Chapter 223 The ultimate behind the bronze door! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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His voice was jealous and wilted, with a strong sense of weakness in his voice!

After seeing Zhang Qiling’s miserable appearance, the guests behind him panicked!

In their impression, this little brother is no weaker than Zhang Chen’s existence, and he still vividly remembers the fact that he slashed the stone cliff with one stroke!

How could such a powerful person be so seriously injured here?

Zhang Chen frowned, and his eyes flashed with deep surprise. He didn’t expect Zhang Qiling to become like this. According to the information he currently has, Zhang Qiling probably came out from behind the bronze gate!

And because of entering the bronze door, the body has also undergone some changes!

It should be this change that made Zhang Qiling look like this!

After hearing Zhang Qiling say the word immortality medicine, Zhang Chen instantly understood that this guy came here not for King Qin to take a bone mirror, but for immortality medicine!

Is Xu Fu not dead?

Does the immortality drug really exist?

Zhang Chen suddenly felt that the fog seemed to be a little clearer.

He stepped forward and slowly stretched out his palm towards Zhang Qiling. At the same time, a golden flame lingered on Zhang Chen’s palm!

The flame is suspended in Zhang Qiling’s Tianling-cover!

Zhang Chen’s face became colder and colder. He looked at Zhang Qiling’s weak body and said slowly, “Why do you think I will save you?”

“Don’t forget, we are trapped here because of you!”


Everyone’s throats rolled at the same time, and they didn’t seem to expect that Zhang Chen would say such a thing. According to their habitual thinking, after all, the little brother experienced the disaster of the ghost hole with them, Zhang Chen should help.

But I didn’t expect Zhang Chen to want to kill the little brother!

Suddenly, they felt a little naive!

Zhang Qiling slowly raised his head, the black blood at the corner of his mouth was still flowing slowly, his dark eyes stared at Zhang Chen, his emotions were mixed.

“Because we are all the same kind of people!”

Zhang Qiling suddenly said, his eyes are very firm, and he doesn’t seem to be worried that Zhang Chen will do anything to him.

“You are too arrogant, as long as I want, this world can have nothing to do with me!”

Zhang Chen’s expression remained the same, but his tone was still cold.

“Although I can’t see through you completely, I think you should also want to know the ultimate secret behind the bronze door, right?”

Zhang Qiling continued to ask, even so, his eyes were still calm, and he seemed to be able to penetrate people’s hearts.

“I’ve already guessed half of it!”

Zhang Chen sneered, it is impossible to tempt him with the secret behind the bronze door!

“No! What you guessed was just a drop in the ocean!”

At this moment, Chana suddenly stood up slowly from the ground and looked at Zhang Chendao firmly.

“Channa? Why did you wake up?”

Huang Bo looked at Chana, who looked wrong, with confusion in his eyes. At this moment, he felt that Chana was a little strange.

“Why did you come out?”

Zhang Chen turned his head and frowned when he saw that the eyes on Chana’s brow disappeared.

“She’s right!”

“It won’t be long before the ultimate in the bronze gate will sweep the world!”

“You will be the bearer in this torrent!”

Zhang Qiling said.

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and slowly pressed his palm surrounded by golden flames on Zhang Qiling’s forehead!

The smell of burning in the air!

After a long time, Zhang Chen let go of his hand, the flame disappeared, the death energy on Zhang Qiling’s body weakened by a few points, and the black lines that filled his body also shrank to the position of his forehead!

“I can only save you for a while, but not for the rest of your life. Your body may not last long!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Zhang Qiling and sighed slightly.

“I know, so only the immortal medicine in this Ziweixing coffin can save me!”

Zhang Qiling said slightly, his expression was still flat, as if he had already seen through life and death.

“Wait, this little brother, are you saying that there is really an immortality medicine here?”

Sun Honglei’s eyes widened, he walked to Zhang Qiling’s side with a look of surprise, and said in surprise.

Zhang Qiling glanced at Sun Honglei, and then turned to Zhang Chen. It seemed that only Zhang Chen was qualified to talk to him.

Sun Honglei looked embarrassed, but he knew that this indifferent little brother was also a ruthless man, so he had to step aside.

“Does the immortality medicine work for you?”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling, but he didn’t finish his sentence. The implication was that the owner of the Qilin bloodline will have immortality after reaching the advanced level!

The mortal medicine of immortality, should have no effect!

Zhang Qiling immediately understood what Zhang Chen meant, and he said slightly: “In addition to immortality, the medicine of immortality can also make bones white! The anger in it can suppress the burst of death energy in my body!”

・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・・・・

“Since it can’t be completely cured, what’s the use of fighting for this short period of time?”

A little doubt flickered in Zhang Chen’s eyes. Zhang Qiling has a long lifespan, and he is not a person who is greedy for living. He is responsible for his life, but his broken body is obviously unable to support him for long!

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, a trace of pity appeared in the vigilant queen’s eyes, and then her eyes were instantly empty, and her body fell straight to the ground!

“It doesn’t work for me…”

Zhang Qiling whispered and looked at Zhang Chen, his dark pupils rarely showed a trace of emotional fluctuations: “Yes!”



Zhang Chen was stunned, his eyes flickering incredulously, his lips moved a few times, he just felt that there were countless questions in his mind that he wanted to ask clearly, but he couldn’t say it!

It seems the answer is obvious!

“Let’s find the undead medicine first, and we’ll talk about it later!”

Zhang Chen shook his head. He didn’t want to think about it any more. He asked himself that he didn’t have the kind of compassion to save the world, and the world didn’t have much sense of belonging to him. He only needed to accomplish his goal of becoming stronger!

“Well, you must have noticed that these seven coffins are actually not that simple! The elixir of death, Xu Fu’s body, and the Prince’s Bone Mirror are only in one of the coffins!”

“If you make a wrong sip, there will be danger!”

“I just misunderstood the clue, so I staggered this corpse ape coffin!”

Zhang Qiling pointed to the pile of hairs on the ground.

“It turns out that this hairy monster was in the coffin!”

Huang Bo scratched his head and said in surprise, looking at Zhang Qiling and Zhang Chen with uneasy expressions.

“Seven underground, seven on the ground, follow the Seven Stars Formation, but it implies the number of crape myrtle, can you identify which one is Xu Fu’s tomb?”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling.

“It’s not certain for the time being, and there is one more point. If the yin and yang of these fourteen coffins complement each other, the upper part is yang and the lower part is yin, and if one is staggered, then the strength of the monster in the corresponding mouth will be doubled!”

Zhang Qiling said solemnly.

“In that case, it’s not enough to take one bite at a time!”

Huang Lei listened for a long time, and finally heard a clue, he said solemnly. Spoon.

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