Chapter 208 Gold beads inside the mussel! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was stunned for a moment!

They are all staring at the golden old clam!

Just now, their attention was on Sun Honglei who was stuck by the old clam, and they didn’t pay attention to the golden old clam at all!

I don’t know what will happen after the shell is opened!

Sun Honglei also has no heartSi went to find the old clam for revenge, and stared at the golden old clam with squinted eyes in amazement!

Huang Lei and Huang Bo may also worry about what strange and strange things will come out of the old clams!

But in Sun Honglei’s eyes, there may be golden pearls hidden in this golden old mussel!

His eyes were shining, and he glanced at Zhang Chen secretly. When he found that Zhang Chen was not moving, his eyes couldn’t help showing a trace of disappointment.

The huge shell of the golden old mussel was completely opened, covering the sky and the sun, blocking everyone’s sight!

I saw the shells fanning, as if they were absorbing sunlight happily!

Zhang Chen looked at it for a while and didn’t see anything weird with “Two Six Seven”, so he wanted to take everyone to the top of the float to see!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

There is the original sea eye, there should be a cave into the ground!

Although he didn’t want to follow Zhang Qiling to enter below, but helplessly Lin Yu, Fat Di and others were already in it!

Zhang Chen is not a cold-blooded animal, so naturally it is impossible to sit idly by!

And he faintly felt that Zhang Qiling might have come here to find some kind of treasure!

And the use of this baby is likely to be related to the secret under the bronze door!

Everyone nodded to everyone and beckoned to go to the top of the mountain to see!

Huang Bo and Huang Lei naturally have no opinion!

But Sun Honglei seems a little reluctant, it’s just three votes to one vote, he has no choice, not to mention Zhang Chen has the right to deny!

However, although Sun Honglei and the others walked towards the top of the island, it was true that the two films turned back!

Zhang Chen knew that Sun Honglei was coveting the baby among the golden old mussels!

However, he didn’t care about it. In his opinion, since the old clam can live for thousands of years, he naturally has the ability to exist, so it’s better not to provoke it.

However, he somewhat underestimated Sun Honglei’s desire for the golden old mussel treasure!

I saw that after a few steps, Sun Honglei stopped!

Seeing this, Huang Lei and Huang Bo immediately frowned, and their expressions suddenly became serious. If it was normal, Sun Honglei would have done something out of the ordinary!

But now this time is obviously inappropriate!

And they also noticed that Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with displeasure!

Just when they were about to get angry, Sun Honglei suddenly spoke first!

I saw him staring blankly in the direction of the golden old clam, and muttered: “It seems that there are really golden pearls in it?”

Huang Lei, who was just about to get angry, heard Hong Lei’s goodness, and turned his head, staring at the direction of the golden old clam, his solemn expression suddenly stretched, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“It’s really a golden pearl!”

“I’m going! Such a big one!”

Huang Bo also said with a face full of surprise.

Zhang Chen turned his head to look, and sure enough, not far away, among the golden shells, there was an oval pearl the size of a coffin!

If the huge pearl weighs at least 500 kilograms!

That volume is almost as big as an old mussel in the water!

What’s even weirder is that this huge sea pearl is actually golden!

The golden sea beads were originally hidden in the meat of the old mussels. After the shells of the old mussels were opened, the golden sea beads were rolled out from the mussels!

And what’s even more strange is that after the golden sea beads were rolled out of the meat, they actually slowly separated from the mussel meat!

Zhang Chen’s eyes flickered with shock!

Everyone knows that pearls are formed from the secretions of old mussels!

If the pearl is separated from the mussel, it cannot continue to grow!

But at this moment, the strange golden sea beads in front of me are showing a posture of ripe melons and twigs!

Could it be that pearls still have a day of maturity?

Zhang Chen felt a huge sense of doubt in his heart!

And this golden sea pearl doesn’t know how long the old clam has been in the body, why did it mature at this time?

A bad premonition flooded Zhang Chen’s heart.

“I’m going! This old mussel is really mature. Could this Haizhu not be its son?”

Huang Bo looked at it for a long time and said in a daze.

“I think this old clam has turned into a fine!”

“Have you read the novel?”

“As long as the creatures become essence, they will grow something like an inner alchemy. I feel that the sea pearl is the inner alchemy of the old clam!”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

“Fictions are deceptive, you really read them as textbooks!”

“I think it is 80% that this pearl affects the growth of the old mussel, but it just falls off naturally!”

Huang Lei analyzed.

“Do not!”

Zhang Chen suddenly shook his head, staring at the golden sea pearl floating in the sea after breaking away from the old clam, and said, “Have you ever seen a sea pearl floating in the sea?”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, they saw the sea beads that rolled down from the old clam, floating on the sea, and still spinning slightly…

The density of sea beads is not known to be much larger than that of sea water. Normally, it is impossible to float at all!

But this sea pearl, butWeirdly floating on the sea!

“How is this going?”

Huang Bo looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“The interior of this sea pearl should be hollow!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment.

Huang Lei Wenyan suddenly showed a sudden color!


Sun Honglei scratched his head and looked like a scumbag: “It’s over, I’m afraid the hollow is worthless!”

Huang Bo glared at Sun Honglei and mocked: “You know the money, maybe it’s a big fermented zongzi!”

As soon as Huang Bo finished speaking, everyone’s expressions suddenly became tense!

Although Huang Bo just said it casually, mocking Hong Lei, but after thinking about it, it is really possible!

Otherwise, how could Haoduan Haizhu float on the sea!

And the shape of this sea pearl is oval, a bit like a coffin shape!

It can completely hold a person!

With the silence of everyone, the sea beads actually rolled strangely on the sea!

There are bubbles constantly emerging around the golden sea beads!

Everyone was shocked to see it!

It feels like this golden sea pearl is like a man-made engine with its own motor that can propel it forward!

But if you look closely, it doesn’t seem to be the case! 0.2

The surrounding sea water kept rolling, and fine bubbles kept gushing out!

“Damn it! Is it all leaking?”

“Jinyu is ruined on the outside, it’s really bubbles inside!”

Huang Bo was surprised and said that he could clearly see that the golden sea beads were spraying gas towards the sea water, which caused the sea beads to rotate automatically, and it looked like a motor was installed!

Zhang Chen’s eyes were slightly startled, as he had guessed, there is really gas in it!

And that gas is fucking golden!

Just before Huang Bo’s voice fell, the golden sea beads suddenly made a muffled sound, and then suddenly exploded!

Thousands of golden lights shot out from the sea beads!

Everyone was horrified!

With his mouth open, he stared at the scene in front of him stunned!

Sun Honglei muttered to himself: “Is this motherfucker Nezha born?”.

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