Chapter 228 Heavy punches! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s expression was stern, his eyes fixed on the whistling coffin!

A thousand-year-old coffin carries nearly 10,000 catties of power!

Even an elephant will be crushed to death instantly!

But Zhang Chen didn’t avoid it, he stood there, like a god of war who was invincible and fearless!

But in the eyes of everyone, Zhang Chen-‘s approach is extremely risky!

Although Zhang Chen never made a mistake along the way,But such a scene gives people a feeling of flesh-blocking the train!


A deafening voice sounded!

Everyone’s heart trembled, even Zhang Qiling’s eyes flashed with surprise.

I saw Zhang Chen blocking the coffin with one hand, and the ten thousand jins of power suddenly fell on Zhang Chen’s arm!

A layer of golden dragon scales suddenly appeared!

That 10,000 jins of strength was completely offset by the tough dragon scales!

Zhang Chen’s body didn’t move at all!

But even so, the slate under Zhang Chen’s feet sank a few centimeters at the moment of unloading!

After the giant force dissipated, the coffin suspended in the air crashed to the ground!

After a muffled sound, the coffin landed firmly at Zhang Chen’s feet!

The scene of catching the coffin with 10,000 jins of force with his bare hands not only shocked everyone, but even the violent red meal was stunned, his scarlet eyes staring at Zhang Chen.

Although it does not have the IQ of the sea monkey, it also has the basic crisis feeling instinct!

Obviously Zhang Chen’s performance has exceeded its expectations!

However, after a short period of sluggishness, the thousand-year-old red Ou Gu swung towards Zhang Chen angrily!

Zhang Chen’s pupils moved slightly, and his eyes were full of fighting intent!

According to his estimation, this thousand-year-old red nephew thief τΩ is much stronger than the first Baojia general he encountered!

When facing the Baojia General, Zhang Chen still used his skills to win!

Now, facing the stronger red star Zhang Chen, he also has a crushing confidence!

Hong Chaoping rushed towards Zhang Chen furiously!

Na Hong, Jiong and Dawei caries

Almost leaping approaching!

Zhang Chen’s fighting spirit increased greatly, and he kicked the empty coffin in front of him!

The coffin was like a cannonball being fired, sending out a buzzing volley and shooting towards the red coffin.

That red calf is sturdy, but he doesn’t hide in the face of the coffin with the strength of ten thousand jins!

The palm of the palm fan slammed on the coffin!

Facing the coffin of 10,000 jins and giants, the red scorpion ≡ cowardly lied, all are calm, physical strength and toughness!

It’s just that the body hardness is comparable to gold and iron!

The terrifying strength of the arms ripped apart the coffin directly!

Everyone’s faces are pale!

It seems that he was messed with by the red old man.

They didn’t expect Zhang Chen’s blow to fail!

And compare the two!

It seems that the red arrows have a visual impact!

But if you understand strength, you can see that Zhang Chen’s method of catching the coffin with one hand is actually stronger!

That requires a very fine control of the force to do it!

In other words, if you want to catch a coffin with a huge force of 10,000 jin, you actually need more strength than 10,000 jin to do it!

Sure enough, Zhang Qiling didn’t show any surprise when he decided on Hong Kong’s suffocation!

The red one who ripped open the coffin came rushing with Zhang Chen!

In front of them are the remaining coffins, among which are the greedy wolf, the broken army, and the two coffins!

Zhang Chen was worried about the coffin of the furious Hong Chang Ping Deng, so he jumped up, shot his body into the air, and then smashed into the red with a volley!

The red subaru who only has the fighting instinct grabs the amaranth!

After a long howl, the huge fist faced Zhang Chen!

Time seems to stand still at this moment!

Everyone’s eyes are focused on Zhang Chen’s fist at this moment!

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・

Hong Yao’s radiant hustle> Na’s fist, it seems that the visual impact is very strong!

Zhang Chen’s fist is extremely fragile and small in front of it!

But no one dared to underestimate Zhang Chen, they all knew that Zhang Chen’s trump cards were endless!

Whether it’s the dragon arm or the unicorn shadow, it can protect the red phoenix.

And Zhang Chen won’t show up until the critical moment!

Just when everyone was expecting Zhang Chen’s lore to kill the red one, the expected dragon arm didn’t appear, and even Zhang Chen didn’t even use the unicorn phantom!

Instead, it completely relied on the power of the flesh to attack the red and red.

 …  …  

Flesh against each other!

Even if the human physique is too strong, it will suffer in the physical battle!

After all, Hong Xin has been quietly training Iron Corpse for thousands of years!

The muscles and bones of the corpse have long been condensed into gold and iron!

“You can’t kill a chicken with a knife!”

Upon seeing this, Queen Jingjue whispered, and it seemed that she did not consult the school.

When Hong Lei heard the voice of Queen Jingjue, his heart suddenly shook. It seemed that Zhang Chen should have absolute certainty to do this!

Sure enough!

Zhang ChenThe tiny fist, at the moment when it collided with the red head, was like a sharp steel gun, instantly piercing the red head!

Palms, wrists, arms, all the way to the shoulders!

Zhang Chen’s punch directly shaved off the red scorpion.

“I’m going! It’s too fierce!”

Huang Bo gasped in amazement, his eyes filled with admiration!

The red banana, who lost half of his body, was hampered, but his will to fight surged!


The pain-free red mouth opened its huge mouth and gnawed at Zhang Chen’s head from top to bottom!

The 10-centimeter-long fangs are extremely terrifying, it seems to be a hard rock, and the red casserole is supposed to be smashed into pieces! So.

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