Chapter 221: Crape Myrtle Star Fight! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Am I right? There are actually seven coffins here?”

Huang Bo opened his mouth wide, his eyes flashing with a deep surprise.

“The other one is open. It’s very likely that the gloomy wind just now came from the thing in the coffin!”

Huang Lei frowned and stared at the empty black coffin.

“Why are Fat Di and the others lying here? What about little brother?”

Sun Honglei suddenly found that Fat Di and the others were lying in the corner, and his eyes suddenly flickered with intense tension. He stared at Fat Di and them, and even doubted whether they were still alive.

“You guys go and see Fat Di and the others!”

Zhang Chen frowned, glanced at everyone, and instructed.

“it is good!”

Huang Lei’s eyelids jumped suddenly, and there was a faint premonition that there were bound to be dangers ahead!

But at the same time!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

He also understands that at this moment, Fat Di and the others are at stake and cannot be delayed!

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, the fire unicorn suddenly floated on his body.Come out!

As soon as the golden flame appeared, it dispelled the darkness around him, and Zhang Chen walked towards the opened coffin with a solemn expression!

In order to prevent accidents, he must be 100% prepared!

Although it is very likely that the contents of the coffin were distracted by Zhang Qiling, no one can guarantee that there is nothing in that weird coffin!

He sees and listens in all directions, and any subtle anomaly cannot escape his range of feeling!

As he got closer to the coffin, the more he could feel the strong death energy in the coffin!

This can’t help but make his heart tense again, but he feels carefully and finds that although this dead energy is strong, it is slowly dissipating!

His nervous heart slackened slightly, it seems that the things in it should be gone!

When he approached, he stretched his head to look, and sure enough, the coffin was empty!

However, Zhang Chen’s eyes stayed on the bottom of the coffin!

Although there are no corpses in the coffin, the word Qisha is engraved in the center of the bottom of the coffin!

Zhang Chen was stunned!

Qisha is one of the fourteen main stars in the Ziwei Doushu in the ancient Book of Changes!

If each coffin here represents a main star, there should be fourteen coffins!

But now there are only seven!

He frowned and was full of puzzlement. He turned his head to look and saw that the positions of the seven coffins were indeed the stars of the Big Dipper!

The placement array of crape myrtle is not the same!

“Not dead, still breathing 〃〃!”

Just as he was thinking, Huang Bo’s slightly surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Zhang Chen turned his head and saw that everyone had already helped the four people lying on the ground up. Zhang Chen glanced at them and found that the four had just fainted.

It doesn’t seem to be a big deal!

He took a special look at the eyes between Chana’s eyebrows. When he saw that the lines on that eye were still there, Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed a little bit of doubt again!

As he expected, the Queen of Vigilance is hidden between Chana’s eyebrows. Once Chana’s life is in crisis, the safety of Queen Jingjue will also be threatened. At that moment, Queen Jingjue should occupy Chana’s body to fight against powerful enemies!

The eyes between Chana’s eyebrows should disappear!

But now it doesn’t look like that!

He was a little curious, what happened here before they came in?

Huang Bo and the others were pinching people and slapping their heads again. They used several methods, but they still couldn’t wake them up.

Zhang Chen also stepped forward to check to make sure that they were only in a coma!

But I don’t know why I can’t wake up, it’s like falling into a deep sleep!

“¨. Strange, could it be drugged? Why are they all like dead pigs?”

When Sun Honglei heard Lin Yu snoring, he felt a little depressed.

“Maybe it’s because the corpse gas here is too heavy, and they are weak, so…”

Zhang Chen sighed and said, I thought (Wang’s) wanted to ask a few people what happened before, but seeing a few people not awake, I couldn’t help feeling a little lost, but he stopped halfway, but suddenly stopped, his eyes were surprised Look at the seven coffins in front of you!

From his perspective, the seven coffins arranged according to the Big Dipper seem a little wrong!

The distance between the mouthless coffins seems a bit strange….

Visually, the distance that each coffin can only be seen is exactly the length of the previous coffin…

“Could it be that there is the same seven-star coffin below?”

A bold assumption suddenly popped up in Zhang Chen’s mind! .

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