Chapter 152: The Gate of the Zodiac


Seeing Zhang Chen coming over, Huang Lei honestly stepped aside.

Staring at the black disc carefully for a moment, Zhang Chen has a thoughtful expression on his face!

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen eagerly, curious in their hearts.

But Zhang Chen didn’t want to explain anything.

He stretched out his palm and carefully rubbed the simple and mysterious patterns on the surface of the black disc!

A strange feeling was born in Zhang Chen’s body!

There seems to be something in him that resonates with him, and he wants to express it!

It is that illusory dragon shadow!

This black disc is definitely not as simple as it looks!

Zhang Chen had a very strong urge to find out.

“That… Zhang Chen, what did you see?”

Lin Yu bravely leaned over and asked cautiously.

“Yaya is right, this is indeed a door!”

Zhang Chen nodded.

“But this door is not a modern product, but an ancient thing!”

Something ancient?

Everyone slapped their tongues for it!

In this very strange environment, as long as they hear words related to “ancient”, they will be horrified and chilled all over.

“Yes, this is the ancient cloud and thunder pattern, which originated in the Shang Dynasty, and is rarely used now.”

“And the shape and material of this black disc are full of traces of time…”

Lin Yu looked at it carefully and agreed.

“Dr. Lin, can you open it?”

Sun Honglei came over at some unknown time and asked like a curious baby.

“Uh… not really.”

Lin Yu blushed.

“Then why don’t you just go and talk so much nonsense?”

Sun Honglei rudely pulled Lin Yu aside.

Relying on some knowledge, this stinky boy dared to show off in front of his brother Red Thunder. Don’t we know that we have never been to college?

“Yes, it is indeed the cloud and thunder pattern of the Shang Dynasty, and the shape is also very unique, full of traces of the years!”

Sun Honglei stood in front of the black disc in a good manner, commenting on everything, and pretending to be very knowledgeable.

Of course, he just repeated what Lin Yu said.

Lin Yu’s face turned red, and she wanted to say that Brother Honglei, what you touched was a heavy ring pattern, not a cloud and thunder pattern.

Others couldn’t help laughing, and had to admire Sun Honglei as a living treasure. In this case, they didn’t forget to show off.

“Oops, my hand, what is this?”

Sun Honglei, who is handsome but less than three seconds,Satisfied, he retracted his palm.

Suddenly I found that my palm was dark red, and I jumped up in fright.

Shouldn’t this be poisonous?

“This is a modern paint. It should have been obtained when the bomb shelter was built.”

Zhang Chen said calmly.

Sun Honglei, who was still startled just now, breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling ashamed, he smiled shyly, and stood by the side honestly.

“Then what would happen to this gate that existed in ancient times?”

Out of curiosity, Yaya asked casually.

After she finished speaking, she found that everyone was silent and looked at herself with a strange expression.

Yaya was confused at first, but after realizing it, her body suddenly shivered.

If something goes wrong, there must be something strange!

“Since it’s a door, there should be something like a switch!”

Zhang Chen muttered to himself, his eyes cruising on the huge black disc.


Zhang Chen’s eyes were fixed on the black disc, those tiny patterns.

They are on the edge of the black disc, evenly spaced, just around the black disc.

If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t find it.

After all, the black disc is too big!

Through identification, Zhang Chen recognized that this was an animal pattern, representing the zodiac.

Throughout the entire black disk, this is the only regular existence.

If you want to open the black disc, it is estimated that you should start from this aspect.

Zhang Chen gave his analysis.

Everyone thought it was very reasonable, and looking at Zhang Chen’s eyes, they were full of admiration again!

Not bad for being the soul of their team!

Not even the slightest clue could escape his eyes.

“Then what should we do next?”

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen with anticipation.

“The twelve zodiac signs represent the twelve Earthly Branches, namely the Rat, Ugly Ox, Yin Tiger, Mao Rabbit…”

Zhang Chen said.

“If I’m right, I should start with ‘rat’!”

Everyone followed Zhang Chen’s gaze and looked at the pattern representing the ‘rat’.

Don’t wait for others to react.

Zhang Chen jumped up, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the “rat” pattern, and sure enough he felt a small bump.

Before he hit the ground, he pressed hard.

An amazing scene happened!

The place that Zhang Chen pressed just now sank slowly!


Under the incredible gaze of everyone, a miniature bronze rat with a delicate shape appeared and came alive!

On the neck of the bronze rat, there is also a tough thin wire that connects the inside of the black disc.

“This is simply amazing!”

Yaya’s red lips parted slightly, her beautiful eyes were shining, she was shocked and speechless by this scene!

This is an ancient thing, and it may not be created in modern times!

It’s so ingenious!

You can see the whole leopard at a glance, and the person behind this black disc must be a great person!

Zhang Chen’s movements did not stop.

He successively pressed on the patterns representing “ox”, “tiger”, “rabbit”, “dragon”…

Not surprisingly.

One by one, with perfect shapes, amazing bronze zodiac animals emerged, each with a thin thread tied around its neck!

When the zodiac signs appear together, the shock is indescribable!

Silent, but full of powerful visual impact!

Lin Yu even had the urge to worship!

Zhang Chen is much calmer, after all, he hides so many secrets.

But at this moment he frowned.

As he thought, after all the zodiac signs appeared, the black disc would automatically open.

However, it is not!

“By the way, I overlooked the most important point, the thin line on their necks!”

Zhang Chen suddenly raised his head. </p>

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