Chapter 207 Golden Clams! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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The sea snake’s tail rolled with sea water, and its huge mouth was biting towards everyone!

Everyone suddenly came over, it turned out that it was not the old clam that moved, but the sea snake entrenched around the old clam that shook the old clam!

This sea snake has lived for at least hundreds of years!

It is rumored that there are beasts around the genius and treasure!

This sea snake looks like a guardianClams – beasts of treasures inside!

Everyone has seen the black snake not long ago, and seeing this huge sea snake, although a little shocked, but it is not shocking!


Sun Honglei’s mouth was bubbling, he didn’t know what he was talking about, but judging from his extremely fast speech rate, he should be scolding this sea snake!

I don’t know why, the sea snake only chose Zhang Chen among the crowd, and its huge mouth bit at Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen is no nonsense!

When the figure moved, it instantly shot to the abdomen of the sea snake!

Without any bells and whistles, a blood mist burst out in the turbid seawater!

The body of the sea snake is divided into two!

Half of the body instantly fell into the bottom of the sea!

Although everyone knew for a long time that the sea snake was about to die when it encountered Zhang Chen, they didn’t expect Zhang Chen to solve it so easily!

After a while, the turbid sea water slowly became clear.

Zhang Chen’s figure also appeared in front of everyone, and he pointed at the old clam to everyone.

Everyone turned their heads to look!

The line of sight is transparent to the sea!

Everyone saw the coral reef on the old clam shell and other sea creatures, which were so disturbed by the sea snake that it had already been cleaned up, revealing a huge body!

After seeing the shape of the old clam with their own eyes, everyone’s faces were all shocked!

They all underestimated the size of this old clam!

This is like a football field!

Even if it is said that this old clam has lived for thousands of years, some people believe it!

And the most weird thing is that although this old mussel is very old, the luster on the mussel shell is not lost to the old mussels around!

Not only is it bright and transparent, but it also has a hint of gold!

If you look at it from a distance, you will even think it is a gold treasure under the sea!

Just as everyone was shocked, the surrounding sea water surged again!

And although it is not as violent as the sea snake just now, it has a very wide range!


A series of bubbles appeared in Sun Honglei’s mouth again, but this time no one knew what he was talking about!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and looked at the old clam in surprise. He saw that Hu Juan showed a little gap in the gap of the clam shell, and a golden liquid spurted out from the gap of the old clam shell!

He instantly understood that the shock of the sea water was ejected from the old mussel!

Just why is the seawater in the old mussels golden?

Zhang Chen felt weird!

He didn’t move around, just stared at the old mussels, seeing that the old mussels were about to open their shells and bask in the beads!

As if he realized something, he suddenly felt a black shadow in the direction of the sea eye mouth on the right!

He turned his head to look and saw that the sea eyes had disappeared!

A volcano-shaped seamount appeared in his field of vision!

The old clam on the right happily stirs up the clam shell!

It seems to welcome the arrival of light!

The peaks of the seabed peaks are just the sea eyes. As the seawater poured in, the seabed peaks were lifted up and surfaced abruptly!

And what’s even more outrageous is that after Haiyan emerged from the sea, the entire mountain peak was still rising!

Zhang Chen’s pupils flickered, and he suddenly felt that the mystery of the sea bottom, which was full of fog, was suddenly solved!

He realized that the current position of the golden clams should be the boundary between the seamount and the water surface!

The old mussels near the sea eye will be dehydrated quickly because of the seamounts surfaced by the sun, and the fragile old mussels will die quickly!

The old mussels behind the dividing line are still buried under the dark sea water and can only receive a small amount of sunlight, so their growth is extremely slow!

Only the old mussels on the borderline can enjoy the sunshine without drying up, so they will live to this day!

This old mussel opened his mouth to bask in the beads, obviously feeling the appearance of the undersea peaks!

And this invertebrate creature has evolved instincts, which means that this submarine mountain will appear every once in a while!

They are lucky!

Just in time!

Or in other words, not luck but misfortune!

Because I met Zhang Qiling, a lawless guy!


Sun Honglei didn’t seem to have seen such a scene, his mouth was bubbling, his pupils were full of shock, he was dancing, not knowing what he was expressing to the crowd.

Where are Huang Bo and Huang Lei in the mood to watch Sun Honglei now!

Attention has long been attracted by the sudden appearance of the submarine mountain!

While they sighed at the wonder of nature, they were a little worried!

Fat Di and the others were sucked into the sea eye. Originally, they thought that the sea eye was a bottomless pit, maybe there was room for survival in it!

But now that Haiyan has become a mountain, isn’t Fat Di and the others buried in the bottom of the mountain?

The undersea mountain is rising fast!As Zhang Chen expected, when the sea water retreated to the side of the old clam, it stopped!

Everyone was originally at the bottom of the sea, but now they find that they are on a strange island full of underwater creatures!

The old mussels who kept stirring up the shells on the ground were excited to absorb the sunlight!

At the same time, the water in their bodies is slowly passing away!

If this small island doesn’t sink, their fate will be known!


“Get rich!”

Sun Honglei took off his scuba and shouted excitedly!

Sun Honglei, who went to the shore, is like a wild dog that has run away!

Looking at the countless pearls shimmering with silver light, the eyes are shining!

He excitedly rushed to an old mussel, grabbed the big pearl growing in the meat of the old mussel, and pulled it out desperately!

Although he is very fast and powerful, he ignores the muscle strength of a century-old mussel!


The frightened old clam quickly closed the clam shell!

That speed is like a high-pressure air pump!

・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・

Half of Sun Honglei’s body was suddenly stuck in it by the old clam!

Huang Lei and Huang Bo were shocked and looked at Sun Honglei in stunned eyes. Their faces turned pale immediately!

The strength of this old clam’s shell is probably not worse than that of an air pump, and the bones of a human being are afraid that it will be broken all at once!

Zhang Chen was also shocked, and looked at Hong Lei in surprise!

Everyone was stunned by this scene and forgot to come forward to rescue!

Or hovering in my mind, such a question, this guy won’t be caught by the old mussels, right?

After a few seconds!

Sun Honglei’s exposed legs suddenly swayed!

Sun Honglei’s sobbing voice came from inside the old clam: “Save me!”

“I’m going! Not dead?”

Huang Bo immediately uttered foul language, hurriedly picked up a stone from the ground, and rushed towards Sun Honglei!

Huang Lei also picked up a slightly larger piece, and swayed towards Sun Honglei with his stomach against it!

It looks like a big duck!

Seeing that Huang Bo smashed it several times, he didn’t smash the old clam shell open!

Huang Lei kicked Huang Bo away with his feet, and slammed the old clam shell with a big rock!


A muffled sound.

Fifty to sixty pounds of stone suddenly shattered!

But the old clam shell is safe and sound!

And it seems that the old clam shell is frightened, and it seems to be clamped tighter!

Sun Honglei kicked Huang Bo and Huang Lei with both legs!

The two were actually kicked to the ground by Sun Honglei!

Sun Honglei’s indistinct abuse came from inside the clam shell!

“I’m here to save you! I don’t know good people!”

Huang Bo got up and rubbed his buttocks and cursed.

At this time, Zhang Chen came over, looked down and found that the clam shell did not hold Sun Honglei!

Sun Honglei has a dagger hanging on his waist, which just caught the clam shell!

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he sighed that Sun Honglei was dead!

Huang Bo lowered his head and saw the dagger, and scolded, “Shit luck!”

Huang Lei showed a wry smile. He was worried about Hong Lei just now. Now, it seems that this worry is unnecessary!

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly and stretched out his hand to open the clam shell!

It’s like flipping a book at a glance!

Sun Honglei’s head was stuck in the middle of the clam shell and the clam meat, the clam shell opened, and then he rolled out of it, clutching his neck and gasping for breath!

“Almost… suffocated me…”

He was lying on the ground with his back in all directions, the secretions of the old clam still seemed to be blocked in his throat, and he said vaguely.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei stared at the embarrassed Sun Honglei with half a smile on their waists, as if they were saying, they deserve it!

After spitting out the mucus in his mouth, Sun Honglei coughed violently while sitting on the ground. He stretched out his finger and pointed at the old clam just as he was about to curse, but his eyes suddenly froze.

Zhang Chen, who had been staring at Sun Honglei and wanted to see if he was okay, saw a little golden light in Sun Honglei’s eyes!

He turned his head suddenly!

Sure enough, I saw the golden light behind me!

A golden clam shell like a city wall appeared in front of him! Sichuan.

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