Chapter 252: Organ Beasts


“Do they have to move all of them to open this black disc?”

Zhang Chen noticed that those bronze mini-beasts were all running.

A flash of light flashed in his head, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

Everything has rules!

If you want them to move, you must provide them with energy, there is no doubt about it!

Think of the throbbing of his dragon arm just now!

Zhang Chen has a certainty in his heart.Under the focus of everyone’s eyes.

Zhang Chen jumped up, and his elegant body drew a strong and powerful arc!

The power of the dragon arm is poured into the palm.

Zhang Chen slapped the dragon-shaped bronze beast with a slap.

Originally, with Zhang Chen’s strength, even hard marble would crack on the spot!

But at the moment when Zhang Chen’s palm came into contact with the bronze beast.

A powerful suction suddenly emerged from the mouth of the bronze beast dragon!

He swallowed all the tyrannical power contained in Zhang Chen’s palm into his stomach “Nine Four Seven”.

Zhang Chen is not surprised but happy, which just shows that his inference is correct!

Land firmly on the ground.

Zhang Chen’s dragon arm also began to agitate faintly.

It seems that behind the black disc, there is something that makes it extremely interesting!


at this time.

A terrifying roar of a beast suddenly sounded in the air-raid shelter, piercing the soul!

Sun Honglei staggered in fright and turned his head around, for fear that something scary would pop up in the dark.

Others are not much better than Sun Honglei.

One by one, with pale faces, they squeezed to Zhang Chen’s side, so that they would have a sense of security!

Breathe out a breath of heat.

Sun Honglei said nervously: “My mother, what is this?”

“It’s Long Yin!”

Zhang Chen’s face trembled unnaturally.

“Hong Lei, you are the mighty brother Hua Qiang, can you not be so timid?”

Huang Lei took the opportunity to tease Sun Honglei to ease the tense atmosphere.

“Fart, how can a real man be timid? I call this a conditioned reflex, it’s an instinct. Do you understand?”

Sun Honglei justified sophistry.

“Really? Then you get off me first.”

Zhang Chen said quietly.

Only then did Brother Hong Lei realize that he was hanging on Zhang Chen at some point, like a sloth.

“Hong Lei, you still said you’re not afraid?”

Huang Bo said with a wink.

Sun Honglei blushed, and quickly let go of Zhang Chen.

Embarrassed, I can’t wait to find a seam to get in.

Kacha Kacha——

The sound from the black disc made Zhang Chen and the others pay attention to it again.

The dragon roar just now came from the mouth of the dragon-shaped bronze beast!

At this moment it has changed a lot!

The azure light on the surface of the whole body shines brightly, and it begins to glow with radiance, and there are faint ancient patterns emerging.

This magical scene once again left everyone stunned!


Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the dragon-shaped bronze beast suddenly spread its limbs and rushed forward.

Pull one hair and move the whole body!

The other zodiac signs also echoed one by one, running around the black disc!

The black disc that was originally a pool of stagnant water became “alive” in an instant!

With the speed of the zodiac getting faster and faster.

The tension of the crowd also reached its peak.

They held their breaths and stared at it without blinking.

Ka Ka Ka –

As if the sound of the mechanism turning sounded one after another, there were twelve sounds in total.

After the sound ends.

The running bronze statue of the Chinese zodiac suddenly stopped.

Then it sank slowly.

next moment!

A loud bang.

The natural black disc surface.

wide open!


It’s not the channel that is exposed inside, but…

“My God! What kind of monster is this!”

Sun Honglei’s eyes almost popped out, and he felt a shudder from the soul level!

Inside of the black disc.

A big snake with a black body and a blue head is curled up impressively, and the snake body is thicker than a bucket!

In the position of the snake’s head, there is also a pair of wings!

“Snake Snake Snake, good… what a big snake!”

Yaya and the other female guests were trembling with fear and couldn’t stop backing away.

Girls are most afraid of these creatures!

Zhang Chen’s eyes were brilliant.

His dragon arm now conveys a strong desire to him!

The target is directly at the place where the snake is seven inches.

“This seems to be the descendant of the legendary Ba Snake!”

Although Lin Yu was too frightened, she managed to remain calm.

There is a scholar’s unique elegance in his eyes, and he is even a little excited.


Zhang Chen thought deeply.

“The snake swallows the elephant” in the proverb refers to the snake!

It is rumored that the Ba snake is more than 180 meters long, can swallow a white jade giant elephant, and spit out its bones in three years!The big snake in front of him fits the description of the Ba snake very well.

It’s just that the size is not that huge.

Lin Yu called him a descendant of the Ba Snake, which makes sense.

I just didn’t expect that this legendary creature 0

Now it is so abruptly appearing in front of them!

“This guy was originally called Ba Snake, is he dead or alive now?”

Sun Honglei asked curiously.

As he thought.

This big snake has been hiding in the black disc for so long, without eating or drinking, it should have died early, right?

“It’s a pity not to make snake soup with such a thick snake body!”

Huang Lei secretly commented.

It’s like responding to Sun Honglei.

His voice just fell.

Ba Snake, whose eyes were originally closed, suddenly opened his yellow pupils, without a trace of emotion!

“Strange! Why can’t I feel neither anger nor death from it?”

Zhang Chen was a little puzzled.


When people haven’t reacted yet.

The Ba snake suddenly sprang out of the black disc.

On the way, he opened his bloody mouth, and a choking fishy smell rushed to his face!

“Mom, why is it targeting me?”

Sun Honglei shouted, turned and ran.

Ba Snake is chasing after him!

Seeing that it was inevitable, Sun Honglei stepped on the wall of the air-raid shelter.

With a twist of his body, he gritted his teeth and used the moves he was quietly looking at from Zhang Chen!

“Kuixing kicks!”

Sun Honglei was very powerful and kicked Ba Snake’s head.

But it gave him the feeling that he had kicked an iron plate.

“Ouch, my feet!”

At this time.

Zhang Chen, who was shrouded in a unicorn phantom, descended from the sky!

Like the gods descended to the earth, invincible! 37

A punch that weighed more than a thousand ounces directly smashed the snake’s head into the ground.

For a while, the dust was flying!

Although his head was smashed by Zhang Chen, Ba Snake is still struggling!

What’s even weirder is that the snake didn’t shed any blood.

“I see!”

Zhang Chen understood something.

He came to the place where the snake was seven inches.

“Stab” sound.

Zhang Chen ripped open the snake’s belly with both hands.

There is no flesh and blood in it, but a structure like metal.

This snake is actually an ingenious organ beast!

If it is an ordinary tomb robber, there must be no way to take it!

Unfortunately, it met Zhang Chen.

In the body of the snake.

A sparkling bead made Zhang Chen unable to look away.

“It turns out that it has been attracting me…”

Zhang Chen murmured and stretched his hand in. </p>

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