Chapter 192: Awakened and injured! Team up with the Queen! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, staring at the horns on the huge snake’s head in a stunned manner!

My heart is overturned!

“First born with double horns!”

“Is this black snake going to evolve into a dragon?”

He said in horror,

And not only that, he also saw the strange man standing on the head of the black snake suddenly froze, and he seemed to be surprised by the abnormality of the black snake’s body!

Queen Jing Jue looked at the black snake that was transforming in horror, and her eyes slowly condensed with a cold color!

It seems that this black snake is the enemy of their ghost cave tribe for generations!

“Is there a way to stop it?”

Zhang Chen noticed the change in Queen Jingjue’s eyes, and guessed that Queen Jingjue and ~ Wu Snake were not going to deal with it.

Huang Lei and others were already stunned by the black snake’s mutation, and they didn’t react until Zhang Chen’s voice sounded, and looked at Queen Jingjue expectantly!

But at the same time, their hearts were still full of anger and wonder, how could the Queen Jing Jue, who was going to kill them all just now, still fight side by side with them – can’t it?

After hearing Zhang Chen’s words, Queen Jing Jue suddenly turned her head to look at Zhang Chen, her domineering and indifferent eyes flashed a little coldly!

“Don’t think that I can let you go!”

“After killing this bug, I will still kill you!”

Queen Jing Jue stared at Zhang Chen and said coldly.

Zhang Chen’s mouth evoked a strange smile: “If you want to die in front of the black snake, you can also refuse me!”


When everyone heard Zhang Chen’s words threatening Queen Jingjue, their throats rolled, and they looked at Zhang Chen with pity on their faces. The words of Queen Jingjue were obviously to find a way for themselves to go down!

Why doesn’t Zhang Chen give any face to the Queen of the Elite!

Sure enough, Queen Jingjue’s face suddenly turned pale, staring at Zhang Chen with an incredible look, the hot air seemed to be a little colder because of Queen Jingjue’s aura.

Huang Lei shivered and secretly saidNow that the black snake has not been resolved, if they fight again, it will be really troublesome!

He moved his lips a few times, wanting to be a gentleman, but when he realized that the words came to his lips, there was a feeling of soft words in his heart!

One is the Queen of Essence, the king of the underground world!

Just because of the Queen’s personality, as long as he speaks, no matter how polite he is, I am afraid that he will end up the same as Sun Honglei!

“Do you really think you can’t kill you?”

Queen Jing Jue slowly got up, her black hair rose without wind, and she exuded an aura of contempt for the world!

“I don’t think it’s yours, it’s really not good!”

Although Zhang Chen had a smile on his face, there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, and the phantom of the fire unicorn on his body appeared faintly!

“I’ll go, don’t!”

Huang Bo is anxious, the black snake behind him is transforming, and it seems that the power of the geek alone can no longer suppress the black snake!

Seeing how it looks now, Zhang Chen and Queen Jing Jue are going to start working first!

“Zhang Chen, beat her up!”

Sun Honglei seems to still remember that Queen Jingjue slapped him a few times before, and he gritted his teeth when he saw that Zhang Chen was going to fight with Queen Jingjue.


Queen Jing Jue waved her hand, and a crisp sound sounded again!

Sun Honglei’s body flipped a few somersaults in the air and instantly flew several meters away!

Seeing Sun Honglei’s miserable appearance, Huang Lei secretly sighed that this guy really doesn’t have a long memory!

“My people are not something you can mess around with!”

“Sword come!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes showed a thick cold color, he opened his big hand, grabbed it in the void, and said suddenly.

Queen Jingjue seemed to feel the terrifying aura of Zhang Chen, and her arrogant eyes were a little shocking!


At the moment when the war was about to break out, a loud noise that shattered the eardrum suddenly sounded!

The altar under everyone’s feet shook violently!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed slightly, he turned his head coldly, but saw a black dragon with double horns appearing in the air!

The chain on the black dragon’s body has long been broken, and the huge body suddenly swayed!

The black figure standing on Jiaolong’s head actually shot towards the altar under this force!


The phantom of the fire unicorn suddenly appeared on Zhang Chen’s body. He gave Queen Jingjue a fierce look and said, “This is all thanks to you. When I finish cleaning up this guy, I will sacrifice you to the sky!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen stepped on the altar, his body like a shooting star, shooting into the air!

The Queen Jingjue was slightly absent-minded, and there was a hint of struggle in her domineering eyes!

Zhang Chen, who jumped into the air, dragged the strange man’s body with one hand, but saw that the strange man was wearing a bronze mask, with a bloodstain overflowing from his chin!

Zhang Chen was full of shock, after this black snake transformed into a dragon, it was actually difficult for even this strange person to deal with!

“Take it seven inches and take out the holy bead!”

The strange man’s narrow eyes stared at Zhang Chen and suddenly said, a jet-black ancient sword fell into Zhang Chen’s hands.

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・

“then you..”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he suddenly felt a force on his back, and the eccentric crashed onto the altar!

Zhang Chen’s heart sank again, he caught the monster’s last push, the speed of his body increased rapidly again, and the black gold ancient knife ignited a golden flame again, rushing straight to the dragon seven inches!

Everything is in the blink of an eye!

But the Jiaolong reacted faster, seeing Zhang Chen holding a black gold ancient saber flying towards his abdomen!

Suddenly twisted the body suddenly!

A golden giant claw appeared on the belly of the dragon!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed greatly, this thing even grew out its limbs!

As soon as the golden giant claw appeared, it suddenly grabbed Zhang Chen!

The seven-inch abdomen was blocked by the golden giant claws!


Critical moment!

Zhang Chen hugged the black gold ancient saber with both hands, and suddenly swung toward the golden giant claw!


A sound of gold and iron colliding sounded!

Zhang Chen only felt a huge force coming!

The tiger’s mouth is numb!

And the huge force and deafening sound made him slightly faint!

Just in a moment of loss, I saw the black gold ancient knife in my hand snapped!

The golden giant claws slammed down on his head!

His pupils dilated, and in an instant he felt the threat of death!



The rapid sound of the system resounded in his mind!

It was just a fight, and his system was beaten by this Jiaolong!

Since entering this world, it was the first time he felt danger in the true sense!

As long as the huge golden claws above his head touch hisHead, his body will definitely be crushed!

All kinds of past lives appeared in his mind like a slideshow!

“Is it really going to die…”

His heart was full of unwillingness, but it seemed to be of no avail!

The huge golden claws like the arm of a crane slowly fell!

But at this critical moment!

He suddenly heard the domineering voice of Queen Jingjue from below: “Beast, kill you today to sacrifice the spirit of my ghost cave!”

Zhang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, only to see a huge pit suddenly appear in the belly of Jiaolong in front of him!

The invisible giant force forcibly blasted Jiaolong’s body back several meters!

The golden raised claws are also empty at this moment! Down.

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