Chapter 222 The dying person! Wake up! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone listened carefully, but suddenly found that Zhang Chen didn’t say anything, and his eyes kept staring at the seven black coffins.

Having followed Zhang Chen for such a long time, they are very satisfied with Zhang Chen’s personality.

Generally, when Zhang Chen is in this situation, he probably found something!

“Did you see any clues?”

Huang Lei waited for a while, and when he saw Zhang Chen’s expression softened a little, he asked tentatively.


Zhang Chen nodded, raised his eyes and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the seven coffins!

His expression became weird, and he looked at everyone with a very solemn expression and said, “These seven coffins are probably the mechanism set up by Xu Fu!”

“The secret of King Qin’s bone mirror may lie in these seven coffins!”


“Then is Xu Fu dead or not?”

Huang Bo suddenly said in surprise, staring at Zhang Chen with astonished eyes. As soon as Kai came in, he felt very strange when he saw the coffin inside!Now that I heard Zhang Chen say this, I felt even more wrong. Playing on the coffin should only be done after the owner of the tomb died!

If this Xu Fu is really immortal and lives on a floating island in the sea, why did he forge 050 seven coffins?

Obviously this is not normal!

Huang Bo’s question seems to resonate with everyone’s thoughts. They almost believed the information on the mural just now, but seeing so many coffins, the question about whether Xu Fu is dead or not appeared again!

“Maybe dead!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and said, this Ziwei Xingdou is very promising, just like the seven-star doubt coffin, its function is to make the deceased immortal after death!

Because of the yin qi, not only is it not good for the living, but it can make people die quickly after a long time.

If Xu Fu has the body of immortality, then he should not get the crape myrtle star in his palace!

The only thing he couldn’t understand was that if Xu Fu was torn apart, why would the mural in the passage reveal that Xu Fu was alive?

Zhang Chen can’t figure it out!

“By the way, is there any immortality medicine left by Xu Fu here?”

Sun Honglei heard Zhang Chen’s ambiguity (cbbh), and felt a little disappointed. He looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said in surprise.

The air suddenly became silent!

Everyone looked at Sun Honglei in surprise!

King Qin’s bone mirror may be a treasure for them, but it is unlikely to make them tempted, but the immortality medicine makes their hearts a little restless.

After all, for anyone, immortality is a far-fetched wish!

What’s more, they are the stars at the top of the society, with glory!


Huang Bo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and that voice showed his desire for the immortal medicine. In order to hide it, he smiled a little embarrassingly at everyone.

“This Hong Leijing is talking nonsense, if there really is an immortality medicine, why is Xu Fu making so many coffins here!”

In order to hide his embarrassment, Huang Bo said casually, but as soon as the words fell, he was stunned, and he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. That’s true, if there was an immortality medicine, then Xu Fu would definitely be alive!

They discussed just now that Xu Fu may have died, so he created so many coffins in the underground palace!

A slight sigh sounded in the air.

However, Zhang Chen doesn’t care. His unicorn bloodline has reached the advanced level, and he already has the body of immortality. Even if there is an immortality medicine, it is useless to him!


Just when the atmosphere seemed a little dull, a muffled sound suddenly sounded above the towering dome of the underground palace, everyone was smart, and all the hairs on their bodies stood up.

This is the underground palace for thousands of years, and any disturbance may be a fatal crisis.

Although everyone was very alert, they heard a voice on their foreheads before they raised their heads.

“Xu Fu is dead! But the immortality medicine is still there!”

That voice was very familiar.

Everyone looked surprised!

I saw a black mass suddenly hit the ground like a cannonball!

The hard slate was smashed to pieces by that thing!

Then a familiar figure fell to the ground half-kneeling!

“Zhang Qi Ling?”

Zhang Chen’s eyes flickered with surprise, and he looked solemnly at Zhang Qiling, who was half-kneeling on the ground, only to see that he was still naked with the unicorn pattern on his body!

It’s just that the mighty unicorn exudes a strong sense of death!

It seems that this person is a dying person!

There is a button on his waist, as if he was scratched by the claws of a huge creature. The wound is pitch black, and drops of black blood flow out of the wound!

Everyone was frightened by Zhang Qiling’s appearance, and took a few steps back and did not dare to approach.

Zhang Chen’s expression was extremely dignified. There was a mass of black hair in front of Zhang Qiling. The hair was extremely lush and had a stench. I didn’t know what it was!

When Zhang Qiling heard Zhang Chen’s words, he slowly raised his head…

When Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling looked at each other, Zhang Chen’s heart suddenly tightened!

What kind of look is that!

It’s pitch black!

icy cold!

Be firm!

His originally handsome face is now covered with black lines, which is very similar to the previous battle with the black snake, but the color of the black lines is more intense!

Obviously, after entering the seabed, Zhang Qiling has undergone some unknowable changes!

“Help me find an immortal medicine…”

Suddenly Zhang Qiling suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of black. The black splashed onto the ground, even corroding the slate and making a hissing sound, and there were terrifying bubbles! .

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