little brother hid in a black hoodie and said casually.

Ghost head Posha?

Zhang Chen was slightly taken aback.

It was the first time he had heard of this kind of evil!

Anything that has something to do with “Sha” is not easy to mess with!

“Ghost Posha is the key to opening the entrance to Dixian Village, so we have to find it first! And only the ghost eyes made by Ghost Posha can see itself!”

Zhang Qiling added.

Zhang Chen’s expression softened a little, and he nodded.

Picking up Gu Soul Ling on the ground, Zhang Chen took it back to the system space.

Zhang Qiling came to Sun Honglei and pressed his palm on his Heavenly Spirit Cover!

next moment.

A very strong pulling force is generated!

The ghost eye beads on Sun Honglei’s skin are twisted like an ink painting!

During this process, I could faintly hear the unwilling screams of the evil ghost!

at last.

They merged into one and rushed towards the top of Sun Honglei’s head.

Leave only a vertical eye on the forehead!

Look from a distance.

Sun Honglei is similar to Erlang God at this time. If he can hold 950 bull terriers around him, it will be perfect!

Zhang Qiling retracted his palm, and licked his lips unfinished.


Those ghost eyeballs are very delicious to him now!

Sun Honglei slowly woke up, with confusion in his eyes!

After being completely awake.

Sun Honglei’s face changed, and he quickly checked his body.

I found that everything was back to normal, so I was very relieved!

“It’s you?”

Seeing Zhang Qiling, Sun Honglei was a little surprised, but also a little happy.

After all, we have fought together before!

Moreover, he still remembers his little brother’s powerful fighting ability, and he admires him very much!

“Now everyone depends on you!”

Zhang Qiling seemed to smile.

At the same time, the news of the ghost head and Posha was revealed to Sun Honglei!

Hearing this evil name, Sun Honglei panicked!

Especially knowing that it is hidden somewhere around!

Hong Leige was even more uncomfortable.

He is not stupid, he knows that he has been targeted by that ghost!

Otherwise, why don’t others have ghost eyes?

“Why is it always me who is unlucky!”

Sun Honglei wanted to cry without tears.

“Little brother, what should I do now?”

Sun Honglei’s pitiful expression was complemented by that Erlang’s god-like vertical eyes.

It looks so funny!

Even if the atmosphere is not right now, the female guests can’t help but smile.

“It’s very simple, close your eyes and find out where the ghosts are hiding!”

Zhang Qiling said sternly.

“Close your eyes, can I still see something?”

With such doubts.

Sun Honglei slowly closed his eyes.

Instantly became pitch black!

Sun Honglei’s head slowly began to move!

bang bang bang-

Sun Honglei felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat!

He’s in a conflicted mood!

I am eager to find the position of the ghost and get the approval of my companions!

I’m also afraid that my little heart can’t stand it after seeing the ghost!

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Sun Honglei continued to turn his neck.

Everywhere you go, it’s pitch black!

This made him quietly relieved.

“Don’t see it, don’t see it…”

Sun Honglei prayed silently in his heart.

“Wait, what did I just see?”

All in a dark background.

Something else suddenly appeared, which immediately caught Sun Honglei’s attention.

Sun Honglei turned around suddenly and found that it seemed to be a white stone!

white stone?

“I have closed my eyes, how can I see the white stone?”

Seriously thinking about it!

Sun Honglei’s scalp was numb.

A cold air rushed from his tailbone to the sky!

“It’s there!”

Sun Honglei pointed at the place where the “white stone” was and shouted.

Almost at the moment when Sun Honglei made his voice!

Zhang Chen rushed out like a dormant tiger!

The speed is extremely fast (addh), just like a bolt of lightning!

The little brother is not bad, and the unicorn shadow “Peng” pops up behind him, which is very cool!

Zhang Chen’s strong and powerful body made a spin in mid-air!

From an angle beyond the limits of the human body, he kicked hard at the place Sun Honglei just pointed.

At the same time, there is still fire on the feet, which is the power of the fire unicorn!

Although Zhang Chen’s speed was fast enough, it was still half a beat slower.

With this kick, he wiped the ghost’s tail!

Visible fluctuations appeared in the air, spread to the distance at an extremely fast speed, and soon disappeared without a trace!

This ghost head Posha is different from the ghosts Zhang Chen has seen before!

Although the strength may not be enough!

But it is very good at hiding, unable to see it with the naked eye, and can’t even sense the breath.

“Let it escape!”

Glancing at Zhang Qiling, who was flying over, Zhang Chen said lightly.


The little brother nodded, not disappointed.

Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling discussed it, and the two stood apart from each other.

In this way, no matter where the ghost head and Posha appear, there will be one person arriving at the fastest speed!

Sun Honglei closed his eyes and looked for the location of Ghost Head Posha again.

But he scanned the cave three times and found no trace of the ghost head Posha!

“It didn’t leave this cave, did it?”

Sun Honglei expressed his doubts.

“No, its duty is to protect the Wuyang King. There are things to limit it here, and it will only be ashes when it leaves!”

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said firmly.

“This guy seems to know Dixian Village very well!”

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes.

Suspicious eyes swept across Zhang Qiling!

Zhang Qiling naturally noticed Zhang Chen’s gaze, but he didn’t care at all.

Since Guitou Posha didn’t leave, it must be his own problem.

Sun Honglei quickly realized the problem!

That’s the problem of blind spots.

When he looked at a certain area, at the speed of a ghost, he had a chance to hide in the blind spot of his vision.


Even if he searched here for a day and a night, he couldn’t find a ghost!

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Brother Hong Lei quickly had a way to deal with it!

If he pretended to look at a place, and suddenly turned back at a very fast speed!

Repeat this many times to scan the cave in a very short period of time.

Ghost head Posha will have nothing to hide!

“Sun Honglei, your motherfucker is a genius!”

Hong Lei Ge smash it, smash it.

I am amazed by my genius idea, and I can’t wait to applaud loudly.

So next, Zhang Chen and the others.

I saw an astonishing scene!

I saw that Brother Honglei was like a convulsion, his head was turning around at a very fast speed!

The posture is very enchanting, and the body is swaying with it unconsciously!

Zhang Chen and his little brother looked at each other.

“Is he dancing?”</p>

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