Chapter 191 Swallow the holy beads! Black snake into dragon! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Time seems to stand still!

At this moment, all eyes slowly converged on Chana, who was holding a stone bead with a face full of ecstasy!

For the first time, they felt that Chana, who got along day and night, was so unfamiliar!

The cowardly and delicate eyes are now full of greed and domineering!

“Is she really the quintessential queen…”

Fat Di’s beautiful eyes flickered, and the shocking pupils were in a trance. Along the way, she had long regarded Chana as a friend who accompanied her life and death, but Chana at this moment made her feel deeply strange and fearful!

That look still has a temperament, indeed only the elite queen can have it!

“Ha ha!”

A burst of wild laughter sounded, Chana held the blood-colored stone beads, and suddenly looked at everyone with a strange smile, her beautiful eyes were full of pride and disdain!

“I go!”

“I was cheated!”

Huang Bo slapped his forehead, beating his chest and feet with remorse, as if he didn’t see through the veil of Queen Jingjue’s disguise before he was annoyed!

“Be obedient, put your eyes down, we are still friends!”

Sun Honglei stared at Chana and approached slowly.

I saw that the smile on the corner of Chana’s mouth became even wider!

She waved her hand at will, Sun Honglei’s body seemed to be slapped by an invisible big hand, and his body flew out instantly!

Everyone’s complexion changed greatly, Chana is undoubtedly the Queen of Essence in disguise!

“I have to thank you!”

Queen Jing Jue restrained her smile, and suddenly stared at everyone with contempt for the world.

Huang Bo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, this Queen Jingjue seemed to be a little affectionate, and he said: “We also have no intention of disturbing, for the sake of our hardships, why don’t you use your eyes to send us out? Sample?”

Queen Jingjue’s expression has returned to being cold and domineering. She doesn’t seem to plan to talk to Huang Bo at all. She glanced at everyone and said, “Thank you for your stupidity!”

“Grandma’s, I know you’re not a good thing!”

Sun Honglei lying on the ground is difficultIt was difficult to stand up, clutching his chest and cursing with a pale face.

“Shut up, if you scold people for being too anxious, I’ll beat you!”

Huang Lei supported Sun Honglei and reprimanded in a low voice. He just scolded the black snake, but now he is the queen of finesse. Hong Lei’s cheap mouth is really hopeless.


With a crisp sound, Hong Lei suddenly tilted his head, covered his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, staring at Queen Jing Jue with resentment in his eyes, but he didn’t dare to make a sound.

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, then a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, this Hong Lei was just looking for a draw!

“There is no reason to go out when you enter the imaginary space!”

“That girl is my clan, don’t worry, I won’t let her die!”

“Since you are also that girl’s companions, then submit to me, and I will make you the people of my Ghost Cave clan!”

The domineering voice of Queen Jingjue sounded again. She seemed to be talking to everyone, but she was arrogant and didn’t seem to care whether everyone agreed or not!

“Is Chana dead?”

A little excited light flashed in Fat Di’s eyes, and he muttered in his mouth.

“I don’t believe it, Chana has been killed by you, you are a murderous zongzi!”

Yaya clenched her fists and shouted timidly.

Queen Jing Jue didn’t answer, she just grabbed at the void!

In the darkness, the sound of rock bursting suddenly sounded!

It seems that something (cbba) is breaking out of the wall!

Lin Yu turned on the flashlight and looked into the darkness with a terrified face, only to see a huge white rhizome appearing in the dark depths!

At the top of that stem is a bronze coffin!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank, and he recognized at a glance that this coffin was the mouth of the Queen Jingjue before!

The rhizomes are like obedient tentacles, from the darkness, put the coffin in front of everyone, and then quickly disappear into the darkness!

“It’s Chana!”

Huang Bo nervously took a closer look, and found that Chana, who was wearing a phoenix crown, was lying in the coffin with her eyes closed!

Fat Di Yaya and Lin Yuhuanglei hurriedly approached to check!

Sure enough, I saw Chana lying in it. Although her eyes were closed, her chest was slightly ups and downs. It was obvious that Queen Jing Jue did not lie to them!

Chana is still alive!

Zhang Chen glanced at Chana, then turned to Queen Jingjue again: “I’m sorry, we have to get out of here!”

“If you stop me, then I will only kill you!”


Everyone who was still excited heard Zhang Chen’s voice, and they were taken aback. They had just seen Queen Jingjue’s real method, and they were afraid that they would not have good fruit to anger Queen Jingjue.

Sure enough, Queen Jingjue’s arrogant head suddenly lowered, and her domineering and indifferent eyes stared at Zhang Chen coldly: “My Queen Jingjue is the master of the ghost cave!”

“I am the king here!”

“The only person who disobeys me is death!”

Everyone’s faces were pale, and they stared at Queen Jing Jue in horror!

I saw that with the voice of Queen Jingjue, a violent overcast wind suddenly blew in the huge abyss!

She held the blood-colored eyeball in her hand, and slowly rubbed one hand on the blood-colored eyeball, the blood-colored shell slowly fell off, and a golden light suddenly shot out from the eyeball!

Then another one!

The outer shell of the blood-colored eyeball soon fell off completely, turning into a brilliant golden bead, and slowly flew into the darkness!

Queen Jing Jue looked at the soaring beads reverently, and silently recited a gray incomprehensible incantation.

The darkness in the ghost cave was dispelled by golden light!

That bead is like the sun that illuminates the dark night!

Everyone looked around in shock!

Only then did they discover that the ghost cave was so huge that the altar under their feet didn’t even have one ten millionth of the ghost cave!

There are giant buildings everywhere on the rock wall!

Pavilions, palaces, streets!

All buildings for human needs are available!

“Is this where the ancestors of the Ghost Cave tribe lived?”

Lin Yu muttered to himself in shock.

“Holy Bead!”

“Please grant us the power to destroy all invaders!”

Queen Jing Jue suddenly knelt on the ground reverently after seeing the blood-colored eyeballs burst out with ten thousand rays of golden light, praying!

Zhang Chen’s complexion changed greatly. He suddenly realized that the bead, like the blood-colored eyeball, might not be the eyes of the exquisite queen, but the sun that illuminated the entire ghost cave tribe thousands of years ago and nourished their existence!

With the voice of Queen Jingjue, Zhang Chen could clearly feel a huge force condensing in the Holy Bead!

That power is extremely huge, and once it erupts, it is likely to destroy all life!

At the same time, the small bottle containing the golden liquid that the system gave him before suddenly seemed to be induced by some kind of induction, and it shook strangely in the system space!

He was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t have time to think about it, and there was a sound of shaking the mountain again under his feet!A giant python with huge black iron chains suddenly shot out from the deeper abyss!

The Queen Jing Jue, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised her head and looked at the huge black snake with a deep fear in her eyes!

Zhang Chen raised his eyes and saw that the black snake opened its huge mouth and rushed towards the holy bead!

A strong greed flashed through those scarlet eyes!

Zhang Chen’s heart sank, if Wu Snake got the Holy Orb, the consequences would be even more terrifying!

The phantom of the fire unicorn on his body reappeared, and he just wanted to fly to stop it, but he saw a dark figure standing on the head of the black snake!

The figure stood on the black snake’s head and suddenly chopped a foot. The black snake seemed to be unable to resist the man’s power, and the huge head sank slightly!

He was overjoyed, this weirdo is really strong!


A roar of eardrums sounded, and the black snake’s eyes became more bloody. It only had the Holy Bead in its eyes, and once again used all the strength of its entire body to rush towards the Holy Bead!

Zhang Chen fell into a brief hesitation, and the power of the Holy Orb exploded, it is very likely to destroy all life in the ghost cave!

But if the black snake is allowed to devour the holy bead, will the result be more terrifying?

But after hesitating for a moment, a firm look appeared in Zhang Chen’s eyes again!

Whether it’s the Queen of Essence or the Black Snake, it’s not a good thing!

Can kill one is one!


He roared at the black shadow on the black snake’s head, and with all his strength, he threw the black gold ancient knife surrounded by unicorn fire at the man!

The man stood on the head of the black snake, opened his palm, and firmly caught the black gold ancient sword!

Instantly turned three hundred and sixty degrees, holding the black gold ancient knife in both hands, and suddenly inserted it into the black snake’s head!

The huge body of the black snake suddenly stopped!

The black gold ancient knife has completely submerged into the head of the black snake!

The huge black scales are all shattered, and the aftermath of the power is still spreading on the black snake!


Sun Honglei murmured and stared at the man, his eyes full of admiration.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, and once again felt the sense of luck that they had the courage to escape from death!

But the only Zhang Chen opened his mouth slightly, a trace of panic appeared on his face…

I saw the huge tongue of the black snake, and suddenly rolled the holy bead into the mouth!

The golden light penetrated through the black snake’s body and slowly entered the black snake’s abdomen!

Under its broken scales, a thick golden light appeared strangely!

Two large buns slowly bulged on the huge head, like bamboo shoots emerging from the ground after rain, and horns with fine fluff are slowly emerging! .

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