Chapter 227 The double coffins are opened! Sea Monkey, Red 达辏�|Grave Robber: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second:

Everyone was startled, and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts!

At this time, everyone understood that in the eyes of the younger brother, their lives were worthless at all, and they suddenly realized that this variety show has quietly undergone some changes so far!

Zhang Chen, who was beside the coffin, didn’t pay attention to this. The forbidden woman was already dead and could no longer die. Next, he would continue to open the other four coffins for the stars!

Among the star formations, the one who kills the wolf is the most fierce!

He can’t kill the three coffins of Broken Wolf unless he has to!

After Zhang Qiling finished speaking, he stopped looking at everyone, turned his head to look at the remaining five coffins and muttered: “Tianfu forbidden woman, you should drill into the weakest one, continue to drive!”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, followed the star formation to find Tiantong, the two of Tianxiang!

The thunder light from both palms instantly drowned the two black coffins!

Two more intense burnt smells spew out of it!

The same method, Zhang Chen operates it again!

After last night, Zhang Chen patted the coffin lid with both hands!

This time he opened two mouths at the same time!

The coffin lid shoots out like a sharp sword!

A 223 strong death energy burst out!

Zhang Qiling Gujing Bubo’s eyes changed slightly!

Zhang Chen also secretly sighed that the Crape Myrtle Star Dou was really mysterious. Even though he used the breath of the holy unicorn to wash away the death energy in the coffin, after the coffin was opened, the remaining death energy in the coffin was still strong!

“This breath…”

In the silence, Chana, who was unconscious again, suddenly opened her eyes. The lines between her eyebrows had disappeared, and she stared strangely at the two coffins!

The hearts of Sun Honglei and others were already tense again. With Zhang Qiling’s warning, they did not dare to speak out casually. When they heard Chana’s strange voice, everyone looked at Chana in unison.

“Bo Ge, that woman is out!”

Huang Lei poked Huang Bo’s waist with his arm, and said softly.road.

Huang Bo nodded slightly and leaned to the side subconsciously. The shadow Queen Jing Jue cast on them was too deep, and she was still a big zongzi that was thousands of years old, so she was instinctively afraid.

“Can you see what’s inside?”

Sun Honglei was very daring. Seeing that the contents of the coffin were not coming out, he tried to say to Queen Jing Jue.

“You’ll know right away!”

Queen Jing Jue didn’t even look at Sun Honglei.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly heard a muffled sound not far away!

He twisted around suddenly, and vaguely saw a black thing shot out of one of the coffins!

He looked up subconsciously, and saw that the black thing quickly disappeared into the dark dome after falling into the dome!

“What it is?”

Sun Honglei was shocked, he just didn’t see it clearly!

“Be careful, don’t let Zhang Chen be distracted, that’s a sea monkey, with a high IQ, it will attack people in secret!”

Refinement is the Queen’s way.

When everyone heard the words, they became nervous again, subconsciously gathered together, and looked at the dome with alertness!

Zhang Chen raised his head and swept over. His eyesight was extraordinary. Although the dome was dark, he still saw the hidden figure of the sea monkey who escaped from the coffin!

That guy is much bigger than a monkey, his whole body is pitch black, and he looks like an orangutan!

I saw the sea monkey hiding behind the support beams of the dome, scanning the people in the underground palace as if the eyes of a ghost were scrutinizing it!

Zhang Chen was secretly surprised that this sea monkey did not attack directly like the forbidden woman. Although her strength was much stronger than that of the forbidden woman, she chose to retreat first (cbfe)!

Obviously, the IQ is much higher than that of the forbidden woman!

And it also felt that it was difficult for Zhang Qiling and himself to deal with it, and it targeted the members of the guest group.

“Look for death!”

A hint of mockery flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. Although this sea monkey is smart, its strength is not strong enough. In the face of absolute power, any skill is useless.

The phantom of Lei Qilin slowly emerged!

Just as he was about to jump up, when the sea monkey turned out to be, the mutation suddenly occurred!

A huge sense of crisis appeared in front of him, and at the same time, the exclamations of the guest group also sounded!

Zhang Qiling, who was on the side, even disregarded the overdraft of his life force, and suddenly charged towards Zhang Chen with his feet on the ground!

Zhang Chen was smart, looked down and looked around, but saw in another coffin, and suddenly sat up a red robe over two meters in size.

The fiery red long hair on the red body, the roots are like needles!

The arm is nearly two meters long, and the huge palm can almost hold his entire head!

Along with the red calf, the red calf, the wood calamus, and the neon finally splashed their legs and pinched Zhang Chen’s head!

Zhang Qiling’s speed is extremely fast. Although his strength has been greatly reduced, he is still sensitive. He supports the ground with one palm, draws an arc in the air with his right leg, and kicks the instep against the coffin!

The huge force directly kicked the coffin more than ten meters away!

And the red and neon final meal was caught by Zhang Chen’s neck out of the void!

If the time difference is a millisecond, Hong Kong will be guaranteed to

Zhang Chen, who was caught off guard by the red nephew, animal husbandry, and Jun, may have been injured!

“Look for death!”

Zhang Chen was instantly furious. His attention was drawn to the sea monkey just now, ignoring the red robes hidden in another coffin.

If it wasn’t for Zhang Qiling, he almost suffered a loss just now!

He has killed all black snakes, how can he not be angry in front of a red scorpion!

However, this red and gray body was swollen. On the way of the coffin’s violent retreat, he suddenly jumped out of the coffin, grabbed the heavy coffin with one hand and slammed towards it like a toy. Hit Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling!

Zhang Qiling had just done his best, and now he clutched his chest and spat out a mouthful of black blood!

“Let me deal with him!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes were fixed on the red robe, and Zhang Qiling was slightly pushed away with one hand!

The 1,000-pound coffin whirled in the air, smashing towards Zhang Chen with a terrifying force! .

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