Chapter 185 The Road to Spirituality! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Huang Bo was dumbfounded, only to see dense animal corpses in the darkness not far away!

He took a deep breath, his eyes full of surprise!

Sun Honglei also turned his head. When he saw the animal corpse like a mountain, he suddenly stared at the top and said:”It’s the entrance to the abyss just now!”

Lin Yu flashed a flashlight, and in addition to being shocked, there was a bit of curiosity in his eyes. He looked around at the corpse and muttered, “It seems that this place should be the root of the corpse-scented konjac king!”

“It’s a shame that mammals have become food for fungi…”

“It’s all the laws of nature, there’s nothing to feel sorry for, let’s find a way to get out!”

“As the saying goes, if you don’t die, you will have good luck. Let’s go through the nine-storey demon tower, enter this imaginary space, and meet the strange Queen of Essence, so we should be able to escape!”

Huang Lei Road.

“I don’t think it’s that simple. The weird guy jumped off the top and chopped off the rock, causing us to fall here. Now there’s no trace of it, maybe there’s something bad in there!”

Huang Bo recovered from the shock and looked at Huang Leidao.

“Hey! I get mad when I mention that kid, why do I think that guy is designing us?”

“Don’t let me meet him, if I do, he’ll break his leg!”

Sun Honglei rolled up his sleeves and said angrily.

Zhang Chen glanced at Sun Honglei, and suddenly said solemnly: “Keep your voice down, he may be nearby!”

Sun Honglei’s face froze, and then he was a little unconvinced: “What are you afraid of! I’m not the previous Wuxia Amon!”

Zhang Chen shook his head: “He only has one hand left to move, you are not his opponent!”

“Brother, can you not be so direct…”

Sun Honglei’s face was full of embarrassment, and he knew in his heart that even if his physical fitness was much stronger, he could not be the opponent of that weird person.

After all, that guy is a ruthless man with a knife and a cliff!

Huang Lei and others didn’t care about Hong Lei’s embarrassment, but paid attention to Zhang Chen’s words.

Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen in surprise: “That person is really here?”

Huang Bo and the others also stared at Zhang Chen in surprise. If that mysterious person was really here, it would be a little disturbing.

“should be!”

Zhang Chen nodded and continued: “I suspect now that he deliberately led us here!”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, everyone was silent for a moment, as if Zhang Chen’s words were difficult to digest.

“Why did he do this?”

“Want to harm us?”

After a long time, Huang Lei was a little unwilling to say, being stared at by such a powerful person, ordinary people will feel his powerlessness.

“It shouldn’t be!”

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Seeing this, Huang Lei breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it didn’t hurt them, but Zhang Chen didn’t wait for everyone to speak and continued, “Perhaps it’s more terrifying than hurting us!”

“My eldest brother, don’t give a shit, what is that guy trying to do?”

Sun Honglei has an anxious look on his face, listening to Zhang Chen’s words, that guy seems to be more terrifying than Zongzi!

“I don’t know either, maybe it’s clear when I meet him!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.


Everyone was a little speechless. After all, they still didn’t have any information about the mysterious man, but they were quite frightened.

“there is always a solution to a problem!”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s find a way to get out first!”

Huang Bo simply waved his hands.

Everyone nodded slightly, expressing their approval of Huang Bo’s statement.

“I feel gloomy here, let’s not stay here…”

Chana coughed a few times, her breath a little sluggish.


Zhang Chen nodded, looked around, pointed to the right direction and said, “The air temperature over there is higher than the surrounding area, go over there!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen walked towards the darkness. He has night vision, but in this weird darkness, the distance he can see is less than fifty meters!

Although the others are using strong flashlights, their line of sight is only a mere ten meters away!

With the deepening of the crowd, the temperature of the air is slowly rising!

At the end, I even had a faint feeling of burning my throat!

And Zhang Chen’s figure also stopped at this moment, he pointed to the faint red light that flickered in the dark and said: “There should be a crater in front!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looked carefully, and sure enough, they saw a fiery red.

“Is the exit of the imaginary space in the crater?”

Sun Honglei was a little surprised.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and their hearts were stunned, thinking that they are not really in the crater, right?

“¨.I don’t know!”

Zhang Chen shook his head.

“Then why are we going to the crater?”

“What should I do if the thing erupts?”

Huang Bo was a little worried.

Lin Yu covered her mouth and coughed a few times and said worriedly: “The air near the crater has high levels of harmful gases.Yes, it will be poisoned if you stay for a long time! ”

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, everyone subconsciously lifted the mask to look at the bridge of the nose, for fear of inhaling excessive poisonous gas.

“Go find that weirdo, he should have a way out!”

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone.

Everyone was stunned again. Since they came down, they haven’t seen the shadow of the strange person. How did Zhang Chen know that the strange person was in the crater?

Sun Honglei has the best eyesight. When he heard Zhang Chen’s words, he grabbed Lin Yu’s flashlight and shone it towards Hong Huhu’s distance, but the light only shot out a dozen meters before it was swallowed by the darkness.

Not to mention seeing a person clearly, he didn’t even see what the crater looked like (Zhao De’s)!

“Zhang Chen, you can’t make a mistake, can you?”

“Why can’t I see the figure?”

Sun Honglei looked back at Zhang Chen with some doubts and said coldly.


Huang Lei also looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

But Zhang Chen shook his head, pointed to the ground and said, “It told me!”

Everyone looked down in confusion, but suddenly gasped.

I saw a row of human footprints on the hard rock road!

And that footstep is embedded in the rock!

As if realizing something, Huang Lei suddenly flashed his flashlight towards him, and sure enough, he saw that the footprints extended from where they came from!

“Zhang Chen, are you really sure that guy is human or not?”

Huang Bo stared at Zhang Chen with wide eyes, how much strength can he use to leave footprints several centimeters deep on the hard rock! .

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