Chapter 225 The Unicorn Manifestation! Open the coffin! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Qiling’s voice sounded, and everyone couldn’t help but feel disappointed, but they also showed some relief!

If Zhang Qiling really pinpointed the tomb owner’s coffin, then it would be better to find Zhang Chen’s help in embarrassment!

Zhang Chen frowned, the situation seemed to be at a deadlock again!

He looked suspiciously at Zhang Qiling, and said slightly: “You know better than me about Ziwei Xingdou. Since you can’t find the coffin of the owner of the tomb, how can I find it?”

“Little brother, are you thinking too much, we’re afraid we can’t help you!”

Sun Honglei glanced at Zhang Qiling and said tentatively.

“Do not!”

Zhang Qiling shook his head suddenly, and looked at Zhang Chen again, originally darkThe pale eyes suddenly became brighter!

Zhang Chen was also stunned, and stared at Zhang Qiling with a frown. He was secretly surprised. Could it be that this guy has discovered some secrets in himself?

“The unicorn bloodline on your body is no longer a secret!”

Zhang Qiling’s eyes looked at Zhang Chen, and those eyes had some complex flavors.

“Kirin bloodline?”

Zhang Qiling’s voice was not loud, but it clearly reached everyone’s ears. Zhang Chen didn’t expect him to say this suddenly, his eyelids couldn’t help but twitch, and he looked at Zhang Qiling vigilantly.

He doesn’t know what this guy will say next!

After all, this is a live broadcast, and all their conversations and experiences will be revealed!

“Kirin bloodline?”

Huang Bo’s surprised voice suddenly sounded.

The others also took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Chen in shock, the unicorn bloodline is only a term in novels, myths and TV!

Does it really exist?

After Zhang Qiling’s voice fell, they instantly contacted the unicorn shadow on Zhang Chen’s body when he was fighting against Zongzi!

Even Sun Honglei, whose head reacted a little slower, was instantly enlightened!

“It’s really eye-opening that there is such a thing in the world!”

Huang Lei was amazed.

“What do you want to say!”

Zhang Chen frowned, staring at Zhang Qiling with a wary expression.

“Cracking the Crape Myrtle Star Dou requires the Qilin bloodline! So only you can help me!”

Zhang Qiling said solemnly, looking at Zhang Chen with a deep sincerity.

“You can’t, why can I?”

Zhang Chen’s words are a bit subtle, but he expresses the meaning very clearly. He broke Zhang Qiling’s secret and also poked the Qilin bloodline. Is there any difference?

Zhang Qiling is not surprised, for those who have Qilin blood, it is not difficult to discover the other party’s secret!

Unicorn tattoos can say it all!

“You are different from me. I can feel that the blood on your body has the breath of the holy unicorn, which can purify the dead air, and the unicorn on me…”

Halfway through the words, Zhang Qiling’s expression was a little dim, he sighed and said to Zhang Chen: “Since there is no hope of breaking the game, let’s open one by one!”

“But you need to use the Qilin breath to wash away the dead aura of the corpse in the coffin!”

“In this case, even if the monster corpse inside appears, the strength will be suppressed by half!”

“This is the most effective way so far!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Huang Lei’s eyes. After a long time, it turned out that this little brother had already figured out what to do, and they were really in a hurry just now!

“Yes, but I have a condition!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and suddenly looked at Zhang Qiling.

Huang Bo’s eyelids twitched, and when he saw Zhang Chen’s eyes, he subconsciously said, “Immortal medicine?”

But after speaking, I felt wrong. This little brother is very ill and depends entirely on the immortality medicine to survive. If Zhang Chen wants the immortality medicine, wouldn’t that cut off this little brother’s way of life?

And listening to this little brother, he is also responsible for saving the world.

“No, I want King Qin to take a bone mirror!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and stared at Zhang Qiling. Before seeing Zhang Qiling, he secretly decided that he would no longer be controlled by him, but he didn’t expect that the situation forced him to go with him.

However, Zhang Chen’s personality is not a soft persimmon, but who are you, since he has contributed, it will naturally require a certain return, and King Qin’s bone mirror is the best report.

And he vaguely guessed that it is not that simple for this prince to take a bone mirror!

Zhang Qiling said that he needed immortality medicine to prolong his life. Although he didn’t mention the King Qin’s bone mirror, Zhang Chen understood that Zhang Qiling should also want to get the Prince’s bone mirror!

Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, Zhang Qiling’s eyes immediately showed hesitation.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Zhang Qiling’s eyes flashed a hint of decisiveness: “Yes, but I hope you don’t regret it!”

“Hehe, don’t worry, I won’t regret it!”

Zhang Chen sneered, as if he didn’t care about the warning in Zhang Qiling’s words!

“Then let’s start…”

Zhang Qiling glanced at everyone and motioned them to step back!

Everyone understood that they could not participate in such a level of coffin opening, so they hurriedly retreated to a relatively safe corner, and looked at Zhang Qiling and Zhang Chen’s back 490 shadows anxiously!

Zhang Chen’s expression slowly became cold, the blue electric arc was beating on his skin, and a holy aura slowly thickened!

A huge thunder unicorn phantom appeared on his shoulder!

He looked at the remaining six black coffins, and said solemnly: “Yin declines and Yang is prosperous, and if five days are broken, a fierce spirit will appear. If you kill the wolf, you will die. The three formations will open, and Ziwei will appear holy!”

“When the sun is up, the sun is down!”

“Open the seven coffins and break three arrays, Ziwei manifests, I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to work together!””It’s luck!”

His voice was like thunder, and just after his voice fell, his palm covered with thunder light suddenly slapped on one of the black coffins, and said in his mouth: “First break for five days, then move to kill the wolf!”

The sound of thunder light bursting sounded in the air, and I saw the thunder light in Zhang Chen’s palm wrapping the black coffin, as if touching some kind of mechanism, the huge black coffin shook slightly.

A pungent smell evaporated from the coffin!

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Qiling’s eyes, as if he didn’t expect that Zhang Chen’s understanding of Ziwei Xingdou was so deep!

His dark eyes twitched slightly, and he murmured, “Perhaps you are more suitable than me to have a mirror of King Qin’s bones…”.

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