Chapter 254: Dragon Ball


This is a crystal clear bead with a faint mist inside!

Follow Zhang Chen to take out the beads.

The Ba Snake, who was still fierce just now, the vitality in the snake’s eyes quickly disappeared, and it was completely dead!

“Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained a ‘broken dragon ball’, which can be used to evolve the dragon arm!”

“This is Dragon Ball?”

Zhang Chen was a little surprised.

Dragon Ball is born in the body of the dragon, it is a treasure that can be encountered but not sought after!

Zhang Chen has only heard of it, never seen it.

But after receiving the information from the system.

Zhang Chen realized that he had made a mistake.

This Dragon Ball is not the Dragon Ball!

The dragon ball he is holding now is formed by the energy of dragon veins!

The Qi of the Dragon Vein can be regarded as a special kind of aura!

It is normal for Zhang Chen’s dragon arm to have a strong desire for this.

Although this dragon ball is broken, it is also unique, which is really rare!

The owner of the snake mechanism beast, using it as a power hub is really a waste of time!

This also made Zhang Chen more curious about the secrets hidden in Dixian Village!

How to use Dragon Ball 03 is also very simple.

Just swallow it directly, the dragon arm will automatically absorb it!

Everyone else saw the extraordinaryness of Zhang Chen’s Dragon Ball, but wisely did not ask more.

After the obstacle of the snake is gone.

In order to express herself, Yaya volunteered to run inside the black disc and observed it carefully.”Hey, look at it, there seem to be words on it!”

“This is ancient seal script…”

Lin Yu came around and looked at it a few times, his face suddenly ugly.

“Dr. Lin, what is written on it that scares you like this?”

Sun Honglei, who had just reached his waist, limped over.

Swallowing his saliva, Lin Yu said truthfully: “The corpse is a heavy place, and strangers are not allowed to enter!”

Everyone felt their scalp tingling.

“Crack”, I don’t know who touched the organ.

The black disc was completely opened, leaving a dark passage.

There is a faint voice of sorrowful ghost crying inside, suddenly far and near!

In this cramped environment, it looks extraordinarily infiltrating!

A cloudy wind blew, and everyone couldn’t help shivering!

Sun Honglei and Huang Bo, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to step in without authorization!

Even Zhang Chen took a step back with a cautious expression on his face.

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed by and plunged into it, so fast that it couldn’t be seen clearly.

“I’m going, what is it, is it a human or a ghost?”

Sun Honglei screamed.

“It’s Zhang Qiling!”

Zhang Chen suddenly said.

He just felt a familiar breath from the shadow.

It seems that Zhang Qiling has been hiding behind his back, waiting for Zhang Chen and the others to completely crack the black disc before coming out.

Could it be that there is something on this black disc that frightens him?

“Come on, let’s go in too!”

Come here, there is definitely no reason to back down.

Furthermore, with the younger brother opening the way ahead, the danger will undoubtedly be much reduced.

Zhang Chenyi was daring and took the lead in stepping in.

The backbone is gone, the members of the guest group quickly follow!

“Huang Bo, why do you keep pulling at me all the time? Are your hands itchy?”

After walking a distance, Sun Honglei suddenly stopped and complained.

According to what he thought, only this guy Huang Bo is so boring!

“What? When did I pick you up?”

Huang Bo’s tone is very injustice.

Sun Honglei was taken aback, what happened?

The direction from which the voice came, clearly came after him, who was standing next to him?

Suddenly realized something!

Sun Honglei turned his head tremblingly, and found a pale woman’s face, which seemed to be facing him… Laughing?

After being discovered, the other party’s hands and feet were still very dishonest and touched him.

“Mom, ghost!”

Sun Honglei rolled and crawled to the side.


Sun Honglei’s move successfully made the figure laugh.

It was only then that everyone discovered that a different species had been mixed into their team at some point.

“It’s it, that Bashan ape!”

Lin Yu recognized the other party.

The IQ of this ape is very high!

Not only did he deliberately lead them in, he also took the opportunity to play with Sun Honglei.

Losing the woman’s skin on his face, the monkey turned over on the top of the air-raid shelter and quickly climbed away.

Shaped like a ghost.

It will soon disappear in front of everyone!


With Zhang Chen’s strength, if he wanted to, he could definitely keep this ape.

It’s just that there is no need for this, he can’t commit to having knowledge with a beast!

Brother Honglei couldn’t be mad.

In vain, he has been famous for his entire life. Today, he was tricked by a monkey, and he even stole a peach!

He needs someone to comfort his wounded heart!

“Let’s go, be careful next time!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and said something.

After pushing open an iron door.

Everyone’s eyes lit up. Occasionally, a mountain light fell from the gap at the top of the air-raid shelter, and the line of sight suddenly widened a lot.

woo woo woo-

In the depths of the air-raid shelter, bursts of shrill and piercing voices suddenly sounded, startling everyone.

“What’s that sound?”

Yaya quickly covered her ears.

“It’s an air raid siren!”

“Strange, it stands to reason that this air raid shelter has been abandoned for so many years, why is there still an air raid alarm?”

Lin Yu’s eyes widened, feeling incredible.

“Go and see if you don’t know!”

Zhang Chenshen said in a deep voice.

Everyone followed the sound, and soon found the initiator of the air raid siren.

A “hand-cranked air defense siren”, a product of the war era, is now rare.

“It was the ape who brought us here on purpose!”

Zhang Chen smiled.

Lin Yu took out the map at this time, checked it carefully, and gestured with her fingers..

“That monkey seems to be deliberately leading us to this road. Could it be that the end of this road is Dixian Village?”

Everyone discussed it.

Mainly it was Zhang Chen’s intention, so he decided to follow this ape to see what the hell it was doing!

Not long after, everyone came to a mysterious 947 cave.

On the left side of the entrance to the cave, there is also a black pig head carved with exposed fangs!

“Hong Lei, what do you see?”

Seeing that Sun Honglei was seriously looking at it, Huang Lei couldn’t help laughing.

Others also looked over with curious eyes!

“Brother Lei, I’m going to teach you a good lesson this time!”

Sun Honglei smiled proudly, cleared his throat, and said.

“Brother Lei, do you know what this black pig head means?”

Not waiting for Huang Lei to answer.

Sun Honglei continued: “The black pig means the black sheep, so do you know what the black sheep means?”

Huang Lei’s lips moved, but Sun Honglei didn’t give him a chance to speak at all.

“As the saying goes, if you want to visit Dixian, you must first find Wuyang! Now that we have found Wuyang, is Dixian Village still far away?”

These are written in the materials Sun Honglei spent 100 yuan bought from the Internet.

He is just taking it out and showing off!

“Hey, you don’t need to say anything!

I know that you admire me who is knowledgeable now, there is no way, excellent people can’t keep a low profile! ”

Sun Honglei touched his hair.

At this moment, Huang Lei could not wait to slap himself.

Why are you asking such a question?

“Hong Lei, in fact, what I want to say is that Zhang Chen and the others are all gone, let’s catch up quickly!”

Huang Lei finally found the opportunity and said weakly.


Sun Honglei was dumbfounded. </p>

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