Chapter 206 Deep Sea Serpent! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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But at this moment, Zhang Chen thinks it’s better not to go in. If the bottom of the sea is really bulging upwards, it won’t be long before the bottom of the sea will emerge from the water!

They are safe too!

He resisted the power of the sea water with his limbs, quickly swam to the crowd, and then pulled everyone out of the surging sea water!

However, this is the case, Lin Yu and Yaya and other three girls have disappeared!


Sun Honglei spat out a few bubbles and danced at the center of the sea eye, as if to express that a few of them had been sucked in by the sea eye!

The faces of Huang Bo and Huang Lei suddenly became difficult to look at!

Being sucked in by the sea eye is afraid of nine deaths!

However, Zhang Chen waved his hand to signal everyone not to stay here. He pointed to the silver light on the seabed and swam his limbs towards the seabed!

Just now, Zhang Chen has already explored the surrounding area, but Zhang Qiling was not seen here!

He guessed that Zhang Qiling probably entered the sea eye!

Although he is reluctant to go down for the time being, it is undeniable that there should be room for survival in Haiyan, otherwise Zhang Qiling will not force everyone to go down!

Sun Honglei, Huang Lei, Huang Bo and Zhang Chen swim towards the bottom of the sea!

He didn’t notice that the bottom of the sea was rising, but he just thought that something that wanted to shine like a giant light bulb was a bit magical!

After diving to a certain depth, everyone could see clearly that these lights were all giant pearls!

And there are so many!

The whole sea area is full of scenes of old clams opening their mouths!

Everyone was horrified!

Is this the legendary old clam Yingyue?

Although the sea surface is covered with black sea water, the pearls in the mouth of the old mussel are extremely shining!

The old clam shell, the size of a car hood, swayed slightly, as if absorbing the only light left in the sea!


Sun Honglei pointed at the old clam and danced with excitement, as if he wanted to say that they had made a fortune!

Huang Lei was speechless for a while, Sun Honglei was still thinking about the value of these pearls at the juncture of life and death!

However, he must also admit that these pearls, which are the size of an adult fist, are indeed invaluable!

Although Sun Honglei was full of excitement, he did not rashly touch these old mussels!

Maybe they have followed Zhang Chen for a long time. They have developed a certain tacit understanding. Before Zhang Chen moves, it is best to stay honest, otherwise only yourself will suffer!

Zhang Chen glanced at it a few times, although a little surprise flashed in his eyes, but he did not put the precious pearls in his eyes. In his opinion, the treasures in the dangerous tombs are not treasures!

It’s a ticking time bomb that will explode when you touch it!

The lines on this old mussel are so dense that they can’t be seen clearly. I don’t know that they have lived for hundreds of years!

The fist-sized pearls inside only take a hundred years to grow, and they are so well-preserved for such a long time. To say that these old mussels do not have enough defense means, then the devil will believe it!

He searched for a circle, and suddenly looked at the center of the old clam group!

I saw a closed old clam there!

What surprised Zhang Chen was that this old clam was especially huge!

Almost as long as a small airplane wing!

Zhang Chen waved to the crowd and pointed at the huge old clam, motioning them to follow him to take a look!

Although the water here is very clear and illuminated by the pearls in the old mussels, it is still difficult for everyone to see it.A scene from a hundred meters away!

Seeing Zhang Chen swimming towards the distance, everyone followed curiously.

Soon, after getting close to the old clam, Zhang Chen stopped!

Only then did Sun Honglei see that there was a huge old clam buried in the coral reef below them!

The old clam was unbelievably big, and he swore that he had never seen such a huge old clam in his life, and the exposed part of the clam shell was more than ten meters long!

If the part buried in the coral reef is also exposed, I really don’t know how big it will be!

The faces of Huang Lei and Huang Bo also flashed the same shocking color!

Everyone noticed that there are many coral reefs growing on the shell of the old clam. If the huge and hard shell is rock-like, the age on the shell of the old clam has long been covered by various sea creatures!

It is impossible to know the age of the old clam from the growth rings of the clam shell!

However, everyone estimated that maybe the age of this old clam should be more than 800 years, otherwise it would be impossible to grow such a huge body!


Sun Honglei’s face was red, excitedly pointing at the (cbbf) old river mussels, and at the pearls in the smaller old mussels next to him!

And imitated a huge gesture in front of everyone!

Huang Lei Yaoyao made a gesture of wiping his neck!

Huang Bo’s feet were also attached to Sun Honglei’s face!

Everyone understands the meaning of this product!

If there are pearls in this old mussel, I am afraid it must be the size of a coffin!

Zhang Chen hung above the old clam, looked around, and found that it was about a hundred meters away from the sea eye!

Looking at the sea eye from here, you can clearly see that the water level of the sea eye is dropping!

He looked to the other side again and found that the old clam in the distance was even much smaller than the one near the sea eye!

He frowned in thought!

It’s definitely no accident that this old clam grows so huge!

The black coffin on the water can prove that there were murlocs here a long time ago!

After they died, they used the shells of old mussels to make coffins, indicating that they probably lived by picking mussels!

Although the old mussels here are huge, they are dead after all. Although the murlocs do not have the IQ of humans, their intelligence level must be far higher than that of ordinary mammals!

Generations of reproduction, they must have a way to deal with the old mussels!

These old mussels should have grown up after the murlocs perished!

But what Zhang Chen couldn’t figure out was why he left an old mussel to survive until now?

And there is another point, why is the size of the old clam near the sea eye so much larger than that of the old clam on the other side!

And it’s still based on the biggest old mussel as the dividing point?


Just as Zhang Chen was thinking about it, Sun Honglei suddenly pulled his arm and cooed. His eyes were wide open as if he had seen something extremely terrifying!

Zhang Chen looked in the direction of Sun Honglei’s finger!

But I saw that the biggest old clam suddenly moved!

Coral reefs growing in old clam shells are broken inch by inch!

The turbid impurities suddenly rise!

The clear vision suddenly became blurred!

Zhang Chen had a bad premonition in his heart. The biological environment on this old clam proved that it may not have been touched for decades!

So it is absolutely impossible to move for no reason!

He motioned everyone to go upstream, and their faces would be hurt by the danger!

But just as he made a move, he suddenly felt the surrounding sea water tumbling, and impurities like dust spewed out again!

In the blurred vision, a black thing the thickness of a water tank appeared under the shell of the old clam!

That thing was pitch-black all over, and under the reflection of the surrounding silver light, it flickered with black light!

And after the thing came out of the old clam, it went straight to the crowd!

It wasn’t until he got close that Zhang Chen realized that this was a huge sea snake!

Although compared with the black snake in the ghost cave, this sea snake is like a doll, but its size has also reached an astonishing 30 meters!

The huge mouth is open enough to be the size of an excavator’s digging claw!

Don’t say it’s human!

Even swallowing a buffalo is no problem! .

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