Chapter 193 Black Unicorn! All hell! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s body suddenly fell!

In a trance, he saw that Queen Jing Jue’s complexion was a little pale, and it seemed that the blow from the void just now took a huge toll on her!

He turned his head to look at the black snake that had transformed into a dragon, and saw that its wounded abdomen was restored to its original shape again, and the scarlet eyes once again showed a strong sense of rage!

It seems that the attack of the Queen of Essence just now did not cause damage to it!

Zhang Chen suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, the black snake that evolved into a dragon is really too powerful!

Myself, the queen of the quintessence, the eccentric!

Everyone is injured at the moment!

He rolled his body violently, barely landing on the altar!

“Zhang Chen, are you alright?”

Everyone immediately gathered around, and they also saw the scene just now, and they really sweated for Zhang Chen in their hearts!

Zhang Chen escaped from death, and they are also grateful for Zhang Chen!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, just shook his head with a dignified expression, if he couldn’t find a way to kill this black snake, everyone, including the eccentric and the elite “Three Six Seven” queen, would die here!

A momentary fluke is of no use at all!

However, he still looked back at Queen Jing Jue gratefully!

But Queen Jing Jue still seemed to be very arrogant, she snorted and turned her head, staring coldly at the black snake!

“Don’t be brave!”

“If you don’t want Ghost Cave to be swept away by this guy, tell everything you know!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

When Queen Jingjue heard the words, a hint of struggle flashed in her proud eyes. After a few seconds, she suddenly stared at Zhang Chen and the strange man with a bronze mask sitting cross-legged.

“Don’t think I don’t know, both of you are playing the idea of ​​holy beads like that beast!”

“Is there any difference between helping you and helping it?”

Although Queen Jingjue’s voice is still cold and domineering, it is a bit weaker than before.

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly, but did not get angry. After all, it was Queen Jingjue who saved him just now, and he also understood the personality of Queen Jingjue!

“If you don’t say it, you will die!”

Suddenly, the masked monster who had been sitting cross-legged suddenly said.

His voice was like that of a young man, but with a strong sense of coldness.

Everyone was astonished, and seemed to think that this weirdo had such a weird temper!

Zhang Chen frowned. He knew Queen Jingjue’s personality. Threats would not only be useless, but would arouse Queen Jingjue’s hostility!

Sure enough, Queen Jing Jue stared angrily at the bronze mask monster!

“You are courting death!”

The voice of Queen Jing Jue seems to come from the gap between her teeth, and it is cold and infiltrating!

But the bronze mask geek looked as usual, as if he had expected Queen Jingjue’s reaction, he stared at Queen Jingjue and suddenly took off the bronze mask!

Show off a handsome face!

Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw the strange bronze face, that face was Zhang Qiling, that’s right!

What only surprised him even more was that Zhang Qiling had a strangely shaped black pattern on his right forehead!

The lines seem to extend from the scalp, almost covering half of his face!

Although Zhang Chen couldn’t see what the weird lines were, but it gave a very weird feeling!

Unexpectedly, after seeing the strange lines on Zhang Qiling’s face, Queen Jing Jue’s expression changed drastically!

She stared blankly at Zhang Qiling and murmured, “Where have you been?”

Zhang Qiling didn’t answer, just quickly put the bronze mask on his face, and said again: “Can you say it?”


Queen Jing Jue nodded slightly.

Seeing the bizarre conversation between the two, Zhang Chen’s heart turned upside down. He could probably guess that Queen Jingjue said this place should be the Bronze Gate of Changbai Mountain.!

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why Queen Jingjue also knows about the Bronze Gate of Changbai Mountain, and is so afraid of Zhang Qiling who has entered the Bronze Gate!

Is there a secret about the dead world after the bronzes?

Huang Lei and others were even more at a loss, but although there were thousands of doubts in their hearts, they didn’t dare to speak. They just stood quietly and waited for everyone to think of a solution!

“This beast has already swallowed the holy bead, and it won’t help even if I tell you all its secrets!”

“If you let him find the beast, Chen Zhu, it is really possible to transform into a dragon!”

The Queen of Essence said proudly.

“Where are the dust beads?”

Zhang Qiling said eagerly.

Zhang Chen was also stunned, staring suspiciously at Queen Jing Jue.

“I know you want it, but you can’t know where the dust beads are until you get the holy beads!”

“The holy bead and the dust bead are originally the eyes of the black snake. They are a natural pair. They can only see each other and can sense each other!”

“Okay, I’ve said everything I need to say. If you want to know more, kill this beast first!”

Queen Jing Jue glanced at Zhang Qiling and Zhang Chendao.

However, everyone fell into silence for a while, killing the black snake that transformed into a dragon is easier said than done!

After a long time, Zhang Qiling suddenly got up and stared coldly at the hundreds of meters long black snake: “It seems that’s the only way…”

Hearing Zhang Qiling’s slightly sighing voice, Zhang Chen’s expression changed slightly, as if he had a premonition that Zhang Qiling was going to make a big move!

He stared fixedly at Zhang Qiling, only to see him take off his bronze mask again, and take off his dark robe in front of everyone!

Reveal the black unicorn tattoo on the back!

“Is this tattoo the same as Zhang Chen’s?”

Huang Lei looked surprised and looked at Zhang Chen puzzled. . .

Zhang Chen nodded slightly and did not explain much.

However, Zhang Chen saw a little difference from the unicorn tattoo on Zhang Qiling’s body. The color of the unicorn tattoo on his back is extremely deep!

And the whole body exudes death!

Not only does it not have the temperament of a holy beast, but it is like the master of hell demons!

Zhang Qiling bit his index finger, and black blood oozes out of his fingertip!

Everyone has ever seen that human blood is black, and he gasped instantly!

“It’s not Zongzi…”

Sun Honglei subconsciously exclaimed, but just halfway through his words, Huang Lei covered his mouth, for fear that this big mouth would anger the weirdo again!

And Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed thick shock after seeing Zhang Qiling’s black blood!

At this moment, he even began to doubt whether Zhang Qiling was already dead!

The black blood exudes an extremely strong death energy!

It’s hard to imagine how such blood could flow in a living person’s body!

Queen Jing Jue also stared at Zhang Qiling with wide eyes!

I saw Zhang Qiling tap lightly on the unicorn’s eyes and between his eyebrows with his fingers!

Like a mechanism that touches his body, the black lines on his body suddenly grow like wild grass!

He wrapped his whole body in just an instant!

Everyone’s faces were pale, and they looked at Zhang Qiling in horror, not knowing what he was going to do!

But what’s even weirder is that the insanely long lines don’t seem to be limited to his body, and they will extend to the entire altar between breaths!

0.1 and extended to the entire ghost cave at a very fast speed!

Zhang Chen’s face was horrified. He found that Zhang Qiling seemed to overdraw his body and used some kind of ghost technique with great side effects!

A complex color flashed in the eyes of Queen Jing Jue, she seemed to have both admiration and regret!

The black snake that transformed into a dragon seemed to be threatened, let out a roar, and desperately broke free from the abyss!

The entire altar shook violently under the twisting of the black snake.

But Zhang Qiling was even faster, and saw him half-kneeling on the ground, his palms covered with black lines lined up on the altar, and he said in his mouth: “Hell is here!”

“Myriad ghosts!”

With the sound of Zhang Qiling’s voice, the entire ghost cave space immediately sounded a tingling ghost howl!

Zhang Chen raised his eyes and saw that around the altar, the rock walls of the ghost cave, and those buildings that had long been petrified, there were stumbling dumplings everywhere! .

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