Chapter 226 Domineering! Kill the forbidden woman! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second:

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Zhang Chen manipulated purple lightning and kept burning the dark coffin!

The coffin he chose is the place of Tianfu in the five days of Ziwei Star Dou!

Five days, three yin and two yang!

When Tianfu opens, the coffins of the other four stars will inevitably increase in corpse energy!

Zhang Qiling’s method also relies on luck to succeed. If the Qianyang seven coffins cannot find the tomb owner’s coffin, even if Zhang Chen uses the breath of the holy unicorn to wash away the dead energy, he will still encounter powerful monsters in the remaining seven Yin coffins!

After the Jingjue Ghost Cave, none of them had any repairs, and their body functions were stretched to the limit!

The situation of Zhang Qiling, who is at the top of his combat power, is even worse. Every fight below is overdrawing his few vitality!

This also means that the responsibility and burden will all fall on Zhang Chen!


After most of the death energy in the coffin was washed away by lightning, Zhang Chen’s expression became solemn again.

Just hear a muffled sound!

The incomparably heavy coffin is like a sharp sword, and it shoots out instantly!

In the end, it was inserted into the wall of the underground palace!

The dust is gone!

The underground palace opens silently!

The people hiding in the corner only felt their mouths dry, their hearts thumping, and their deadly eyes stared at the open coffin!

Zhang Qiling also frowned and stared at the coffin!

Even he doesn’t know if this coffin is the owner of the tomb!


Just when everyone was very nervous, a woman-like laughter suddenly sounded in the dark coffin.

The expressions of everyone suddenly changed greatly, and fear suddenly appeared in those dead eyes!

In the deep underground palace, the laughter of a woman resounded in the coffin, which was even more terrifying than a horror movie!

Fortunately, they are not newcomers either. Although they were frightened, they did not lose their calm!

Everyone’s eyes slammed on Zhang Chen’s face. As long as there was no panic or panic on Zhang Chen’s face, it proved that the monster in the coffin could be dealt with!

Sure enough, Zhang Chen’s brows twisted into the shape of Sichuan, and his cold eyes suddenly flashed a ruthless color!

“A mere forbidden woman dares to be vicious 々`!”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he raised his foot and slammed down!

The thousands-year-old coffin was split up by Zhang Chen!

The direction in the mouth of the coffin is facing everyone!

A monster wrapped in long hair, lying quietly in the coffin!

“Is this thing a human or a ghost?”

Huang Lei saw the whole picture of the monster in the coffin at this moment, and saw that the thing’s long hair was hammered to the bottom of the coffin, and a hunched body in white clothes was hidden under the thick black hair.

The front end of the palm, which was shriveled like a branch, actually had nails that were about ten centimeters long and sharp as a knife!

“Zhang Chen, be careful!”

Huang Bo’s pupils shrank suddenly, he suddenly saw that the fingernail moved, and under the thick long hair, a pair of pale eyes without black pupils suddenly appeared!


The infiltrating laughter suddenly intensified!

The black hairs shot towards Zhang Chen like steel wires!

Ten fingernails as sharp as knives instantly became longer, and were hidden in the black hair to lock Zhang Chen’s heart!

The forbidden woman’s attack was too sudden, and no one could react at all!

Huang Bo’s reminder sound is a little pale!

Zhang Chen was still standing straight in the same place, as if he didn’t hear Huang Bo’s reminder, his cold eyes stared at the forbidden woman like nothing!

Let your sharp black hair and nails shoot at him!

Zhang Qiling stared at Zhang Chen with the same expression, but the other people instinctively hung their hearts!

Secretly worry about Zhang Chen!


In black hair and nailsWhen the hole was pierced through Zhang Chen’s body, Zhang Chen suddenly raised his hand. He moved very slowly, but strangely grabbed the black hair before it touched his body!


Kicked out with one foot against the nails hidden in the black hair!


After the knife-sharp nails touched Zhang Chen’s feet, they all broke!

The giggling still sounded, but it was a little more tragic!

But Zhang Chen’s feet didn’t stop at all, and even accelerated a little and kicked on the hunched body of the forbidden woman!



Two voices sounded, and the 1000-pound coffin and the stump of the forbidden woman flew out instantly!

A head covered with black rice hair was held in Zhang Chen’s hands!

Zhang Chen’s foot was so powerful that the coffin was smashed almost straight on the wall of the underground palace!

A golden flame rose up in Zhang Chen’s hand!

“¨. stab!”

The forbidden woman’s head and black hair were instantly burned into a huge fireball!

When Zhang Chen threw it away, the flame rose in the air, and then it was burned into nothingness!

Everything is in the blink of an eye!

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling’s expressions did not change in the slightest!

But the faces of the people watching this scene from the far corner of the wall are like a roller coaster, and the colors are indefinite!

From the initial panic, to worry, to shock, to relaxation!

In just a few seconds, it seems to have experienced several reincarnations of life and death!

“I’m going, it’s too strong!”

“The monster in this coffin is not that strong!”

Huang Bo exclaimed, listening to Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling’s dispute before, he thought that the monsters in this coffin were all top bosses (Qian Li Zhao)!

Unexpectedly, just after she appeared on the stage, the terrifying forbidden woman was instantly killed by Zhang Chen!

Even the lying coffin was kicked and stuck in the wall!

“Xiaobo, are you delusional? I think it’s not that the forbidden woman is weak, but Zhang Chen is too sturdy! Just beat the forbidden woman to death!”

Sun Honglei reminded.

Huang Lei nodded, expressing his approval of Hong Lei’s statement.

But at this moment, Zhang Qiling, who ignored the crowd from start to finish, suddenly raised his head and stared at them coldly.

He originally had no white pupils, and with his cold eyes, the person who was looking at him had straight hair in his heart.

“How weak the first one is, how strong is the latter!”

“If it’s a matter of life and death, I’ll just take care of him, so you’d better not be careless!”

Zhang Qiling’s voice without a trace of emotion resounded in everyone’s heart. .

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